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06-13-2006, 01:19 PM
I saw this posted on the Cingular members message board today. I can't help but laugh after having read this...especially the things that the guy is charging Cingular with. So far I am the only person to reply to it. I am sure that it will be removed off their boards fairly soon by the mods but I'll let you know if there are any other responses. It's quite lengthy so I will post the rest of it in a second post. My reply to it will be in a third post below.

This letter is to inform you about an incident involving misuse of customer information and false accusations encompassing threats and harassment that occurred at the Cingular Wireless store at 425 Market Street in San Francisco, California on Wednesday, April 5, 2006. This incident took place at 11:58am PDT. As a result, I have incurred ongoing damages in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars.

I have been a Cingular Wireless customer since July 2005. I visited the location to purchase another phone.

I entered the store at 11:45am. The store was busy. After reviewing the phones on display, an associate, Eric, asked if he could assist me. I told him that I was looking for a Nokia phone with video capabilities. Eric asked for my 10-digit telephone number to retrieve and validate my account information. While retrieving my account information, I spoke to Thuy, an associate, as she was completing paperwork for a customer. I noticed Kenny, an associate, assisting another customer. After confirming my Cingular account, Eric pointed out a flip phone; however, I was not interested in that type of phone. I thanked him for his time and effort. I departed from the store at approximately 11:55am PDT to meet a friend for lunch nearby.

As I was waiting for my friend, my phone rang at 11:58am displaying the number, 415-632-8429. I answered the phone. A male voice stated, “Bring the phone back.” I asked what this was regarding, thinking it was a prank call. The man stated it was not a joke and he was calling on Cingular’s behalf. He continued by stating they had identified me on videotape as the person who walked out of the store with their alleged missing phone. He said that a friend and I were recently in the store and that I picked up a phone and walked out. He continued that I could just bring the phone back and walk away without involving the San Francisco Police Department. Also, that if I didn’t bring the phone back, because my information was already on file, the $450 phone would be charged to my account.

I was so shocked, I was speechless. Because I was just around the corner, while the conversation continued, I re-entered the store to resolve this false accusation.

Upon re-entering, there were a few customers in the store. I asked for the associate who accused me of stealing a cell phone. An associate, name unknown, went to the back to get the accuser. Meanwhile, I was still in phone conversation with him while he did not know I was back in the store. The accuser surfaced from the back, recognized me, and made a U-turn. He had a flip phone in his hand at the time. As he turned around, I noticed his name tag said, “Joe”. He closed the flip phone and my connection with the accuser was terminated.

I was left standing at the front counter with no assistance or explanation. I asked for the manager. The manager, Mark Nuneviller, came from the back of the store. I questioned the manager about Joe’s accusation of theft and his threats. Mr. Nuneviller stated that he was not aware of the incident and apologized that he was unable to provide any details. I gave Mr. Nuneviller my business card and thanked him for his assistance. I told him this would not be the last time hearing from me about this incident.

After returning to my office at 1:15pm, I mentioned this incident to a colleague. This colleague wanted to investigate to determine why such disturbing and threatening accusations were made. So, we both returned to the store at 1:35pm that same afternoon. We entered the store and asked for Mark Nuneviller. Mr. Nuneviller came from the back to speak with us. My colleague requested a business card from Mark which Mark provided. My colleague informed Mr. Nuneviller that he worked with me, heard about the incident and wanted answers. My colleague asked Mr. Nuneviller if we could see the video that allegedly captured me stealing a phone. Mr. Nuneviller said the video “was nothing” and once again he apologized for “any confusion” and that he was “in the back of the store earlier and not aware of the incident”. My colleague and I both thanked Mark for his assistance and told him that we would be following up. There was no accountability from anyone.

This letter is my next course of action. I am extremely disturbed to have been falsely accused, especially if this accusation was based on my race. This incident was an accusation made against me from someone I never had interactions with and also refused to discuss this matter with me upon my return to the store. For an employee to deliberately call, threaten, harass, and falsely accuse without authority and to ignore a customer is unacceptable. I do not appreciate being harassed via phone about a crime I did not commit. In order for Joe to have called my cell phone, he obviously used the information Eric retrieved and validated from my initial appearance in the store. This action is evidence of misuse of customer information.

It is so hard to explain that awful gut feeling once reality actually hit me. I am still in awe. There are many unanswered questions. Below is a list of questions to be answered:

What provoked Joe to call me?

