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06-26-2006, 10:47 AM
On This Day

This Day in History

1483: In a royal drama later told by Shakespeare, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, takes the crown of England as Richard III, following the death of King Edward IV and the imprisonment of the young Edward V.

1858: China and Britain sign the Treaty of Tianjin, bringing a temporary end to the Second Opium War.

1870: In Atlantic City, New Jersey, the world's first oceanside boardwalk is completed.

1894: Railroad workers led by Eugene V. Debs begin a national strike in sympathy with employees at the Pullman railcar company. Later, troops sent by President Grover Cleveland put a violent end to the strike.

1925: The Gold Rush, Charlie Chaplin's epic comedy set in Alaska, opens. A critical and popular success, it is immediately acclaimed as a landmark in film history.

1963: President John F. Kennedy is received enthusiastically by the residents of West Berlin, divided from the eastern half of the city by the Berlin Wall, when he tells them, "Ich bin ein Berliner."

Born on This Day

Greg LeMond, cyclist (1961)

Bernard Berenson, art critic (1865)

Lord Kelvin, mathematician and physicist (1824)

Pearl S. Buck, novelist (1892)

Diego Portales, Chilean statesman (1793)

Peter Lorre, actor (1904)

06-26-2006, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by BlueBlood
Greg LeMond, cyclist (1961)
interesting quarrel between Lemond and Armstrong