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View Full Version : Prayer hurts those you pray for

03-31-2006, 09:04 AM
How's that for a thread title?


If you believe the results of the $2.4 million dollar study, when you pray for strangers, they have more serious complications after surgery.

03-31-2006, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by CenTexSports
How's that for a thread title?


If you believe the results of the $2.4 million dollar study, when you pray for strangers, they have more serious complications after surgery. They can do whatever they want with their study. I will take the prayers of friends, family or strangers any day.

03-31-2006, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by DaHop72
They can do whatever they want with their study. I will take the prayers of friends, family or strangers any day.

i second that!

Ranger Mom
03-31-2006, 09:40 AM
I heard about that on Good Morning America....as the guy explained it....there was no way this could be an accurate study.

Just because one group was being "publicly prayed for" as part of the study, there is NO WAY to know if people in the other group were being prayed for or not.

I saw a quote the other day that sums it all up for me:

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and find out that there isn't, than live my live as if there isn't a God and find out that there is!!

03-31-2006, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and find out that there isn't, than live my live as if there isn't a God and find out that there is!!

Amen sister :clap: :clap:

venomous tat2
03-31-2006, 09:54 AM
Prayer is for the believers in christ and have faith in God. Proverbs says " Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not to thy own understanding and he direct your path " Bottom line
prayer works for those who believe, AMEN :)

03-31-2006, 09:58 AM
Prayer works when you feel it in your heart. How much do you feel when you're doing it for a paid study? If it's not genuine and sincere, why would it work? Rubbish. My son was in the NICU for two weeks after his birth, and prayer CERTAINLY worked for us. This study is invalid because "prayer" is not just pre-written and recited words. It's the emotion, sincerity and faith that goes into them.

03-31-2006, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom

I saw a quote the other day that sums it all up for me:

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and find out that there isn't, than live my live as if there isn't a God and find out that there is!!

Don't want to hijack the thread, but that philosophy doesn't work for me. I prefer the truth (not that I have it).

03-31-2006, 10:30 AM
I guess i better stop praying for the sick and indigent...its not helping them anyway, huh?

What a ridiculous way to spend (waste) money...on such a stupid experiment. Must be an atheist back experiment to support their holiday this weekend.

03-31-2006, 10:36 AM
More tabloid media "baloney".

Ranger Mom
03-31-2006, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Macarthur
Don't want to hijack the thread, but that philosophy doesn't work for me. I prefer the truth (not that I have it).

To each their own, I guess.

This is just a chance I am not willing to take!

03-31-2006, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by Macarthur
Don't want to hijack the thread, but that philosophy doesn't work for me. I prefer the truth (not that I have it). If it doesn't work for you that's fine, to each his own.

03-31-2006, 12:08 PM
Yep, I heard about this. They think God is some puppet you can pull with strings and get him to do what you want! Do they seriously think God or prayer fits in a test tube? I can just see God sitting there going, "Nope, you aren't going to measure me!" Heehee!

03-31-2006, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by briefcase
Yep, I heard about this. They think God is some puppet you can pull with strings and get him to do what you want! Do they seriously think God or prayer fits in a test tube? I can just see God sitting there going, "Nope, you aren't going to measure me!" Heehee!

I think this is the ultimate questions here. What is God's nature and how does he work. I hear so many people that will thank God and aknowledge him for the good things in their life, yet they don't do the same when negative things happen. For instance, they thank God for that wonderful promotion they got at work, yet they give no thought to why God caused/allowed the tsunami to kill thousands of children. Now, I don't believe God caused that tsunami, but I also don't believe he had anything to do with your promotion, either.

I can't wait to see what some of you think...:devil:

03-31-2006, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Macarthur
I think this is the ultimate questions here. What is God's nature and how does he work. I hear so many people that will thank God and aknowledge him for the good things in their life, yet they don't do the same when negative things happen. For instance, they thank God for that wonderful promotion they got at work, yet they give no thought to why God caused/allowed the tsunami to kill thousands of children. Now, I don't believe God caused that tsunami, but I also don't believe he had anything to do with your promotion, either.

