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06-27-2006, 07:46 AM
On This Day

This Day in History

1787: In Lausanne, Switzerland, Edward Gibbon completes the sixth and final volume of his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, one of the great works of history in the English language.

1844: American religious leader Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum, imprisoned in Illinois for treason and conspiracy, are taken from jail and killed by a mob.

1857: The Scientific American warns that whale oil, used for lighting, may soon run out due to overhunting.

1950: After the UN Security Council votes to repel the invasion of South Korea by North Korea, President Harry Truman orders U.S. forces into battle for South Korea.

Born on This Day

Charles Stewart Parnell, Irish nationalist (1846)

Helen Keller, author and lecturer (1880)

Ross Perot, businessman and politician (1930)

Lafcadio Hearn, writer (1850)

Paul Laurence Dunbar, poet (1872)

Isabelle Adjani, actor (1955)

06-27-2006, 08:13 AM
Ross Perot. Now that hes quiet its okay to like him.

06-27-2006, 08:39 AM
Today in Music

One day like today...

Texas trio ZZ Top earn their second gold record for their fourth album, "Fandango" which includes the Top 20 hit, "Tush."

Singer Lyle Lovett wed actress Julia Roberts in Marion, Indiana. Lovett's band performed "Angel Eyes" in honor of the bride. The two had met the previous year while filming Robert Altman's "The Player."

On the eve of a new American tour, John Entwistle, bass-player with The Who died in his sleep of a heart attack in his Las Vegas hotel room.