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big daddy russ
04-10-2006, 03:31 PM
So are you for or against reform? I think a few of you were saying you were against it... did you protest today?

Just curious to see what our little nook of the world thinks about the proposals.

Link for MSNBC story describing proposals (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12254044/?from=ET)

Link to MSNBC story about today's rallies (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12250356/)

04-10-2006, 03:44 PM
It looks like some in this picture "missed the memo"


04-10-2006, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
It looks like some in this picture "missed the memo"



04-10-2006, 04:00 PM
Two quotes of "particular interest" from the 2nd article:

Miguel Penate, a fast-food restaurant manager who moved from El Salvador six years ago, said being in the country illegally was his only option. “There’s no way to come legally over here,” said Penate, 25. “If there was, do you think people would like to be in the desert risking their lives?”

...umm...yes there is but Penate (and many others) just chose not to seek the legal route to enter into America.

In Champaign, Ill., hundreds of demonstrators marched along a busy street to the University of Illinois campus, carrying signs with slogans such as: “The pilgrims had no green cards.”

...no s*** the pilgrims didn't have green cards. America wasn't even a country when they came here. They came during the 1600's when America was a bunch of colonies under British rule. Glad to see we have such intelligent people in this country.

04-10-2006, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
Two quotes of "particular interest" from the 2nd article:

...umm...yes there is but Penate (and many others) just chose not to seek the legal route to enter into America.

...no s*** the pilgrims didn't have green cards. America wasn't even a country when they came here. They came during the 1600's when America was a bunch of colonies under British rule. Glad to see we have such intelligent people in this country.

:clap: :clap: :clap: lol

04-10-2006, 04:05 PM
While some of these proposals are rather "extreme"...I think this paragraph is a perfectly reasonable idea.

The protesters had two targets in Georgia: congress members weighing immigration reform and state legislation now awaiting Gov. Sonny Perdue’s signature that would require adults seeking many state-administered benefits to prove they are in the U.S. legally.

So wait...you want to "reap the benefits" of being in America and take advantage of all the social services that are provided but yet you can't pay taxes because either 1) you don't have a job or 2) you don't have a valid SSN# and instead provide a false # to an employer (a whole list of things you can be charged with here) so that the money that IS withheld from your paycheck never goes to pay for these services. The illegal immigration problem, as much as anything else, will turn into something that further drives this country towards a socialist/communist society if we keep providing handouts to those who don't deserve them.

I'll get off my soapbox before I start giving a speech here...

04-10-2006, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Bulldog_12
:clap: :clap: :clap: lol

maybe these people should actually take advantage of the free American education (they want a lot of other services for free) and learn a little about our history...:thinking:

04-10-2006, 04:37 PM
Geez I thought we could at least spark some discussion on this issue. It's not like this is such a sensitive PC vs un-PC topic that we can't have an intelligent conversation over the issues...especially now that the Astros game is over! :p

04-10-2006, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
Geez I thought we could at least spark some discussion on this issue. It's not like this is such a sensitive PC vs un-PC topic that we can't have an intelligent conversation over the issues...especially now that the Astros game is over! :p


big daddy russ
04-10-2006, 04:38 PM
Nineth Castillo, a 26-year-old waitress from Guatemala who joined the Atlanta march, said she has lived in the United States for 11 years “without a scrap of paper.”

Asked whether she was afraid to parade her undocumented status in front of a massive police presence, she laughed and said: “Why? They kick us out, we’re coming back tomorrow.”
My favorite quote.

On that note, my future wife's extended family lives in El Paso and Midland. Most of them are over here illegally, and Amanda still can't think of a single good reason not to pass this bill.

04-10-2006, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by big daddy russ
My favorite quote.

On that note, my future wife's extended family lives in El Paso and Midland. Most of them are over here illegally, and Amanda still can't think of a single good reason not to pass this bill. Sounds like you've got a gal that's got a good head on her shoulders.:)

04-10-2006, 04:41 PM
On that note, my future wife's extended family lives in El Paso and Midland. Most of them are over here illegally, and Amanda still can't think of a single good reason not to pass this bill.

neither can i!!!

