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View Full Version : Has anyone seen "United 93"??

Ranger Mom
04-29-2006, 10:01 PM
I just got home and that movie was so intense, I felt like I had ran a marathon by the time it was over.

There were LOTS of teenagers there, I never heard a peep out of anybody. After it was over, everyone just sat there a few seconds and then got up to leave, I STILL didn't hear a word...it was surreal.

We were headed home and my husband had the radio on and I asked him what time it was...he hit the display button on the CD player and it was 9:11.....kinda freaked us out!!:)

04-29-2006, 10:16 PM
I'll have to go see it if its that good. I had to sit though "the wild" today with kids.

04-29-2006, 10:43 PM
Seems like I see 9:11 on my clock daily.. Every single time in the morning i'm driving to work, and in the evening, when im watching TV, the time seems to always be 9:11AM or 9:11PM --- What's odd, is that if it weren't for 9/11/01, i'd never realize how often I see 9:11 on my displays. Do we ever think if we see 10:10 on a daily occurance? Never crosses my mind to remember if I saw that a day or so before? lol.

I definitely want to go see the movie, i've watched the previews for it, and even with the previews, just looks like a 'wow' movie. We all knew a movie would come out about 9/11, and i'm sure that there will be another one in the near future, as well.

04-30-2006, 12:28 AM
Thanks for the review Ranger Mom. I had heard the exact same things that you said.. very intense and you don't want to talk for a while. I listen to a talk show ( Glenn Beck ) and he decribed it exactly like u said.. He is in New York now and when he and his daughter came out from watching it, they could see where the towers used to be...just one of those things you will never forget..

I plan on going later this week.

un b weavable
04-30-2006, 01:55 AM
I was flipping through the channels and "Flight 93" is on A&E. It's a made for TV movie. I haven't really watched it, but i think it comes on again at noon.

04-30-2006, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by un b weavable
I was flipping through the channels and "Flight 93" is on A&E. It's a made for TV movie. I haven't really watched it, but i think it comes on again at noon.

I watched the last hour of it this afternoon on A&E..... it showed the families at home watching the news coverage and telling the passengers by cell phone what was going on - made me wonder what I would say to a loved one if I knew we only had 3 minutes to say goodbye.... I have to admit it was emotional. I bet the Motion Picture version is even more realistic

04-30-2006, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by bccards
Seems like I see 9:11 on my clock daily.. Every single time in the morning i'm driving to work, and in the evening, when im watching TV, the time seems to always be 9:11AM or 9:11PM --- What's odd, is that if it weren't for 9/11/01, i'd never realize how often I see 9:11 on my displays. Do we ever think if we see 10:10 on a daily occurance? Never crosses my mind to remember if I saw that a day or so before? lol.

I definitely want to go see the movie, i've watched the previews for it, and even with the previews, just looks like a 'wow' movie. We all knew a movie would come out about 9/11, and i'm sure that there will be another one in the near future, as well.

I always seem to look at the clock when it says 9:11, rather it be AM or PM. It happens several times a week. Weird...:eek:

04-30-2006, 10:03 PM
I plan on seeing this movie. I like that kind of WOW in movies. That kind of WOW when it comes to folks fighting for this country is the best WOW of all.:)

04-30-2006, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by 44INAROW
I watched the last hour of it this afternoon on A&E..... it showed the families at home watching the news coverage and telling the passengers by cell phone what was going on - made me wonder what I would say to a loved one if I knew we only had 3 minutes to say goodbye.... I have to admit it was emotional. I bet the Motion Picture version is even more realistic

yah i watched that movie today on a&e...it was actually pretty good...you can just tell not to much money put into but nonethe less it was very moving...made me wonder the same thing you are wondering...crazy stuff but i really want to see the REAL movie and see how it compares to the A&E movie

AP Panther Fan
05-01-2006, 10:13 AM
Haven't seen Flight 93 yet, but plan to see it.

I did go see RV yesterday and considered it a huge waste of time and money...I probably should have gone in with my girls to see Benchwarmers...they said it was good!

05-01-2006, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by bccards
We all knew a movie would come out about 9/11, and i'm sure that there will be another one in the near future, as well.

There is another movie coming out (tentatively August 9) that is being made by Oliver Stone. Nicholas Cage is in it.

Here is the IMDB link that has a little bit of info on it:


05-01-2006, 10:39 AM
id like to see it but im afraind ill have to wait for dvd :(

05-01-2006, 04:28 PM
I just got back from the movie and goodness, this movie is very powerful. There should be statues of these folks in at least their home towns. American Heros who paid the ultimate price indeed.:)