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marlin fan
12-29-2003, 10:39 PM
Ok me and my girl friend broke up last sunday and like she has this really fine friend that i like and i know that, that friend kinda likes me.and i wanna holla at her. what do you think about this??

12-30-2003, 07:22 AM
I'm sorry to hear about you and your gal.This other girl is your x gals friend, this might be
a sticky Situation between you and your X,Precede
With caution,you don't want hurt anyone feelings.

12-30-2003, 08:16 AM
Give your self some time to get over the relationship with your ex before jumping into another. Who knows you might get back together with your ex. Just my opinion. :cool: :D

Old No. 7
12-30-2003, 08:45 AM
Sounds like you have gotten good advice so far. All I can say is, Life is short. You never know if you don't ask. Holla at her. If she feels uncomfortable about it, she will let ya know. You may want to get a women's opinon on this first. Just my two cents worth. Good luck. :) :cool:

12-30-2003, 08:54 AM
Heck, you're young, go for it! Nothing ventured nothing gained. If you don't you'll wish you did someday. wink

12-30-2003, 10:47 AM
That has happened to me before. I was uncomfortable with my ex going out with my friend, but I eventually got over it, and she probably will too. So go for it, like everyone else is saying, LIFE IS SHORT. wink

Ranger Mom
12-30-2003, 11:26 AM
Wow....how times have changed.

Back many many moons ago when I was a youngster, there was an unwritten code of friendship. You NEVER went out with your bestfriend's (or even a fairly close friends) ex - for ANY reason!! I guess that "code" is old-fashioned these days!

So....after all that, my advice is: if no one gets hurt, or friendships don't come to an end over it - then by all means - HOLLA!!!

marlin fan
12-30-2003, 01:35 PM
Give your self some time to get over the relationship with your ex before jumping into another. Who knows you might get back together with your ex. Just my opinion. :cool: :D There is not a chance that me and my x are getting back together have been trying to work things out all week and all we do is end up fighting. so im gonna call the friend and she if we wannna holla.

12-30-2003, 02:42 PM
yeah there is that code of friendship (i think every1 has broken)... u could call her and its up to her whether she wants to choose u or the friednship... unless your x is ok with it... i did that to my cuz once lol that was a bad situation us girls can be brutal!!!! :D ... DO WHATEVER MAKES U HAPPY!!!! wink

Bandera YaYa
12-30-2003, 04:31 PM
Well, if I were you, in order to protect yourself from bodily harm, I would tell your ex girlfriend of your intentions, because let me tell you, if she finds out another way, you are a dead man. Broken up or not, she will still harm you. Especially, since you just broke up!
Unless, you want to wait a few weeks....but even them, I still believe you will feel her wrath, unless she has started dating someone else. Just because you are broken up, doesn't mean she won't let you know just how horrible you are for doing this to her. Trust me...I have 2 daughters...I know how they think!!! Good luck!!
(Please watch your back at all times!!)

I don't agree with their reasoning (?), but wish they would see it this way...if you are already going after someone else this quickly, I mean, just how much did you really care about her in the first place???????? eek! Think about it! Then again, that is why she will be sooooo angry with you........she will think you didn't ever really care......PROTECT YOURSELF!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!

<small>[ December 30, 2003, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: Bandera YaYa ]</small>

slpybear the bullfan
12-30-2003, 10:59 PM
Well, they say opinions are like ********... everyone has one...

I would definitely not let this opportunity pass by. If you do pass this chance up, you WILL wonder what might have been one day. And besides, if you already know that this friend of your ex likes you, chances are that she might like you more than she values her friendship with the ex. And oh yeah, getting back together doesn't usually work anyway.

Just my $.02...

01-01-2004, 02:36 AM
All I can say is that I think you are asking for trouble. :) :)

01-01-2004, 09:18 AM
This is what you do you go over their and you give her a big kiss like she aint never had before and she will be yours....

01-01-2004, 10:43 AM
Too bad there was no "code" among the guys I grew up with. My ex-girlfriends went out with my friends all the time. Sometimes even before we broke up, and I caught them almost every time. All I say is to make SURE your ex knows it's over between the two of you and there is no chance of getting back together first. If that is truly the case, then make the call.

Bandera YaYa
01-02-2004, 11:53 PM
slpybear the bullfan:
Well, they say opinions are like ********... everyone has one...

I would definitely not let this opportunity pass by. If you do pass this chance up, you WILL wonder what might have been one day. And besides, if you already know that this friend of your ex likes you, chances are that she might like you more than she values her friendship with the ex. And oh yeah, getting back together doesn't usually work anyway.

Just my $.02.....hehehehe........it'll be just like stepping in quicksand......but, go ahead, listen to the men on here..... :D

01-03-2004, 12:22 AM
I agree with a lot that everyone else has said, and all I really have to say is it's worth a shot. So give the girl a holla and if she feels like it's not a good idea or she thinks it will hurt her best friend or somethin, than she'll let u know. So at least talk to her about it and see what she thinks and go from there...and if it doesn't work out, there'll be plenty more girls come your way...so it's all good either way! wink

marlin fan
01-03-2004, 02:33 AM
Well I got some news. i Took some of yall's advice and i hollered at her. I talked to my x about it to make sure that i didnt mess up their friendship.me and her friend have been goin out for 4 Days now and everything is going ok. thanks for the advice guys and gals! :D

<small>[ January 03, 2004, 01:35 AM: Message edited by: marlin fan ]</small>

next generation
01-03-2004, 04:05 AM
Congratulations and whatever you choose is a good decision if you are happy with her friend or her.