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Chief Ohera
04-01-2006, 01:31 PM
Hello my fellow brothers, I just completed my trip to Portland, ORE and boy what a trip it was. I had some very interesting case studies that provided me some great hands-on experience. The more trips of this kind I take the more I learn about the science of the human body. The people in the city were some of the most generous and polite individuals that I have ever met. The night life was amazing to say the least, those northern hotties know how to make a man rattle. My game was thrown off for about the first couple of days, but the more bars I went to the more the girls came accustomed to this texas man.

My highlight of the trip came when the very highly overrated UT hoops squad got knock out of the tourney. If they had VY they would win the entire thing because VY single-handily won them the football crown. However, I thought my bracket did well, I had UCLA and UF in the final four.

I have received numerous emails wanting me to do this and do that here on the forum. Some of you wanted to know who I am, background, etc and someone wanted me to play a survivor game???? Well since I don’t let on a lot I will give you some of my personal background. I’m am 25 years of age, I graduated high school from a small 3-a school around the Houston area, then I went to UTA and got my undergraduate degree from there, and I also competed on their track squad. I then went on and received my masters’ degree from UTA. Then after that I came here to Dallas, Tx and I am currently working on an internship job with a clinical research based company out of dallas.

I believed that some people have mistaken me with some other people but that’s okay, I understand, I have a younger sister not “brother”. I have one older brother and one younger sister. I have ties to the 5-3a might be 6-3a now district. My older brother and his family live in graham and they have a little girl that is currently in the graham independent school district.

Anyways enough of that, this trip taught me something about myself.
However there is one thing that I am missing right now and without that, my life is not complete at this here moment. I am missing that “special someone” a woman who can keep me grounded, focused and sane. The older I become the more I come to think of it and the more I realize that--------running around all the time with other women behind the back of your girlfriend isn’t the best idea. My theory has always been, there are so many women out there why not try to sleep with the ones who present themselves to you. “sorry if that offended anyone. I am tried of chasing women “it’s an addiction” and my game is all but almost worn out. I just need that someone who will keep me “leveled” that’s all. I have a very addicting personality and sometimes it gets the better of me unfortunately.

So my brothers and gentleman, that’s all I have for now.

So until next time…………………your buddy the Chief

big daddy russ
04-01-2006, 01:37 PM
These honies will be happy to give you some love.


Seriously man, welcome back. The board just isn't the same without you. Sounds like you had fun.

04-01-2006, 01:37 PM
Chief its so great to have you back, us at the downlow have missed u dearly. We cant wait to hear more of your insight on life and sports that you have to offer us. So with that we welcome you back to the downlow with open arms and much love, on this day...

04-01-2006, 01:42 PM
I hope you find what your looking for Chief - I do worry that your looking in the wrong places. Kepp in my mind that you never find the woman of your dreams when you're looking for her. And I don't think you need the steriods to feel good about yourself.

18-25 tend to be the "hard-living years" and it seems like you're ready to move on from that. That's a good sign.

one last thing - I've never heard anyone talk about how friendly people on the left coast are.

04-01-2006, 01:51 PM
read my sig and you will realize that Bull is the TRUE Chief as he predicted that "the chief" would return on "his day"...April 1!!! :p

Yes you got all excited to see Texas lose...remind me how BlowU did in the tourney though? Heck weren't they the first team eliminated?

Phil C
04-01-2006, 01:55 PM
Welcome back Chief!

04-01-2006, 02:52 PM
:clap: That post was pretty "civilized", Chief. See...you can do it if you try. Welcome back.

04-01-2006, 04:10 PM
welcome back man its glad to see you again

04-01-2006, 04:57 PM

Cameron Crazy
04-01-2006, 04:58 PM
Ya the chief is back errrbody

04-01-2006, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by smustangs
welcome back man its glad to see you again

what is?

04-01-2006, 05:51 PM
I have a very addicting personality

thats the funniest thing I have heard in a long long time.