View Full Version : i'm sad

04-10-2006, 09:18 PM
this is not a why thread. this is not intended to question the mods or their intentions in any way. the chief is gone. the chief was not a smart person, but he was a person that i (1) got mad at, (2) laughed at and (3)made me think. his posts were usually stupid...............well so most of us thought. but upon further review, i think he was very knowledgable in some areas. i didn't post this to bash him or for anyone else too. i don't know why he was rommed nor care too. i think this is what he/she wanted actually based on some of his/her last posts. i'll miss ya chief...............not because i was a fan, but because you made me laugh and sometimes in your own idiotic way you made me think.

until next time...............lostaussie