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Ranger Mom
04-24-2006, 03:50 PM
Most of yall won't "get" this, but there are a few posters on here who will be able to relate.

A Newcomer's Guide To Midland

Midland has its own set of traffic rules and tailgating is mandatory.

A person entering a main street from a side road must wait until oncoming traffic is within 50 yards before pulling out in front of you. If your brakes are in poor condition, that is YOUR fault.

All directions begin with, "Get on the Loop....."

The loop has no beginning and no end, and the 60 mph speed limit signs are merely amusing suggestions. The 8:00 a.m. rush hour is from 7:55 to 8:05, and the 5:00 p.m. rush hour lasts 15 minutes. A traffic jam is when you have to wait for the light a second time.

Lamesa road can only be pronounced by a native. Do not attempt to pronounce it the way your high school Spanish teacher taught you. It is "luh-mee-suh" and everybody knows it.

The falling of one snowflake causes all traffic to immediately cease, and those drivers failing to cease will crash into each other. Fortunately, all schools, businesses and city government will close when the word snow is mentioned.

If you actually slow down at a yellow light, you are in danger from those people behind you who are obeying the unwritten law that in Midland, red lights aren't red until you are in the middle of the intersection.

Exit and entry ramps on the Loop are just the recommended way to enter and exit. Feel free to exit at any grassy point you wish.

The weather has it own set of rules: An hour of thunder and lightning produces no rain. A small gray cloud can close down Wadley in 5 minutes. Local TV weather forecasters are manic-depressive. They show endless radar screens with no sign of moisture all week long, but a severe thunderstorm on the weekend will not be reported until Monday morning when they all return to work.

It's not a dust storm until visibility is reduced to your front bumper. Everything else is just "a windy day."

Midland, Texas: That's where "The Sky's the Limit", and every tree has its own Walmart bag waving in the breeze

04-24-2006, 03:56 PM
:clap: :clap: :clap:

This part is SO true..especially when entering from Abilene

All directions begin with, "Get on the Loop....."

04-24-2006, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
All directions begin with, "Get on the Loop....."

The loop has no beginning and no end, and the 60 mph speed limit signs are merely amusing suggestions. The 8:00 a.m. rush hour is from 7:55 to 8:05, and the 5:00 p.m. rush hour lasts 15 minutes. A traffic jam is when you have to wait for the light a second time.

:clap: :clap: The Loop!!!! :D :D It seems like everytime I'm out there I end up on that darn loop.

AND I've been out there caught in a dust storm :eek: scary

04-24-2006, 04:35 PM
Good Job Ranger Mom! You have this one down. You go girl!

04-24-2006, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom

A person entering a main street from a side road must wait until oncoming traffic is within 50 yards before pulling out in front of you. If your brakes are in poor condition, that is YOUR fault.

Ranger Mom,

Do you encounter this as much as I do on 307 going into Midland? It annoys me a little when I have to hit the brake to turn off the cruise control and slow down, but it irritates me greatly when I have to put on the brakes to keep from running into the back of someone who has just pulled out in front me!

Ranger Mom
04-24-2006, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by GWOOD
Ranger Mom,

Do you encounter this as much as I do on 307 going into Midland? It annoys me a little when I have to hit the brake to turn off the cruise control and slow down, but it irritates me greatly when I have to put on the brakes to keep from running into the back of someone who has just pulled out in front me!

Oh yeah....I think that's one reason there is so many wrecks ON 307.....or people just not watching the road.

I know there are several times that I have bypassed my own house because I can tell the person behind me isn't seeing my blinker and will more than likely rear-end me if I try to pull in my driveway!
