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View Full Version : mo' new words

08-11-2002, 12:14 AM
Decided to try my hand at it using their criteria, changing or adding one letter only.
Here are mine:
HEINYOUS: Extremely wicked large butts.
SNEICE: Sibling's daughter with a cold.
SPARACLETE: An extra spirit you keep in the trunk.
FADMIT: to confess a gullibility to "whats in".
FARTFUL: A cunning, masterful technique to break wind.
PASSISTANT: An underling that loves to WATCH you work.
SEXPEDITE: To get it over quickly so you can watch football.
GIDIOT: A silly dumb-ass.
NIMBCILE: A limber, athletic dumb-ass.
GINCITE: The application of alcohol just to stir things up.
(Actually had 3 for the last one, but this one's the best of them).

[This message has been edited by sinton66 (edited August 11, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by sinton66 (edited August 11, 2002).]

08-13-2002, 10:50 PM
LOL, that's good 66.

08-13-2002, 11:06 PM
Thanks, it's actually harder than it sounds, these are about two hours worth of effort. Weird sense of humor, huh?