I can't wait to see what some of you think...:devil:

I'll pray for you. :evillaugh

03-31-2006, 12:56 PM
You might be suprised. I was raised in the Baptist church and accepted salvation when I was nine. I remember the day like it was yesterday (at a Royal Ambassador camp) while watching a slide show given by a missionary.

Any way, I don't believe in predestination or God's mingling in our day to day lives. Other wise what is the purpose of living. We have a guide to how to live our lives (bible) and we should strive to do our best to live up to this expectation. We should also support our brethern in actions and prayer but I just don't believe God chooses who will live or die on a daily basis. He made those decisions when he crafted the universe and set out the laws of nature. We detrmine the rest by how we live our lives and the decisions we makes daily.

Just my philosphy.

03-31-2006, 01:06 PM
If every prayer was 100% guaranteed, where would that leave FAITH?

Oh and on a side note... in the gospel of Garth, "Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers". :D

03-31-2006, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by CenTexSports
You might be suprised. I was raised in the Baptist church and accepted salvation when I was nine. I remember the day like it was yesterday (at a Royal Ambassador camp) while watching a slide show given by a missionary.

Any way, I don't believe in predestination or God's mingling in our day to day lives. Other wise what is the purpose of living. We have a guide to how to live our lives (bible) and we should strive to do our best to live up to this expection. We should also support our brethern in actions and prayer but I just don't believe God chooses who will live or die on a daily basis. He made those decisions when he crafred the universe and set out the laws of nature. We detrmine the rest by how we live our lives and the decisions we makes daily.

Just my philosphy.

I think that's a sound attitude, but I would argue you are probably in the minority of how Christians think.

03-31-2006, 01:41 PM
I was raised in the assembly of God church...

I feel pretty much the same as CenTex on this one if I am reading him right...

Have a guy at work who was able to get a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood etc... he gives God all of the credit for it... now, I don't think God cares how big your house is, but if it makes you happy I'm sure he could have helped you along the way... but the guy forgets that THEY saved money, THEY shopped around instead of buying the first thing they saw... they made sacrifices, they've worked and earned it...

I just don't believe the good lord giveth and the good lord taketh away with EVERYTHING in your life... if I felt he did I'd be depressed all of the time... "Hmm, so I really didn't graduate High School? Someone did it for me?"

03-31-2006, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
I was raised in the assembly of God church...

I feel pretty much the same as CenTex on this one if I am reading him right...

Have a guy at work who was able to get a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood etc... he gives God all of the credit for it... now, I don't think God cares how big your house is, but if it makes you happy I'm sure he could have helped you along the way... but the guy forgets that THEY saved money, THEY shopped around instead of buying the first thing they saw... they made sacrifices, they've worked and earned it...

I just don't believe the good lord giveth and the good lord taketh away with EVERYTHING in your life... if I felt he did I'd be depressed all of the time... "Hmm, so I really didn't graduate High School? Someone did it for me?"
i dont think id be depressed if i learned the creator of earth and humanity got me to graduate High School.

03-31-2006, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
I was raised in the assembly of God church...

I feel pretty much the same as CenTex on this one if I am reading him right...

Have a guy at work who was able to get a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood etc... he gives God all of the credit for it... now, I don't think God cares how big your house is, but if it makes you happy I'm sure he could have helped you along the way... but the guy forgets that THEY saved money, THEY shopped around instead of buying the first thing they saw... they made sacrifices, they've worked and earned it...

I just don't believe the good lord giveth and the good lord taketh away with EVERYTHING in your life... if I felt he did I'd be depressed all of the time... "Hmm, so I really didn't graduate High School? Someone did it for me?"

I don't think he's really thanking the Lord for the house directly, more like he's thanking the Lord for his happiness and higher standard of living. I know a lot of arrogant jerk-offs that I work with who could use a little humility.

What irritates me are people that put themselves in bad situations with the attitude that everything is in God's hands to see them through this. I think God wants you to be responsible and take care of yourself.

As far as the survey goes - it's BS to me. Wouldn't matter what the results revealed. How do they know some people were prayed for and some weren't? Did you just take people's word for it? What if they felt bad and said they payed but really didn't? How did you ask them if they prayed? Did you say "You did say a prayer for your ailing father who sacrificed greatly for you, didn't you?". Too many ways to inject bias into any survey and there is absolutely no way to verify these results.