04-10-2006, 04:50 PM
the problem with this poll is that i support making a stronger border but i am not in support of just giving the illegal immigrants over here amnesty....so i dont relaly know which way to vote, and this is the problem in the senate as well i believe, some want stronger borders, some want amnesty....its ridiculous, apparantly to be a democrat you have to be completely against the republicans and vice versa...my guess is nothing will be done, or some half-a##ed compromise will get passed just to appease people...but we get to hear protest for the next couple weeks for sure because Congress is on another vacation ::rolls eyes::....I believe the Majority Leader in the Senate said something on the lines of "we will try to get this back on the floor, but for now the calendar is filled w/ other bills" or something of the sort after it was killed and struke down last week since people can't compromise....so basically we could be looking at another problem that goes unsolved due to the inability to compromise and partisan politics....one thing i have noticed, congress people from the southern states for the most part are for some sort of reform whether it be strict or not, however those from the north r content with letting it stay the way it is, this is a problem being that the northern states, esp. the north east has a large voting block in Congress whose interest in this subject is far less than the southern states, thus if they dont get their way then they will vote down any proposal since its not a big deal to them if nothing is done....im beginning to wonder if anything will be done at all, esp. since it is a touchy topic in an election year, neither side is willing to go out on a limb because they dont want to tick off their voters....

04-10-2006, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by big daddy russ
My favorite quote.

On that note, my future wife's extended family lives in El Paso and Midland. Most of them are over here illegally, and Amanda still can't think of a single good reason not to pass this bill.

funny thing is...I bet you that 99% of those protesting can't come up with a good reason either. All of their slogans have been dealing with their rights, the work that they do, the benefits they should receive, etc...but they fail to realize that 1) they have no rights and 2) their work is illegal because they are unable to pay taxes to the government and thus shouldn't be able to receive benefits.

Does it strike anyone else as ironic that all of these people that claim to be "working multiple 'day labor' jobs" have been able to spend their days at these protests/marches/rallies??? Yeah...:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

big daddy russ
04-10-2006, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
Sounds like you've got a gal that's got a good head on her shoulders.:)
I'd like to think so. :D

big daddy russ
04-10-2006, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by sahen
the problem with this poll is that i support making a stronger border but i am not in support of just giving the illegal immigrants over here amnesty....
Didn't President Bush say that he'd line-item veto that part of the bill? I thought I read that somewhere, but can't remember where.

I'm definitely against that part of the bill.

04-10-2006, 05:01 PM
another thing about this that bothers me.....the illegal immigrants r apparantly turning into a powerful "political bloc" what r people talking about? they have no right to vote they aren't citizens (unless of course if amnesty is given to them in which they now get the right to vote, wonder who has the best interest in that? hm...)....and i dont know how uniform this is but almost all of my hispanic friends (which is atleast 20 or so) are for stronger borders because they are legal and the illegal immigrants take their jobs first since they will work for less....and a lot of those friends have family that are illegal in the states, they look at it like if their parents or them went through the process to become legal then the others coming in should too....

04-10-2006, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by big daddy russ
Didn't President Bush say that he'd line-item veto that part of the bill? I thought I read that somewhere, but can't remember where.

I'm definitely against that part of the bill.
actually i think the president said that he thinks some sort of amnesty should be given, but i dont really think he was for amnesty for all.....
i agree to that to some extent....but the current amnesty proposal is not one i agree w/, i know it isnt amnesty for all but its still too lienant (sp?) for me....

04-10-2006, 05:05 PM
Here is my view. Call me Liberal if you wish but this country was founded on immigration. Somewhere along the way we forgot this and have become extremely selective as to who we allow into our country. Not only have we become very selective we have made the immigration process so littered with red tape that it takes a near eternity to have all of the proper paperwork approved. We need to get back to the days of Ellis Island where the process was very structured, very well organized, and relatively quick. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally against illegal immigration, I just think there has to be a better way to handle the legal immigration process.

pero chato
04-10-2006, 05:10 PM
One item not mentioned so far is the employers. If we want to stop the illegals, then stop hiring them. But I do think a lot of them are doing jobs that most of us don't want to do.

