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06-23-2006, 08:09 AM
On This Day

This Day in History

1611: The mutinous crew of English explorer Henry Hudson, after a harsh winter with their ship frozen in Hudson Bay, puts Hudson and eight others adrift in a small boat. They are never seen again.
Learn more about Henry Hudson.

1845: The Congress of the Republic of Texas agrees to join the United States, following the wishes of the republic's leading figure, Sam Houston.
Learn more about Texas.

1848: During a year of revolution throughout Europe, French working-class radicals clash with government forces in the first of the June Days, in which thousands of workmen are killed.
Learn more about France.

1917: After Boston pitcher Babe Ruth is ejected for arguing the base on balls given to the first game's first batter, reliever Ernie Shore retires 27 straight men and is credited with a perfect game.
Learn more about Babe Ruth.

1947: Despite the veto of President Harry Truman, the U.S. Congress passes the Taft-Hartley Act, which significantly restricts the ability of labor unions to organize.
Learn more about the Taft-Hartley Act.

1961: The Antarctic Treaty (signed December 1, 1959) comes into effect. It pledges the 12 signatory nations to nonpolitical, scientific investigation of the continent and bars any military activity.
Learn more about Antarctica.

1994: The Nigerian military regime led by Sani Abacha arrests Moshood Abiola after he declares himself president of the country. Abiola was the apparent winner of the suspended presidential election in 1993.
Learn more about Sani Abacha.

Born on This Day

Giambattista Vico, philosopher of history (1668)

Alfred Kinsey, sex researcher (1894)

Anna Akhmatova, poet (1888)

Bob Fosse, choreographer and director (1927)

James Levine, conductor and pianist (1943)

Alan Turing, mathematician (1912)

Cameron Crazy
06-23-2006, 08:13 AM
lol this reminds me...
We have a coach at our school you can ask him what happened in history everyday and he can sit there and tell you its amazing...

06-23-2006, 08:17 AM
one of our fellow posters (tog) used to be a teacher at Caldwell High and could sit there and talk about this day in history stuff also.

06-23-2006, 08:21 AM
i wish i was as interested in history in high school and college as i am today. man, id ace those classes now

Cameron Crazy
06-23-2006, 08:29 AM
I wish i was now so i would ace those tests!:D

06-23-2006, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by Cameron Crazy
I wish i was now so i would ace those tests!:D
what got me started was when i got interested in my family history. i did alot of research and found out when my ancestors came to America. my g-g-g-(etc) grandfather came to America on the same ship that brought over the first printing press (1638). there were other neat stories of my family in the 1700s too. i found exact relatives who fought in the Revolutionary war. an other who fought for the union troops and eventually won the congrssional medal of honor for a recon mission at matagorda bay. this sparked my interest to look into other historical events. i started doing Texas History which is equally intriguing. the trick is to find something about yourself that will make you want to research that history and later expand your interest to other aspects. its all amazing stuff.

06-23-2006, 08:37 AM
my reason for getting into history alot deeper is only 2 words:

Coach K

Cameron Crazy
06-23-2006, 08:39 AM
that guy is awsome o nvm i told you about TABC!