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Ranger Mom
03-31-2006, 09:43 PM
Does anyone have a clue where a 6 inch long corn snake would more than likely go if it got out of it's aquarium???

LH Panther Mom
03-31-2006, 09:45 PM
Up your pants leg....or possibly a Lincoln Log container. (don't ask)

Seriously, I would think it would go just about anywhere.

03-31-2006, 09:46 PM
somehwere dark and warm like under the covers in your bed.

03-31-2006, 09:46 PM
What are you doing with a rat snake?
I'm looking for good info RM.:)

Ranger Mom
03-31-2006, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom

Seriously, I would think it would go just about anywhere.

Great!! Chad is gone out to the location for 4 days and it's HIS darn snake. I have torn his room apart looking for it to no avail.

I have no idea where else to look. I have pretty much come to the conclusion it is no longer in there, but as small as it, there's no telling WHERE it is.

He named it "Squishy" after the little jelly fish on Finding Nemo....I'm afraid he may REALLY be squishy before long!!:eek:

03-31-2006, 09:49 PM
I found this online:
How To Find an Escaped Pet in the House
From Lianne McLeod,
Your Guide to Exotic Pets.
FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!

Some exotic pets are pretty good escape artists, and are also good at avoiding capture. Here is a game plan to help you find a lost pet in your house.
Difficulty: N/A

Time Required: Variable

Here's How:
1. Start your search near the cage and go from there.

2. Check behind furniture along the baseboards.

3. Check under the furniture.

4. Check inside cabinets, drawers, shelves and bookcases. Check behind, in, and under any items in these places.

5. Remove cushions from couches and chairs, and check down the sides and back of the furniture.

Sponsored Links
Cages By Design
Give your pet room to stretch Beautiful bird and reptile habitats

San Antonio Pets For Sale
Find Pets For Sale With San Antonio's Online Local Search.

Whatever you're looking for you can get it on eBay.
6. Check the underside of furniture and beds for any holes through which a creature could climb inside the furniture/bed.

7. Check inside any boxes you have around the house, including tissue boxes.

8. Look inside any backpacks, purses, or other bags.

9. Look in boots and shoes, or any other small, dark hiding places you can think of.

10. Check the undersides and backs of appliances for holes your pet could have climbed into.

11. Make sure cage is left open, and place favorite treat or food around and in cage.

12. Place foil around the room (or crinkly plastic) in potential hiding places so you can hear your pet moving around.

13. Sprinkle some flour on the floor in areas where you suspect your pet might be hiding - you might get a set of footprints to help you.

Don't discount a hiding place because you think it is too small or inaccessible - snakes, lizards and even small mammals can fit through surprisingly small spaces.
If your pet is nocturnal, consider putting out its favorite treat after dark (e.g. in the cage), turning out the lights, and waiting.
Many pets do consider their cage their home, and will return to it given the chance. Make sure your home is safe, and that your pet can get some food and water if they have been missing for longer than 12-24 hrs.

03-31-2006, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan
I found this online:
How To Find an Escaped Pet in the House
From Lianne McLeod,
Your Guide to Exotic Pets.
FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!

Some exotic pets are pretty good escape artists, and are also good at avoiding capture. Here is a game plan to help you find a lost pet in your house.
Difficulty: N/A

Time Required: Variable

Here's How:
1. Start your search near the cage and go from there.

2. Check behind furniture along the baseboards.

3. Check under the furniture.

4. Check inside cabinets, drawers, shelves and bookcases. Check behind, in, and under any items in these places.

5. Remove cushions from couches and chairs, and check down the sides and back of the furniture.

Sponsored Links
Cages By Design
Give your pet room to stretch Beautiful bird and reptile habitats

San Antonio Pets For Sale
Find Pets For Sale With San Antonio's Online Local Search.

Whatever you're looking for you can get it on eBay.
6. Check the underside of furniture and beds for any holes through which a creature could climb inside the furniture/bed.

7. Check inside any boxes you have around the house, including tissue boxes.

8. Look inside any backpacks, purses, or other bags.

9. Look in boots and shoes, or any other small, dark hiding places you can think of.

10. Check the undersides and backs of appliances for holes your pet could have climbed into.

11. Make sure cage is left open, and place favorite treat or food around and in cage.

12. Place foil around the room (or crinkly plastic) in potential hiding places so you can hear your pet moving around.

13. Sprinkle some flour on the floor in areas where you suspect your pet might be hiding - you might get a set of footprints to help you.

Don't discount a hiding place because you think it is too small or inaccessible - snakes, lizards and even small mammals can fit through surprisingly small spaces.
If your pet is nocturnal, consider putting out its favorite treat after dark (e.g. in the cage), turning out the lights, and waiting.
Many pets do consider their cage their home, and will return to it given the chance. Make sure your home is safe, and that your pet can get some food and water if they have been missing for longer than 12-24 hrs.

that my friends is what you call friendship.

Ranger Mom
03-31-2006, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan
Make sure your home is safe, and that your pet can get some food and water if they have been missing for longer than 12-24 hrs.

Hmmmm.....I don't know how safe it's gonna be if the 2 puppies spot it before I do!

LH Panther Mom
03-31-2006, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Does anyone have a clue where a 6 inch long corn snake would more than likely go if it got out of it's aquarium???
Oh WAIT a minute! Now I know the answer for the RM story hour from the other night. :evillaugh :evillaugh :evillaugh :kiss:

Ranger Mom
03-31-2006, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
that my friends is what you call friendship.

I know...he's a sweetheart!!:inlove: :inlove:

Ranger Mom
03-31-2006, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Oh WAIT a minute! Now I know the answer for the RM story hour from the other night. :evillaugh :evillaugh :evillaugh :kiss:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

03-31-2006, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I know...he's a sweetheart!!:inlove: :inlove:
But I'm missed RM story hour...:inlove:

Ranger Mom
03-31-2006, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan
But I'm missed RM story hour...:inlove:

That's probably a good thing....I'm sure this is another one of those "things" I will never live down!!

03-31-2006, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
That's probably a good thing....I'm sure this is another one of those "things" I will never live down!!
I'm sure I'll hear about it soon.:clap: :D

Ranger Mom
03-31-2006, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan
I'm sure I'll hear about it soon.:clap: :D

Probably so!!

My husband says I talk too much......can you believe that??:eek:

03-31-2006, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Probably so!!

My husband says I talk too much......can you believe that??:eek:
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Heavens NO!

04-01-2006, 01:16 AM
I don't care what kind of snake it is....if it were loose in my house I would get a motel room!!!