04-10-2006, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
Here is my view. Call me Liberal if you wish but this country was founded on immigration. Somewhere along the way we forgot this and have become extremely selective as to who we allow into our country. Not only have we become very selective we have made the immigration process so littered with red tape that it takes a near eternity to have all of the proper paperwork approved. We need to get back to the days of Ellis Island where the process was very structured, very well organized, and relatively quick. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally against illegal immigration, I just think there has to be a better way to handle the legal immigration process.
i agree, we need a BETTER system, but i'm afraid this current Congress is just going to try to put a quick fix on it to shut up people so they can make it to november and try to keep their seats....you have to remember the flood of illegal immigration now is way worse than it was back when we founded our country, and you cant accept everyone forever, we only have so much room in the country.....

really the best way for this problem to be fixed is for mexico to fix their own corrupt gov't (i know we have corruption but mexico makes our government look like angels)......problem is that wont happen in mexico, atleast not anytime soon so the next best thing for us is total immigration reform, which doesnt look like it is gonna happen either.....

LH Panther Mom
04-10-2006, 05:12 PM
:mad: I told myself I was going to sit this one out, but I just can't do it. :doh:

Originally posted by sahen
since it is a touchy topic in an election year, neither side is willing to go out on a limb because they dont want to tick off their voters....
And there you have it, ladies and gents.

I am all for any person wanting to better their circumstances, regardless of what they may be, as long as it's done within the laws. If you want the benefits that the USA provides to her citizens, then take the necessary steps.

*okay, sitting back on hands*

LH Panther Mom
04-10-2006, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
We need to get back to the days of Ellis Island where the process was very structured, very well organized, and relatively quick.
I kind of like that....ship them all to New York and let them deal with it. ;)

04-10-2006, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by sahen
actually i think the president said that he thinks some sort of amnesty should be given, but i dont really think he was for amnesty for all.....
i agree to that to some extent....but the current amnesty proposal is not one i agree w/, i know it isnt amnesty for all but its still too lienant (sp?) for me....
actually after listening to him now it sounds like he is for amnesty for most here and making the borders beefed up...im beginning to wonder if 5 years in washington has made him forget where he grew up...i know we cant kick 11 million some odd people outa the country but we cant keep all of them either...this whole mess is just ridiculous, only in america would we let our illegal immigrants protest for rights....

04-10-2006, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by sahen
only in america would we let our illegal immigrants protest for rights....

Don't knock it Shane, that is what makes us great. To truly be free we must treat all as if they should be free as well.

04-10-2006, 05:42 PM
Looking out my window at work, there is a ton of marchers going toward the capital.

This could be a fun drive home..

04-10-2006, 05:48 PM
I think there are 3 components that don't necessarily have to be addressed at the same time
1) securing the border
2) What to do with Illegals already here
3) benefits extended to Illegals

I wish the first component would be addressed as most people are in agreement that the border cannot remain wide open. Political haggling over the last two issues will keep the status quo.

Old Tiger
04-10-2006, 05:48 PM
I'm for, i mess up in the voting

04-10-2006, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
Don't knock it Shane, that is what makes us great. To truly be free we must treat all as if they should be free as well.
we also have laws...we are free to live as we want and protest as long as we dont break laws....immigrants here illegally r breaking the law, therefore they r actually in my opinion taking advantage of freedom and should be prosecuted in some way just like if me or you were to break a law.....

and my statement is pretty much true, what other country would let their ILLEGAL immigrants openly protest them?

04-10-2006, 05:55 PM
Of course they're protesting. They have no respect for our society or its laws. They've proven that for years. Amnesty has been done several times before, and it solved nothing. The only thing that will work is strong enforcement of the border and temporary work permits given only if they actually have a job. Then the US REQUIRES the employers to keep track of them and ensure their compliance with the law. Build the wall strong and high, I say.

AP Panther Fan
04-10-2006, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by SWMustang
I think there are 3 components that don't necessarily have to be addressed at the same time
1) securing the border
2) What to do with Illegals already here
3) benefits extended to Illegals

I wish the first component would be addressed as most people are in agreement that the border cannot remain wide open. Political haggling over the last two issues will keep the status quo.

I agree with you 100%...I wish they would go ahead and secure the border and then work on resolving the other two issues. :thinking:

04-10-2006, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
I am all for any person wanting to better their circumstances, regardless of what they may be, as long as it's done within the laws.

I agree 100%. However I also want to take it a step further and I feel that it is essential that immigrants (especially adults who can vote upon becoming a citizen) be required to at least learn about the democratic processes of this country, the republic that it is founded upon, and the events of our country's history that have shaped it into what it is today. That way they at least have at least some kind of idea as to what they are voting for. I am very against unintelligent/uninformed voting because it can destroy the purity of our system and instead become a popularity contest.

