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08-09-2006, 11:37 AM
(I got this from another message board)

He is crying about not getting his picture with Kevin Smith!

Originally posted by nman316
An open letter to Kevin Smith

The Horrors Of A Red Bank Signing

I awoke at 7am to get ready for the day. My two friends meet at my house at 8:30 to begin our trip. We stop for breakfast around 9:30. A mere 3 and 1/2 hours later, we arrive in Leonardo to see the Quick Stop and RST. We take pictures and whatnot. We then leave for Red Banl and Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash. We drive past the Stash and see about 20 people in line. We are of course optimistic. Then when we park and we head over we find out exactly where the line is. We arrive at 1:50 PM and take ourplace in line in the parking lot behind the store. I've been to many signings before, and scope out the line. I'm figuring probably about 3 hours. Any of you who were there know how exactly wrong I was.

I believe it was about 2:45 PM when I actually got to see Kevin, but not in the way you think. I was standing in line at the point where the line was breaking to let people drive in and out of the lot. I had my back to Broad Street, so I didn't notice the vehicle barreling towards me. My friend tells me to watch out, and I move in time. I'm literally an inch away as the vehicle goes by. Low and behold, it is Kevin and Jen. They wave as they barely miss me. I was pretty excited to tell you about this Kev when I got inside to see you. So as the day moves along, the line at one point actually shows some promise in moving. We're not sure why because to all accounts no one was getting inside the store. It's hot, we're sweating, we're hungry, we're tired (we were so excited about this we probably had 4 hours of sleep between the 3 of us), and the line has grinded to a hault.

We've now made it as far as the parking lot by the Kitchen Gallery, and we set up camp there. Good thing, as we spend almost 2 hours in that one spot. I'm getting rather tired of the line not moving, so I take it upon myself to go around front and scope out the situation. I find out the store is locked for some reason, and that they're saying it should be about 20 minutes before it is opened again. At this point someone in line starts questioning the man at the door about the line. He says that he has worked signings before at the Stash and it's never taken this long. He also admits he can't understand why the line is moving so slow. I take this as a very bad sign. I go back to my spot.

My second trip to the door finds a police officer knocking on the door to find out what is going on. I can only imagine how his day was going. He is told that a man in a red shirt (maroon actually) was going to be cutting off the line. He of course mentions that there will be a lot of angry people. No one seems too extremely concerned over that besides the police officer. I return to the line to find Mike (maroon shirt) in the back cutting off the line. I'll skip telling you how rude I thought Mike was because I'm sure you'll hear that from others and he wasn't directly rude to me. I work in retail so I understand Mike's point, but he could have been a little nicer about the situation. I return to the Kitchen Gallery partking lot.

Let's fast forward to 7 PM. We have now been in line for 5 hours and 10 minutes. My friend who drove and had the least amount of sleep, is rather upset and says he is going to the car to sleep. 15 minutes later my other friend says he's going to the car and walks away. I am now left with the following choices:
1) Stay in line and hope to get in. At this point I have made it to Cradners Barber Shop and am nowhere near the front of the building. By all accounts it would have taken me until 11 PM to get to the building if the line moved at it's current rate. That is if they didn't stop signing at one point, which according to the man at the door they were going to do eventually.
2) Go back to the car and go home. We have work the next day, we're tired, we haven't eaten in around 10 hours, and it's been a long day.

I hate having waited that long for nothing, but I'm just so upset with the whole thing and thinking about the 3 1/2 hour drive ahead of me to get home I decide to leave. It of course was my own choice to leave, but considering the circumstances and my chances of actually making it, I don't think anyone would blame me for leaving.

I understand you are Kevin Smith. I understand you value your fans more than other directors/actors. But to have to wait in line some 9 hours for an autograph and a picture is just plain insane. I've been to other signings in longer lines and not waited that long. They kept telling us that you knew how long the line was, but it didn't really seem to matter. It just ddn't seem fair to me to drive all that way for nothing.

I don't like to complain, in fact I hate it. But for me to drive all that way and wait in line for an unbelievable amount of time and come up empty handed just doesn't seem right. I don't even care about the autograph. I bought your autograph on Clerks X from the Stash online. I wanted to meet you and get my picture taken with you. That was my whole reason for going. And you can be gracious about the whole thing and apologize to the fans, and even do something nice for the fans who didn't make it, but you can't make up for the fact that I didn't get to meet you. You come to New Jersey a couple of times a year if that, not to mention that the closest you ever get to me is over 3 hours away. I didn't even get to go in the store and shop. I went up with a bunch of people during store hours and was told we couldn't go in to shop. I'd really like a response from you on this, because I feel like I was ripped off. Everywhere in print this was advertised, you said every last fanboy would be satisfied. Well I'm here to tell you that I'm one of the last fanboys and I'm just not satisfied.


*edited to make it reader friendly for those of you that don't trust me! :D

08-09-2006, 11:38 AM
damn that's a lot of reading...I'll read it after lunch.

pero chato
08-09-2006, 11:45 AM
Remind me to really trust you next time.

08-09-2006, 11:56 AM
Which board is this from? Newsaskew or Viewaskew? I read that like 1000 people got turned away from the show in Red Bank last night. Should have got there earlier. :p

08-09-2006, 12:00 PM

08-09-2006, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Blastoderm55
Which board is this from? Newsaskew or Viewaskew? I read that like 1000 people got turned away from the show in Red Bank last night. Should have got there earlier. :p Viewaskew :D I don't think anyone was turned away. Kevin Smith was there until 4 a.m. signing crap for these fanatics!! :crazy: Check it out (http://blog.myspace.com/therealkevinsmith)

:clap: He is too funny

*Disclaimer the above link is not suitable for children! So click at your own risk

08-09-2006, 12:03 PM
I told my fiancee that I'd agree to her wish of a honeymoon in New York on grounds that we got to spend a day in Jersey visiting Quick Stop, R.S.T., and then make our way to Red Bank to visit Walt Flanagan at the Stash. :D

08-09-2006, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
Viewaskew :D I don't think anyone was turned away. Kevin Smith was there until 4 a.m. signing crap for these fanatics!! :crazy: Check it out (http://blog.myspace.com/therealkevinsmith)

:clap: He is too funny

*Disclaimer the above link is not suitable for children! So click at your own risk

Sorry, had it confused with the Clerks 2 viewing last night. As for the blog, you can also read them at silentbobspeaks.com. Have you read his series of stories about Mewes and his addiction?

08-09-2006, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Blastoderm55
I told my fiancee that I'd agree to her wish of a honeymoon in New York on grounds that we got to spend a day in Jersey visiting Quick Stop, R.S.T., and then make our way to Red Bank to visit Walt Flanagan at the Stash. :D :clap: :clap: I've been to NYC twice now and can't believe I never made the trip to Red Bank! :doh: When I go back to NYC I'll have to make it a point to go there!! Let me know if you get to go!!! :)

I've been to the silentbobspeaks.com site, but haven't really explored it much. :eek: But I will! :)