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View Full Version : Finals are comin up

04-30-2006, 08:58 PM
As you know, the dreaded finals week is comin up soon, which means that you won't have to put up with me as much this week.

It's okay to cry. Joy or sadness haha.

JK, just remember all those coming up on the summer and finals and graduaton or whatever it is you have, be safe, be careful, keep your head on your shoulders...

and Stay Dry ;)

05-01-2006, 12:14 AM
WOO WOO!!! Here I come California!!!! Surf it up!!!

05-01-2006, 12:28 AM
finals week sucks its the worst week all year:doh: :( :doh: :( :doh:

05-01-2006, 12:43 AM
When you're an English major, you don't have finals....

Of course, you do have 3 papers about 8-10 pages apiece. So it's a trade-off I guess.

05-01-2006, 12:46 AM
may the FANTOM force be with you

05-01-2006, 12:48 AM
i sure hope so we need a FANTOM professor or something of that nature to train and teach the young men of the world what to do

05-01-2006, 12:53 AM
I almost went into coaching. Does that count?

05-01-2006, 01:02 AM
i am doing coaching

05-01-2006, 01:06 AM
I played football for a few coaches.
Does that count?

05-01-2006, 01:07 AM
i have to make an 80 on my organic chemistry 2 final to pass....im probably going to have to take it again this summer, yeah....tons of fun...

05-01-2006, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by sahen
i have to make an 80 on my organic chemistry 2 final to pass....im probably going to have to take it again this summer, yeah....tons of fun...

Crap, why in the world is there a need for Organic Chemistry I much less 2?? I actually had a final exam in one of my classes that included a section on washer pitching and another on whiffle ball. It was an Alternative Phys Ed class where we learned how to be creative in selecting activities for a PE class that includes everyone as a participant. It was a fabulous class and I don't think I've ever had so much fun.

05-02-2006, 02:33 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
Crap, why in the world is there a need for Organic Chemistry I much less 2?? I actually had a final exam in one of my classes that included a section on washer pitching and another on whiffle ball. It was an Alternative Phys Ed class where we learned how to be creative in selecting activities for a PE class that includes everyone as a participant. It was a fabulous class and I don't think I've ever had so much fun.
i cant really complain, im a biochem major so organic chemistry is kinda important in my field....unfortunately......but it is an ugly subject, most science majors hate it as well as any other poor soul who has to take it....

05-02-2006, 08:03 AM
i got 2 today....and 2 on friday.....blah...

un b weavable
05-02-2006, 12:39 PM
I have 2 health finals today. Im a construction science major. College doesnt make sense. :confused:

05-02-2006, 12:48 PM
Humans are Eukarytic, multicellular, & heterotrophic.