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06-22-2006, 08:59 PM
hows the married life going? i noticed in a previous thread you mentioned "my wife..blah blah blah". i remember after i was first married, it felt wierd refering to Beckye as "my wife".

06-23-2006, 08:51 AM
Seriously, probably the best move i've made in my life. I thought sometime before I actually sat down and wrote this post. I realize that marriage is a complicated thing and that it doesn't come very easy. I think that something people overlook is how much work you have to put into it. If you say it just flows naturally I don't think that you are fully doing your part in the relationship.

It's great that I get to spend so much time with my best friend. I married her and never truly realized how much she loved me until after we were married. I know that before hand I loved her completely, but it's been amazing seeing God's hand have her show me her love for me.

On a personal rant, I am tired of all the nay-sayers that try to give us marriage advice. Corrie works with a bunch of divorcee's and so do I and it was very discouraging to hear their remarks. I told my boss one day that I would never get divorced. It's not going to happen. Well she's a salesperson, and in her great charm that she has, she almost convinced me that divorce was an iminent thing. I hate that people think that divorce is something that is going to happen in your marriage. I can say confidently "WE WILL NEVER EVER GET A DIVORCE" and know that that is 100% true. We don't work that way. Our faith in God doesn't let that happen. I won't ever turn into anything that will let her want too, and I know that she is the same. I'm tired of 40 and 50 year olds telling me how tired they are of their wives, and constantly dogging them, calling them "their ball and chain." I never ever want to refer to my wife as that. I love her too much.

In other news, we set up a family website for us two. You should sign up down their on the bottom right to get updates and stuff. The Link is here (http://theportiers.com) .

Sorry to rant there, just a bit o' frustration.

06-23-2006, 08:55 AM
cool website... love your dads shirt

Cameron Crazy
06-23-2006, 08:59 AM
Nice Site!!! Hope everything is good for you two!:clap:

06-23-2006, 09:03 AM
thats great. i feel the same way for Beckye. im glad you have that kind of enthusiasm. will you both be making the meet n greet? or has she vowed never to meet your friends in low places. haha.

06-23-2006, 09:05 AM
John, you are 100% correct that having a happy (and not "Whoo hoo" happy all the time but a peaceful and satisfying type of happy) takes tremendous work. My wife and I will celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary tomorrow. Hard to believe that it has been 11 years already but they have been some of the best times of our lives. Regardless if a couple gets married early in life (before 25) or later (after 40), there are personal issues that each person brings in that affect the relationship. These things must be discussed and many mutual agreements have to be made in order for the marriage to work. It seems that y'all understand this and have an awesome base for your marriage.

Many people who say/think that divorce is eventual are either igorant to the fact that or too selfish to act on the need for cooperation in a marriage. Yes, you have 2 separate individuals who may have very similar core beliefs and goals who come together with the idea that since they love each other have "so much in common" that things will work out fine.... NOT TRUE. My wife and I spent the first 5 years to figure that out. We evenutally learned that neither one of us really knows what the other is thinking unless they tell the other and that if we both are considerate of the other there will be little to argue about. Not to say it won't happen, but not too often. Oh, and if we both learn how to forgive and forget it goes smoother too....

Ranger Mom
06-23-2006, 09:07 AM
regarding the "ball and chain"...

I hate to hear a husband refer to his wife as his "old lady"....(or vice versa)...that is SO disrespectful to me.

I heard my brother refer to my sister-in-law as his old lady last summer and I tore him a new one.

He told me, "I bet Jimmy calls you that when you aren't around. Jimmy jumped to his own defense real fast. He said, "I don't claim to be perfect, but I would NEVER refer to her as my old lady, I am proud to call her my wife".

I don't know if he still calls her his old lady or not, he darn sure doesn't do it in front of me!!:D :D

06-23-2006, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
regarding the "ball and chain"...

I hate to hear a husband refer to his wife as his "old lady"....(or vice versa)...that is SO disrespectful to me.

I heard my brother refer to my sister-in-law as his old lady last summer and I tore him a new one.

He told me, "I bet Jimmy calls you that when you aren't around. Jimmy jumped to his own defense real fast. He said, "I don't claim to be perfect, but I would NEVER refer to her as my old lady, I am proud to call her my wife".

I don't know if he still calls her his old lady or not, he darn sure doesn't do it in front of me!!:D :D :clap: :clap: I agree, the "old lady" one is what chaps me much worse than the "ball and chain". I've been married over 30 years and my wife will testify that I've never refered to her as that and never will. I think it is very disrespectful to do so.

06-23-2006, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
regarding the "ball and chain"...

I hate to hear a husband refer to his wife as his "old lady"....(or vice versa)...that is SO disrespectful to me.

I heard my brother refer to my sister-in-law as his old lady last summer and I tore him a new one.

He told me, "I bet Jimmy calls you that when you aren't around. Jimmy jumped to his own defense real fast. He said, "I don't claim to be perfect, but I would NEVER refer to her as my old lady, I am proud to call her my wife".

I don't know if he still calls her his old lady or not, he darn sure doesn't do it in front of me!!:D :D When I hear "my old lady/man" I think of bikers & hippies!

oh and John -- nice post!! :)