Now all that being said...I won't dive into the language issue and those that have no desire to learn to speak our language and instead we are seeing the southern regions of our country adapting to their language. Look back in history and you will find that any country that is divided in language has ultimately ended in the demise of that country.

04-10-2006, 06:14 PM
the funniest thing bout all this....i can actually watch CNN, which is normally too liberal to me (still pretty liberal but they seem to be getting aggravated at this stuff too)....seems to me a lot of this is really pissing people off all over the country....im afraid when people go out and start protesting against the illegal immigrants these peaceful protests might turn violent and that will be really bad....

Old Tiger
04-10-2006, 06:31 PM
The only real problems I have with the illegal immigrants is that they're taking our jobs and how they expect us to learn their respected native language. They should have to learn ours. I'm going to stop now so I don't get this edited.

04-10-2006, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
The only real problems I have with the illegal immigrants is that they're taking our jobs and how they expect us to learn their respected native language. They should have to learn ours. I'm going to stop now so I don't get this edited.

They took our jobs!!! (a little Southpark humor)

Interestingly, only 7500 to 10,000 people showed up for the Houston Illegal Immigration Extravaganza

04-10-2006, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by SWMustang
They took our jobs!!! (a little Southpark humor)

Interestingly, only 7500 to 10,000 people showed up for the Houston Illegal Immigration Extravaganza
to understand how incredibly low of a turnout that is you must know that Houston has 2 million people in it, 37% which are hispanic (and that is mostly legal hispanics)...Harris county which is basically Houston has a population of 3.6 million in which 32.9% hispanic (once again mostly legal)....so out of 1.2 million documented hispanics only .83% showed up that live in the immediate surrounding area (harris county) and that is using the 10000 number and the 1.2 million number....the 1.2 million is grossly underestimated as well, it is widely assumed that harris county is easily 50% hispanic now however its hard to count people in a census when they dont want to be counted....if you'd rather not use the harris county numbers and the w/n the houston city limits (which is basically a sign on a highway and nothing more, as in no difference between houston and the next town) then you could say 1.35% of the hispanic population showed up (10 thousand out of 740 thousand, again grossly underestimated).......i wonder y it was so low? that is puzzling to me and im from the area unless of course what seems like a large amount is actually the minority?.....

disclaimer: i know everyone at the protest r not hispanic but the overwhelming majority r...also, the asian immigrant population is not even included in the nubmers and they make a good number in south west houston...so the numbers could be much less than the anemic ones i just figured out if you were to count immigrants....

04-10-2006, 10:38 PM
Isn't there a down low rule against political issues?

04-10-2006, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by VWG
Isn't there a down low rule against political issues?
No, rule is:

Political topics involving American political parties and their current candidates for office and religious topics are forbidden.

04-10-2006, 11:40 PM
not to mention this is an American issue not political, though it will end up being one in the end, sadly....

04-11-2006, 02:14 AM
sounds more racial to me

04-11-2006, 04:15 AM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
While some of these proposals are rather "extreme"...I think this paragraph is a perfectly reasonable idea.

So wait...you want to "reap the benefits" of being in America and take advantage of all the social services that are provided but yet you can't pay taxes because either 1) you don't have a job or 2) you don't have a valid SSN# and instead provide a false # to an employer (a whole list of things you can be charged with here) so that the money that IS withheld from your paycheck never goes to pay for these services. The illegal immigration problem, as much as anything else, will turn into something that further drives this country towards a socialist/communist society if we keep providing handouts to those who don't deserve them.

I'll get off my soapbox before I start giving a speech here... [/B]

I'm definetly for reform. But the false SS# is a weak argument.
1. If you pay into a false number then the Government gets free money, and never has to pay any benefits.
2. Try getting into any Social Programs without a Valid SS#.
3. Most illegals are afraid to apply for fear of deportation.

Saying that the Illegals are doing jobs no one wants is BS. The wages on these Jobs would rise based on supply and demand.

Oh! By the way! I'm looking for a couple of hombres. Anybody know where I could find some?:D :D :D

04-11-2006, 04:20 AM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
The only real problems I have with the illegal immigrants is that they're taking our jobs and how they expect us to learn their respected native language. They should have to learn ours. I'm going to stop now so I don't get this edited.

