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05-27-2006, 12:19 AM
Saw it tonight and it was AWESOME!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Excuse me guys, but this is a report for the ladies. ;)

Hugh Jackman in leather pants!!! :inlove:
James Marsden in agony = HOTT!!! :inlove:
and not enough Ben Foster. :(

OH and guys Famke, Halle & Rebecca look okay. ;) :D

If you are a fan of this series you won't be disappointed!! :clap:

big daddy russ
05-27-2006, 01:04 AM
I saw it this morning with my girl. She didn't even want to see it before we walked in the theatre. She walked out talking about buying it on DVD.

Without a doubt the best of the three X-Men movies, and I liked both of the others. They kind of set the stage for this one. Best movie I've seen in a while.

05-27-2006, 10:57 AM
i never seen any of the x-men. I saw this one last night tho. It was alright. Had some kewl moments. Like the guy with metal was kewl. Other than that it wasent anything too special. Maybe the first 2 are better. I give it 2 fingers high

07-09-2006, 05:37 PM
We saw this movie last night. I was dissapointed a bit. You can tell the director maybe didn't quite know exactly what he wanted. It was close to the first movie in quality but nowhere near as good as X-2 which imo set the high mark for this movie series. I didn't like the wholesale kill-off of popular characters. Man, what a bummer...:(

07-09-2006, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan
We saw this movie last night. I was dissapointed a bit. You can tell the director maybe didn't quite know exactly what he wanted. It was close to the first movie in quality but nowhere near as good as X-2 which imo set the high mark for this movie series. I didn't like the wholesale kill-off of popular characters. Man, what a bummer...:(
If you would have watched past the credits you would have seen that Professor X isn't actually killed off....

07-09-2006, 07:05 PM

video of some important deleted scenes:D

07-09-2006, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
If you would have watched past the credits you would have seen that Professor X isn't actually killed off....
I hate you now...:o
j/k(I actually enjoy your posts and your musings)
Seriously? Please tell me you're kidding.
We couldn't stay that long as my daughter wanted to go to bed ASAP as we went to the late showing...:(

07-09-2006, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
If you would have watched past the credits you would have seen that Professor X isn't actually killed off....


theres the after the credt video...

07-09-2006, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by DU_stud04

theres the after the credt video...
I'll gather the family and watch that soon(fixin to cook some homemade burgers)...:nerd:
Thanks for the link DUs04.:)

07-09-2006, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan
I'll gather the family and watch that soon(fixin to cook some homemade burgers)...:nerd:
Thanks for the link DUs04.:)

no proble,....its not too long so a good last bite film m would do fine(about 15 seconds?)

and plus its a home video recording of it

07-09-2006, 08:05 PM
X-3 was a shell of its two prequels. It sacrificed plot for ridiculous action sequences (move a freaking bridge when you can fly, you say?). I'll admit, upon first viewing, X-3 was nice and showy, but after coming home to watch its predecessors, as well as a second viewing of X-3, I came to realize just how obscure it truly was. Ratman or whatever he is did a horrible unjustice to what Bryan Singer had turned into a powerful franchise. If you want a great flick with superheroes, great action, AND a great plot, go fall in love with Brandon Routh and watch Superman Returns.

07-09-2006, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Blastoderm55
X-3 was a shell of its two prequels. It sacrificed plot for ridiculous action sequences (move a freaking bridge when you can fly, you say?). I'll admit, upon first viewing, X-3 was nice and showy, but after coming home to watch its predecessors, as well as a second viewing of X-3, I came to realize just how obscure it truly was. Ratman or whatever he is did a horrible unjustice to what Bryan Singer had turned into a powerful franchise. If you want a great flick with superheroes, great action, AND a great plot, go fall in love with Brandon Routh and watch Superman Returns.
It turns out Brett Ratner has directed all the Rush Hour movies(I enjoyed 1 and 2 rush hours). X3 did seem kinda "Rushed" if you get my drift but not on par with the first two X-man movies. This last one did not do justice to it's predecessors with it's direction. I almost want this movie to be the last if other directors come in and butcher what I have enjoyed so much. Sorry p4s and bdr but that's what I really feel about this movie.:(

big daddy russ
07-09-2006, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Blastoderm55
X-3 was a shell of its two prequels. It sacrificed plot for ridiculous action sequences (move a freaking bridge when you can fly, you say?). I'll admit, upon first viewing, X-3 was nice and showy, but after coming home to watch its predecessors, as well as a second viewing of X-3, I came to realize just how obscure it truly was. Ratman or whatever he is did a horrible unjustice to what Bryan Singer had turned into a powerful franchise. If you want a great flick with superheroes, great action, AND a great plot, go fall in love with Brandon Routh and watch Superman Returns.
You know, I'm exactly opposite. I loved X-3... already one of my favorite movies but didn't like Superman Returns at all. I felt like they took two and a half hours to tell a story that should've only taken about an hour and a half. Too long (I can't sit through too many movies that go very far into the second hour... Pirates/Carribbean 2, Dances With Wolves, Lord of the Rings 3, and The Last Samurai are some of the only ones I like) and too much of a love story for one man's opinion. Everyone has different tastes, and my ADD gets the better of me way too much.

07-09-2006, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by DU_stud04

theres the after the credt video...
Those videos sucked DU, you couldn't tell what happened or heard...:confused: :p

07-09-2006, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan
Those videos sucked DU, you couldn't tell what happened or heard...:confused: :p

during the movie charles talked about being able to transfer you soul to another body or something.......and showed some dude in a coma(i thinkhaha i forget) but anyways the end shows the dude in coma and it turns out to be charles in his body.....end of story.....best i could find my bad

07-09-2006, 11:22 PM
Did anyone stay and watch the after credits video for pirates2?

07-09-2006, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Emerson1
Did anyone stay and watch the after credits video for pirates2?

i did.....its not worth it....not atall. if you at the late show and just dont want to fight the crowd then go ahead and watch it. but it really wasnt nesecary(i know i cant spell)

07-09-2006, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan
Sorry p4s and bdr but that's what I really feel about this movie.:( Whatever floats your boat dude.

07-10-2006, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by pirate4state
Whatever floats your boat dude.
My boat done sunk a long time ago...:D
I'm miffed I didn't get a chance to see it earlier though cuz since late April I was too busy.:(

07-10-2006, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by DU_stud04
during the movie charles talked about being able to transfer you soul to another body or something.......and showed some dude in a coma(i thinkhaha i forget) but anyways the end shows the dude in coma and it turns out to be charles in his body.....end of story.....best i could find my bad

The ending scene has Xavier's consciousness awaken in the body of the comatose patient for which he spoke of during a lecture about ethics. The doctor, who was also at his funeral, was Moira McTaggert. This should be setting the stage for a complete butchering of The Muir Island Saga. Fitting, as they completely neutered the Phoenix in a "hey look at me, i'm the most powerful being in the universe and i'm gonna chill with all these lackeys in a forest and then go surfing on a bridge. all the while, logan made it back to westchester in like 5 minutes after being thrashed by magneto and the blackbird flew at the twice the speed of sound to make it from ny to sf in time for 5 mutants to fight off an army of their brethren, all of which they had no problem killing in the name of total-nonstop [lame] action."

I do firmly believe that Beast pwned. Too bad he was stuck with cheesy one-liners for the most part.