How did Joe get my number after I departed from the store?
Of all the customers in the store, why me? (Is it because I’m African American?)
What about the threats of contacting the San Francisco Police Department?
What happened to the $450 phone charge to my account to cover the cost?
What is really on the video that captured me allegedly taking Cingular’s phone?
Why has Joe not contacted me to apologize, even after 18 days later?
If after realizing I allegedly stole a phone, why not pursue me out the door and/or down the sidewalk?
Given that Joe used my information without my permission, how secure is my identity now?
What course of action is taken against employees that racially profile customers?
As a result of this incident, Cingular desperately needs to implement classes for employees against racial profiling, protecting customers’ information and valuing diversity. After implementing these initiatives, I am requesting a copy of your plan. I demand a handwritten apology from everyone in the store on duty that day including the unknown associate and to post an apology on the public website, www.cingular.com. Tabulating damages to date are as follow:

¨ Defamation of character

¨ False accusation

¨ Stress from the threats and harassment call

¨ Seeking therapy for consultation

¨ Sleep deprivation due to this unresolved issue

¨ Lost time due to resolving this matter

¨ Difficulty focusing due to recurring memories of Wednesday, 4/5/06, at 11:58am PDT

For awareness of Cingular’s behavior, the NAACP President and CEO, Attorney Diana Tate and AT&T’s CEO are copied on this letter. I look forward to hearing from you before Thursday, May 18, 2006 at 3pm PDT. I expect you to take reasonable action to resolve this matter and cover my damages.

06-13-2006, 01:20 PM

Unfortunate Chain of Events

First, I called Cingular’s customer service on April 10 to file a complaint. The representative began documenting the incident only to interrupt due to the length. She stated that her supervising manager needed to listen to this call. He introduced himself and I restarted the story. After finishing the story, he said, “Wow, you can get a lot done with this. If you will transcribe and forward the story to me, I will be sure to forward it to the manager of the store, the store manager’s supervisor and my supervisor.” I replied, “Of course.” A few days later, I forwarded the letter to the manager as asked while copying Halliburton’s Board of Directors email. No one has contacted me regarding the e-mail. In the meantime, I searched my online statement to locate the entry for that threatening/harassing telephone call from the Cingular associate. On April 23, I sent certified mail to the President and CEO of Cingular, AT&T and NAACP, and Attorney Diana Tate. According to www.usps.gov, Cingular’s president received the letter on April 28. I received a response from the NAACP within a week stating that the letter and information has been forwarded to the General Counsel. On May 5, I received an e-mail from Tammy Melton of Cingular’s Office of the President Coordinator. She requested my account credentials. I responded to the e-mail revealing my phone number. The account is tied to my father’s Halliburton account which is handled by a different department. After forwarding information to another department, I received a phone call from Tom Clarke, Executive Escalation Response Team member, on May 9. On May 19, Tom suggested that I find a piece of equipment online and he would make sure that I receive that equipment. I refused to accept the equipment and demanded a written response on May 26. Still, I have no response.

I wanted to verify Cingular’s arrogance in this situation. My cellular bill was due on June 2, 2006 which I failed to pay, wondering would Cingular extend my deadline. Of course, it did not happen. My services were interrupted up to 1pm on Friday, June 2. And when I called to pay the bill, I inquired about the logs in the systems. The representative verified that the complaint was recorded on April 10, yet no response. I have given Cingular almost three weeks after the set deadline to declare a resolution, yet there is no response.

On June 5, I called Tammy Melton to inquire on the status. Apologetic, she did not know the status and asked that I resend our previous e-mail to her to be forwarded to someone.

Because I work next door, I am reminded of this unfortunate incident every morning and evening when I see these associate named in the letter to the president.

Today, I am still waiting on response from Cingular. The deadline for a resolution was May 18, 2006. I will not stop this pursuit of justice until I receive a response from Cingular.

Before this unfortunate incident, I received only billing statements in the mail. With me being the secondary customer on the Cingular account, mail is labeled with my father’s name. Now after this humiliation, it’s common to find Cingular promotions and special-offers labeled with my name in the mailbox.

Thank you for efforts to read this message. I have attached a letter below sent as certified mail to the president and others.