Man! I should have setup a Taco Stand for the day.

04-11-2006, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan_inAustin
sounds more racial to me

Why does it sound racial?

04-11-2006, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan_inAustin
sounds more racial to me It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with our soverignty (sp?) as a nation.

04-11-2006, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with our soverignty (sp?) as a nation.

...not to mention our safety! :nerd:

04-11-2006, 10:19 AM
;) i agree on safety and strengthening our borders to prevent from people trying to get in to cause harm. but like i said i just feel some our just a little more excited with there feelings towards hispanic people taking there jobs and not just people who are here illegal. Thats how i see it from some. Keep going with this i was just expressing how i see it:)

04-11-2006, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
While some of these proposals are rather "extreme"...I think this paragraph is a perfectly reasonable idea.

So wait...you want to "reap the benefits" of being in America and take advantage of all the social services that are provided but yet you can't pay taxes because either 1) you don't have a job or 2) you don't have a valid SSN# and instead provide a false # to an employer (a whole list of things you can be charged with here) so that the money that IS withheld from your paycheck never goes to pay for these services. The illegal immigration problem, as much as anything else, will turn into something that further drives this country towards a socialist/communist society if we keep providing handouts to those who don't deserve them.

I'll get off my soapbox before I start giving a speech here... [/B]

I dont believe in free rides, and I think we should reach some consensus on the immigration issue, but what about those people who knowingly hire illegals. Why does it seem that they are getting off scot free? Why dont they have to pay back taxes, etc.? I think both parties should pay, not just the illegals.

04-11-2006, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan_inAustin
;) i agree on safety and strengthening our borders to prevent from people trying to get in to cause harm. but like i said i just feel some our just a little more excited with there feelings towards hispanic people taking there jobs and not just people who are here illegal. Thats how i see it from some. Keep going with this i was just expressing how i see it:)

For the most part, illegals aren't taking away jobs from Americans. They are taking jobs that Americans won't take because they feel they are working for a substandard wage and they (and this logic is beyond me) would rather sit at home on the a** and make nothing instead of getting a job and making something. Then again, when they can draw unemployment $ that is often times better than what they make after taxes at a minimum wage job.

04-11-2006, 10:38 AM
I think I will move to Mexico, get my green card or what have you, make a living of a new chain of taco shacks called "uno mas Gringos" and live in a hut made from straw and that putty stuff that drips when it is really hot!

04-11-2006, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by NateDawg39
I think I will move to Mexico, get my green card or what have you, make a living of a new chain of taco shacks called "uno mas Gringos" and live in a hut made from straw and that putty stuff that drips when it is really hot!

ROFL...You could look like this guy...


04-11-2006, 10:44 AM
It already does look like me...except I am better looking somewhat,

04-11-2006, 12:35 PM
I'd say yes to vote for it, it's a hell of a lot better than what we have now...

Look, I don't give a damn if you're from Canada, Mexico, Germany, France or WHAT!!! If you're here illegally YOU'RE BREAKING THE LAW... the law should be enforced on you and we should not have to hold you in our jails, feed you in our jails and let you use the plumbing in our jails... all we need to spend on you is gas money to drop you off out of the US until you come back (for now, a more strict border would be nice)...

There are freaking people in India and other countries RIGHT NOW standing in line to get paperwork done so they can come over here... they'll have to wait a long time to get here but they're doing it the legal way (which may not be the best legal way, but it is the LAW, and this is a nation of LAWS, and when you BREAK these laws you are a criminal)...

It's like a slap in the face to these people doing it legally and who HAVE done it legally when you have these ILLEGALS who did it ILLEGALLY waving their foregin flag on OUR AMERICAN streets and the loony ones here legally protesting for crap half of 'em don't even know about...

"We gotta have justice for immigrants in the U.S."... I AGREE, BUT THIS ISSUE IS ABOUT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!

Then you have little kids that were out of school "marching" with their parents and when they're asked why they're there they say "For our rights"... YOU HAVE RIGHTS, but your illegal family doesn't...

Something needs to be done... I'm not racist, but get your foreign flag off of my street if you're not here legally...

04-11-2006, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
I'd say yes to vote for it, it's a hell of a lot better than what we have now...

