View Full Version : I am GJ Kinne's love child......

03-25-2006, 08:15 AM
I forgot we were talking about a 17 year old kid. I apologize for offending anyone. I thought it was pretty funny though.

Here's a different one.

I heard GJ Kinne can shoot laser beams from his eyes.:eek:

03-25-2006, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by Buckeye80

I heard GJ Kinne can shoot laser beams from his eyes.:eek:

That's false. Only Godzilla and Chuck Norris have the ability to shoot laser beams from their eyes.

03-25-2006, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
That's false. Only Godzilla and Chick Norris have the ability to shoot laser beams from their eyes.

NUH UH!!!:mad:

03-25-2006, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Buckeye80
NUH UH!!!:mad:

Ask anyone, they'll all tell you it's true.

03-25-2006, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
Ask anyone, they'll all tell you it's true.

Well, OK, but I also heard that this one time, GJ Kinne sat on the goal line and threw a left-handed pass that went so far, a jet flying by at the time reported it on his radar. That's no lie man! True story, true story.:eek:

03-25-2006, 09:47 PM
I think that Kinne will be ineligible if he transfers to Gilmer. Athletics are only reason he would want to transfer there. IMO

03-26-2006, 04:47 AM
Hop off of GJ Kinne's ****

That was uncalled for, even with partial **.....lhpm