06-13-2006, 01:20 PM
this is my favorite part...that you are suffering from this

¨ Defamation of character

¨ False accusation

¨ Stress from the threats and harassment call

¨ Seeking therapy for consultation

¨ Sleep deprivation due to this unresolved issue

¨ Lost time due to resolving this matter

¨ Difficulty focusing due to recurring memories of Wednesday, 4/5/06, at 11:58am PDT

I really feel sorry for you...it's lawsuits such as these that clog up our judicial system and create so much inefficient waste in our society. Since you were the one who notified other co-workers, friends, etc. of the situation...it would actually be SELF-defamation of character. If you truly have any prolonged stress, are seeking therapy, losing sleep, or (this is the best part) lost time and losing the ability to focus because of this matter...then no resolution reached with Cingular can help you. It will something much more powerful than a check from Cingular to make you feel better. Just curious...but since you CHOSE to return to the store on multiple occassions, how is Cingular responsible for your lost time? Nobody from their store called you requesting you to return to the store. You made this decision ON YOUR OWN.

Stop looking for somebody else to blame for every little incident in your life. I'm sorry that this occured to you. I am sure that many of us have been wrongly accused of something in our lives but have been able to use rational thoughts and discussions to resolve the issue. Seeking a lawsuit because you feel that you are a victim is absolutely absurd. I wish I had more time in my day to waste on responding to this ridiculous letter. Can I bill or sue you for loss of my time in responding to this matter? After all, just like you, I chose to take time out of my day to respond to this letter. Can you replace my time? Can you cut me a check for the $XX/hr or so that I make at my job? I would really appreciate it.

06-13-2006, 01:29 PM
i laughed more at this than i have at any other post. . .

06-13-2006, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
this is my favorite part...that you are suffering from this

I really feel sorry for you...it's lawsuits such as these that clog up our judicial system and create so much inefficient waste in our society. Since you were the one who notified other co-workers, friends, etc. of the situation...it would actually be SELF-defamation of character. If you truly have any prolonged stress, are seeking therapy, losing sleep, or (this is the best part) lost time and losing the ability to focus because of this matter...then no resolution reached with Cingular can help you. It will something much more powerful than a check from Cingular to make you feel better. Just curious...but since you CHOSE to return to the store on multiple occassions, how is Cingular responsible for your lost time? Nobody from their store called you requesting you to return to the store. You made this decision ON YOUR OWN.

Stop looking for somebody else to blame for every little incident in your life. I'm sorry that this occured to you. I am sure that many of us have been wrongly accused of something in our lives but have been able to use rational thoughts and discussions to resolve the issue. Seeking a lawsuit because you feel that you are a victim is absolutely absurd. I wish I had more time in my day to waste on responding to this ridiculous letter. Can I bill or sue you for loss of my time in responding to this matter? After all, just like you, I chose to take time out of my day to respond to this letter. Can you replace my time? Can you cut me a check for the $XX/hr or so that I make at my job? I would really appreciate it.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

06-13-2006, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by District303aPastPlayer
i laughed more at this than i have at any other post. . .

yeah...and I couldn't help but think...hmm, this guy is from San Francisco...mmm, yeah! ;) ;)

06-13-2006, 01:35 PM
That's freaking hilarious! What a moron!

06-13-2006, 01:35 PM
It looks like he is trying to set up a claim for "The People's Court."

Ranger Mom
06-13-2006, 01:36 PM
Can I be reimbursed by both of yall since I read both letters??:p

06-13-2006, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Can I be reimbursed by both of yall since I read both letters??:p

I admire your futile efforts...just file a lawsuit! ;)

Ranger Mom
06-13-2006, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
I admire your futile efforts...just file a lawsuit! ;)

But that would cost money which defeats the purpose!

06-13-2006, 01:43 PM
He just wanted to show off his excellent grammar skills........ :D :D the guy obviously has WAY too much time on his hands.......

06-13-2006, 01:45 PM
Post a link to the actual message.

06-13-2006, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Emerson1
Post a link to the actual message.

you will have to register for the Cingular boards to access the members page...where this was posted at. That is the link to the members board.


06-13-2006, 02:53 PM
oh this just keeps getting better...I'll put his comments in quote boxes and mine after them. This is starting with his reply to my initial comment.

Correct, I was very traumatized. I only returned to the store once and with a colleague because he was mad that something like this would happen in S.F. Futhermore, I never asked for any monetary compensation, I only stated the facts and demanded an explanation. I asked for an apology from the representative that accused me and the other reps on duty at the time and for Cingular to implement training and post this to their site. There has been lost time trying seek an explanation/resolution. And I never looked to blame anyone. Blame for what?? What's clear is that there is an unknown motivation in why this rep chose me.

Please note, this is not a filed lawsuit, it was only a letter. Not saying that it may never become one either. This is so interesting how a person ASSUMES and would interpet this posting with such shallow insight.

Now, I'm sure you feel small now.
By the way, if you graduate from college and are recruited for a pretty decent position with a Fortune 500 company....you could get paid. Take care.