Look, I don't give a damn if you're from Canada, Mexico, Germany, France or WHAT!!! If you're here illegally YOU'RE BREAKING THE LAW... the law should be enforced on you and we should not have to hold you in our jails, feed you in our jails and let you use the plumbing in our jails... all we need to spend on you is gas money to drop you off out of the US until you come back (for now, a more strict border would be nice)...

There are freaking people in India and other countries RIGHT NOW standing in line to get paperwork done so they can come over here... they'll have to wait a long time to get here but they're doing it the legal way (which may not be the best legal way, but it is the LAW, and this is a nation of LAWS, and when you BREAK these laws you are a criminal)...

It's like a slap in the face to these people doing it legally and who HAVE done it legally when you have these ILLEGALS who did it ILLEGALLY waving their foregin flag on OUR AMERICAN streets and the loony ones here legally protesting for crap half of 'em don't even know about...

"We gotta have justice for immigrants in the U.S."... I AGREE, BUT THIS ISSUE IS ABOUT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!

Then you have little kids that were out of school "marching" with their parents and when they're asked why they're there they say "For our rights"... YOU HAVE RIGHTS, but your illegal family doesn't...

Something needs to be done... I'm not racist, but get your foreign flag off of my street if you're not here legally...

And I CANNOT honestly say that I wouldn't try to come over here illegally myself... I just can't... but I'd know it's illegal as these people do (hell, you don't go into a country stuffed in an icechest just for the hell of it, they know it's illegal)...

Illegal is Illegal is Illegal...

What is crazy is that in Mexico they chunk out people SOUTH of the Mexican border ALL OF THE TIME when they cross illegally... they have their freakin' army down there... Why aren't these illegals over THERE waving their flag in their own country?

Go worry about your countries, leave our's the hell alone until you're an actual citizen...

04-11-2006, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
And I CANNOT honestly say that I wouldn't try to come over here illegally myself... I just can't... but I'd know it's illegal as these people do (hell, you don't go into a country stuffed in an icechest just for the hell of it, they know it's illegal)...

Illegal is Illegal is Illegal...

What is crazy is that in Mexico they chunk out people SOUTH of the Mexican border ALL OF THE TIME when they cross illegally... they have their freakin' army down there... Why aren't these illegals over THERE waving their flag in their own country?

Go worry about your countries, leave our's the hell alone until you're an actual citizen...

Wow someone is :mad:

04-11-2006, 01:47 PM
yea i agree about waving another countries flag in US soil. If they want to show they want to stay here then show u want to be an american and wave a US flag. This issue has overshadowed the Iraq problems, because this is happening here. the only thing i dont like is some feeling its all hispanics are here illegally by some way, i am not talking about here but thru the whole nation some see a hispanic and their first thought is ur here illegally. and this is where people claim their taking our jobs, but its hispanic born americans taking their jobs!

04-11-2006, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan_inAustin
yea i agree about waving another countries flag in US soil. If they want to show they want to stay here then show u want to be an american and wave a US flag. This issue has overshadowed the Iraq problems, because this is happening here. the only thing i dont like is some feeling its all hispanics are here illegally by some way, i am not talking about here but thru the whole nation some see a hispanic and their first thought is ur here illegally. and this is where people claim their taking our jobs, but its hispanic born americans taking their jobs!

That's the deal, NO ONE thinks that ALL hispanics are here illegally... If you're hispanic and can't speaka no english, then yah, maybe we'll think you're here illegally (because more non-english speaking hispanics are here illegally than legally, just the facts)... that, though, would not be the act of being racist, that would just be profiling a specific member of that certain race (and we all do that, so if anyone says that type of mindset makes me a racists, then find a mirror that works)...

what bugs me the most is that Hispanic folks are gettin' all tore up over the government and the majority of Americans being against immigration... maybe they should get tore up about that... but if they'd open up their ears, their minds and put down those FOREIGN FLAGS, maybe they'd understand that we're puttin an "illegal" infront of that "immigrants"...

04-11-2006, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by whtfbplaya
Wow someone is :mad:

You bet your redfish catching, huge nutted-hog trappin' rearend I am...