03-31-2006, 03:17 PM
People spent money to do this survey? I pray that they learn some money management...but then again I'd be praying for strangers...
My thought on prayers is that I can ask for that new car, new home, millions of dollars...but what if that's not what my life is supposed to hold? When praying, (imho) people may be asking for things, but they ask (usually) with the realization that God's will is going to be done rather than getting everything that we want as soon as we ask for it. If I asked for a million dollars and then got it...wouldn't you say that my life would change a little bit? I'd still be the same ol' Cassie, but with the money I could change some aspects of my life that may not have needed to be changed. If I'm supposed to get some money in my life then I may have to learn patience and hard work and earn it myself instead of God just granting my request. Same goes for the healing of illness and other aspects of life. I pray for strangers, I pray for family, I pray for many a thing BUT I have, and try to encourage others that whatever I ask for will come true in God's will...not our want.

03-31-2006, 03:38 PM
So was the tsunami God's will?

03-31-2006, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Macarthur
So was the tsunami God's will?

of course. He was mad about all the suicide bombings.

03-31-2006, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by SWMustang
of course. He was mad about all the suicide bombings.

Hey, I know you're joking, but there are people that truly believe God sent the hurricane to hit NO because it's an immoral city.


03-31-2006, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Macarthur
Don't want to hijack the thread, but that philosophy doesn't work for me. I prefer the truth (not that I have it).

Trouble with that is, when you find out the truth you probably won't be in a position to spread the word.

03-31-2006, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Maroon87
Trouble with that is, when you find out the truth you probably won't be in a position to spread the word.

good point

04-01-2006, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
I was raised in the assembly of God church...

I feel pretty much the same as CenTex on this one if I am reading him right...

Have a guy at work who was able to get a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood etc... he gives God all of the credit for it... now, I don't think God cares how big your house is, but if it makes you happy I'm sure he could have helped you along the way... but the guy forgets that THEY saved money, THEY shopped around instead of buying the first thing they saw... they made sacrifices, they've worked and earned it...

I just don't believe the good lord giveth and the good lord taketh away with EVERYTHING in your life... if I felt he did I'd be depressed all of the time... "Hmm, so I really didn't graduate High School? Someone did it for me?"

Maybe so, but how about God gave you the ability to do these things?:)

04-01-2006, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by CenTexSports
How's that for a thread title?


If you believe the results of the $2.4 million dollar study, when you pray for strangers, they have more serious complications after surgery.

If the study is true, I am truely sorry for the many people that I have been hurt ing for so many years, for I personally believe in the power of prayer.
While I am not necessarily a deepley religious person, I have a very strong belief in God, and prayer is not only a way for me to ask for help for others, it is also a way for me to recognise and honor God.


Aesculus gilmus
04-01-2006, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by SWMustang
What irritates me are people that put themselves in bad situations with the attitude that everything is in God's hands to see them through this. I think God wants you to be responsible and take care of yourself.

This reminded me of when I was still going to a Southern Baptist church. They sent a bunch of missionaries into northern Iraq a few months after the "mission" was "accomplished." All of a sudden, several of them got killed in an ambush. God will not protect those with no common sense from harm. I am sure these missionaries had common sense at one time, but they took leave of their senses when they decided to go into a war zone. Either that or they were only watching Fox News at the time. The info was readily available that there were still people being attacked and killed.

04-01-2006, 12:41 PM
What irritates me are people that put themselves in bad situations with the attitude that everything is in God's hands to see them through this. I think God wants you to be responsible and take care of yourself.


Its kinda like a joke my Grandfather told me one time;

There was a farmer/rancher working on his fence down by the lane one day. It was obvious by the appearence of the place that there had been a lot of hard work put into the place.

The local preacher just happened to be driving by and decided to stop and visit when he saw the man working on his fence. As the preacher and the man leaned on the fence and visited, the preacher told the man " You and the Lord have really got this place in great shape". The farmer/rancher replied, " Yes sir, but you should have seen what it looked like when the lord was taking care of it by himself".

This kind of goes along with my therory that the Lord gives you the ability to do good things, he doesnt do them for you.:)