I am guessing that you forgot that part where you point out that you have a) contacted an attorney, b) had this letter sent to the NAACP...who forwarded it to their general counsel, and c) stated that you have incurred ongoing damages in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars.

I must ask the following questions...

1. Why would you feel the need to point this information out if you had no intentions of filing a lawsuit?
2. How did you possibly incur $15,000 in damages related to this incident? How is Cingular responsible for ANY voluntary costs (i.e. therapy) that you chose to incur at your own expense?
3. Why must you feel the need to make personal attacks towards me without knowing anything about me? Based on what you have written, I have inferred many things about you but they are not things that I would point out in a public forum. I did enjoy how you assumed that I haven't gone to college, earned a degree, let alone the MBA I will be starting on from a Top 10 program simply because I stated a per hour figure for what I make at work. I simply took my salary and divided it by the average # of hours that I work in a week.

These are all poor assumptions to make on your part...as well as many of the assumptions that you have made in this letter because they allow you to feel better about yourself. I'm not sure how much longer this thread will remain open but I will be more than happy to continue having this conversation with you...whether in open forum or through the private messaging service. By the way, I sent you a private message...it's in the top right hand corner of your screen.

I am not seeking to deliberate the content of this posted message to the site. A, B, and C were steps I took for my own good. The more you know, the more you grow. Number 1 and 2 was to make known to Cingular to that I'm serious about this matter.

Number 3, I didn't assume you didn't go to college, I stated "if you went to college and acquired a decent position.....then you can get paid." Only stating this because of the sarcastic statements in your initial response to the posting. You continue to fail to understand that I wanted an explanation and an apology.

I will no longer cater to this.

06-13-2006, 02:57 PM
How can he possibly have difficulty focusing because of the memories? It's not like they are constantly harrassing him or insulting him. How does he even know the call came from the store, did he check to number or try to call it back?

Sounds like he has bigger problems if he is losing sleep because someone told him to bring a phone back.

06-13-2006, 05:42 PM
The really sad thing is the fact that IF it happened the way it did.

A Cingular has done nothing to address the incident.

B this guy has taken a legitimate gripe and turned it into a farce.

Again I say IF it really happened. I can say this, if I was accused like he was I would want answers to.

11-22-2006, 02:50 PM
ttt, thought this was hilarious:D

11-22-2006, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
yeah...and I couldn't help but think...hmm, this guy is from San Francisco...mmm, yeah! ;) ;)

thats histarical.......idk why ppl cry and bitch and moan about things like that..sounds like a.."i'm an african american that was a victim of profiling..now write me a check"..ordeal...give me a break

11-22-2006, 03:16 PM
I'd say something but then I'd have two or three lawsuits against me for defaming his character. :rolleyes:

11-22-2006, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
The really sad thing is the fact that IF it happened the way it did.

A Cingular has done nothing to address the incident.

B this guy has taken a legitimate gripe and turned it into a farce.

Again I say IF it really happened. I can say this, if I was accused like he was I would want answers to. :thumbsup:

Joe needs to grow up,looks like he was joking around. FIRE HIM:mad:

11-22-2006, 05:35 PM
I worked in a call center for Nextel for almost 2 years and you might be suprised how many people like this I had the pleasure of speaking with.

I mean let it go. Some people want to blame everything on someone else.

EX. A customer didn't pay his bill for 4 months and his phone was disconnected. He called me at Nextel to get the legal departments info. He said that he missed out on a muli-million dollar call because we disconnected his phone and he is going to sue Nextel to recover his loses.

What can you say to somethign like that?
One of many idiots in the world.

11-22-2006, 06:03 PM
Hell, if someone thought I stole a phone and called me and told me to bring it back, I'd go back, show them the phone I have, explain how I didn't do it etc... and move on...

If you think you have a lead on someone who stole something from you, do you not call? Do you not try and take quick action? These phones get stolen and they're gone, it could be stolen in Austin and be in Europe somewhere the next day... sure, may be the wrong person, but I can't blame anyone for doing it... if I think you stole something of mine, I'm gunna tell you to bring the damn thing back or I'll charge you for it... if you didn't do it, I appologize... isn't that how it usually works? "Damn man, I'm sorry, we really thought it was you"... I can't blame anyone for trying to get something back that someone stole from them...

Sad thing is, the pinko would probably win that case in court...

11-22-2006, 06:12 PM
I would present the Fox network with a show portraying "how I would've done it," had I done it.

11-22-2006, 11:18 PM
lol wow this is hilarious