View Full Version : Favorite quotes from Hollyweird... part deux

04-03-2006, 04:00 PM
Charlie Sheen as quoted on a radio show 3/20/06, talking about 911 and the World Trade Center:

"There was a feeling, it just didn't look any commercial jetliner I've flown on any time in my life and then when the buildings came down later on that day I said to my brother 'call me insane, but did it sorta look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition?"
Call me insane, but does that sorta make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.:mad:

04-03-2006, 04:08 PM
Just another coke head spouting his left wing pinko crappola. He wins today's "FECKLESS CRAPWEASEL" award.

04-03-2006, 08:08 PM
A controlled demolition??? Looks like the terrorists were in complete control, so I agree...

I guess if appear in a few movies, have a T.V. series and a family full of actors I can be taken seriously...