Illegal immigrants in our country, waving their native country's flag (like they loved it so much or they wouldn't have left it) and trying to dictate/manipulate our government's actions... if they succeed, I say Texas goes back to a republic, opens up a "ShipyabuttoutHound Bus" line to ship these folks North, South, East, West and whichever way possible to get someone who isn't even an American/Texan citizen committing a crime OUT of here... And open up a "SouthNorthEasyWest Airlines" and fly 'em out... hell, even a cruise ship would do (just tell 'em there are paranas in the waters)...

God bless them illegals, I know they want something better in life, I would too to be honest with you... I can't blame them a bit and as I've stated I can't honestly say I wouldn't do it myself... But they know it's illegal, why give 'em a pass when we American citizens couldn't get one for freakin' jay-walkin'?

04-11-2006, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan_inAustin
but its hispanic born americans taking their jobs!

hispanic born AMERICANS? There's no problem with that, those are AMERICANS... screw White-Americans, screw African-Americans, screw Mexican-Americans, screw China-Americans, SCREW IT ALL.... WE'RE AMERICANS...

Come down to where I work at... in the department of the division of the plant I work at there are about 8 illegals working a shift (twelve hour day and night)... there are 4 shifts, so that's 32 illegals employed by MY DEPARTMENT ALONE (out of 4 in that division, two other the others employ none, the other two, however, employ around the same, not gunna get on the specifics of the other departments because I honestly do not know, but for FACT know in my department)...

There are cases when an American citizen at my plant (White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red who gives a flying crap they're AMERICAN) will get laid off while an illegal keeps their job... That is BS... I'm sorry if you do not see it going on, but you either need to open your eyes or look around just a bit more because you're missin' it...

04-11-2006, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
Illegal immigrants in our country, waving their native country's flag (like they loved it so much or they wouldn't have left it)

Last week it was Mexican flags and then all of sudden American flags began to appear this week. Nothing but a PR stunt.

04-11-2006, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
Last week it was Mexican flags and then all of sudden American flags began to appear this week. Nothing but a PR stunt.

yea, I think someone clued them in. It doesn't bode well for your cause when you're carrying the flag of a foreign country

04-11-2006, 10:20 PM
So may 1, 2006 will be "Day without latinos" and Latinos will not show up to work on this monday, nor will they purchase american products. Also, there's an actual movie that you can rent called "Day without a mexican" and you can get an idea of what May 1st will look like.

04-11-2006, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by mistanice
So may 1, 2006 will be "Day without latinos" and Latinos will not show up to work on this monday, nor will they purchase american products. Also, there's an actual movie that you can rent called "Day without a mexican" and you can get an idea of what May 1st will look like.

It is a great movie:D

big daddy russ
04-12-2006, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by mistanice
So may 1, 2006 will be "Day without latinos" and Latinos will not show up to work on this monday, nor will they purchase american products. Also, there's an actual movie that you can rent called "Day without a mexican" and you can get an idea of what May 1st will look like.
When did this become about all Latinos? The legislation is only about the illegal ones.

And what is really made in America these days? Hamburgers is about all I can think of.

04-12-2006, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by mistanice
So may 1, 2006 will be "Day without latinos" and Latinos will not show up to work on this monday, nor will they purchase american products. Also, there's an actual movie that you can rent called "Day without a mexican" and you can get an idea of what May 1st will look like.
If they dont show up to work they will get fired. Real smart.

LH Panther Mom
04-12-2006, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by turbostud
If they dont show up to work they will get fired. Real smart.
Or at the very least, not get paid. :doh: :doh:

04-12-2006, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by mistanice
So may 1, 2006 will be "Day without latinos" and Latinos will not show up to work on this monday, nor will they purchase american products. Also, there's an actual movie that you can rent called "Day without a mexican" and you can get an idea of what May 1st will look like.

AND THE POINT IS?:confused:

What does this have to do with Race? Mexico has some of the toughest immigration laws any where.......and why do you think that it is???????????????

04-12-2006, 12:18 PM
BTW, isn't May the 1st an old Holiday in Russia from back in in their Communist days? "May Day"? Where they'd parade their missiles and military around to scare the crap out of everyone?


The picture on the front page of The Victoria Advocate yesterday had a lady in it holding a sign that says "We feed America"...


Legals can feed America all they want, and I'll keep eatin' it, but if Illegals are feeding America and I'm eating it (and it's pretty freaking good) than they need to have a place south of the border, north of the northern border etc... that we can visit...