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03-18-2006, 12:10 AM
...in principle to a deal.

Chief Ohera
03-18-2006, 12:16 AM
great job jerry, couldn't have brought in a better athlete than that of TO.

what a job Jerry did, man is he great at what he does,
TO will put the cowboys over the top,

jerry did this one right and got a great package.

way to go,

until next time..........

03-18-2006, 12:17 AM
*shrugs shoulders*

03-18-2006, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by Chief Ohera
great job jerry, couldn't have brought in a better athlete than that of TO.

what a job Jerry did, man is he great at what he does,
TO will put the cowboys over the top,

jerry did this one right and got a great package.

way to go,

until next time..........

Where do you buy your crack???

03-18-2006, 12:18 AM
:hand: :doh:

03-18-2006, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
Where do you buy your crack???
I don't know! But! I think a good Football 101 book for you would be a great purchase. He's a great grab. That doesn't mean that they have to do Thanksgiving together.

PhiI C
03-18-2006, 10:17 AM
Good news indeed! Welcome to Dallas T.O.

03-18-2006, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by espn1
I don't know! But! I think a good Football 101 book for you would be a great purchase. He's a great grab. That doesn't mean that they have to do Thanksgiving together.

I do not doubt that he is the premier reciever in the NFL but he is a cancer that destroys every lockerroom that he enters. There is nothing that you can teach me about football. It is about more than what happens on the field. Maybe you need the book.

Old Tiger
03-18-2006, 11:10 AM
I'm gonna agree with the Chief somewhat. TO is what the Cowboys need.

03-18-2006, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
I'm gonna agree with the Chief somewhat. TO is what the Cowboys need. :evil: :evil: :flamingma :flamingma :mad: :mad:

03-18-2006, 11:15 AM
Terrell Owens replaces the talented yet outspoken Keyshawn Johnson

Owens brings a new meaning to the term 'Big D'
March 18, 2006
By Clark Judge
CBS SportsLine.com Senior Writer

Good night and good luck.

So the Dallas Cowboys will do the predictable and sign on controversial wide receiver Terrell Owens. Now I know what Big D stands for.

Dumb. Dumber. Dumbest.

You don't add a Terrell Owens without running a terrible risk, and Dallas just took the plunge. Sure, Owens makes the Cowboys a better football team for one year. He's one of the top pass-catchers in the game, and he more than fills a void left by the departure of Keyshawn Johnson.

Plus, I guarantee he's on his best behavior this season to prove he's not the villain he's made out to be.

But then what? Well, check his history, and it's not hard to imagine what happens next. He was thrown out of San Francisco, and he was thrown out of Philadelphia -- and both times after sabotaging the club and blow-torching the quarterback.


Ranger Mom
03-18-2006, 11:17 AM
I hate to admit this...but for the first time in several years, I am anxious to sit through a cowboys game!!:eek: :eek:

Old Tiger
03-18-2006, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I hate to admit this...but for the first time in several years, I am anxious to sit through a cowboys game!!:eek: :eek: lol...The Tuna can handle TO

03-18-2006, 12:48 PM
You cant control a show clown and that is what TO is. Everyone thought he would be better in Philly because he wanted to play with McNabb. We all saw how good that worked out. He has verbally run down teammates and done nothing but cause trouble. I hated jerry Jones when he let the piece of crap Leon Lett come back after a year drug suspension and I hate him even more for signing the hemmorroid that is Terrel Owens. Sure the boys will win a few more games but TO does not make them a Super bowl contender just by stepping on the field.

Bull Butter
03-18-2006, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by espn1
I don't know! But! I think a good Football 101 book for you would be a great purchase. He's a great grab. That doesn't mean that they have to do Thanksgiving together.

Actually, in this case it does, since the Cowboys always play on Thanksgiving.

03-18-2006, 01:14 PM
pisses me off

03-18-2006, 01:41 PM
I think this is great. Could it backfire?? Most definitely. But just think of the possibilities! Owens would oppen up every part of the cowboys' offense. No 8 man fronts for Julius to deal with, no double teams on terry glenn, who could go deep even more, and then Owens himself to make big plays when needed. If the O-line stays intact, then there's no reason for the cowboys not to be a major contender.

Old Tiger
03-18-2006, 01:42 PM
People can't think about what MIGHT happen you got to think about what you are getting. A guy who can score 10+ touchdowns a year and over a thousand yards recieving.

03-18-2006, 01:42 PM
I wonder how long it will take TO to tell the world that Bledsoe sucks?:thinking:

03-18-2006, 05:20 PM
Like the article says, he will be on his best behavior his first year, but after that, watch out. ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE!!!
You cant argue with history boys. TO is most definitely a cancer. He will just go into remission for a year, get everybody's hopes up, give a false since of security, then he'll drop the same, tired ole TO bomb. I just cant believe everybody cant see this! Wake up to reality people!!!

03-18-2006, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
Like the article says, he will be on his best behavior his first year, but after that, watch out. ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE!!!
You cant argue with history boys. TO is most definitely a cancer. He will just go into remission for a year, get everybody's hopes up, give a false since of security, then he'll drop the same, tired ole TO bomb. I just cant believe everybody cant see this! Wake up to reality people!!!

Take a deep breath...and repeat after me...



03-18-2006, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Eagle6Man
Take a deep breath...and repeat after me...



Nope, I just cant do it. But I figure the TO experiment will be over in a couple of years or so. I'll just try my best to ignore them for that long, and maybe I'll check em out again once the dust settles. That is, if there is anything left to check out.

03-18-2006, 06:30 PM
Cowboy are is trouble with this one.
But what do they have to lose, they suck anyway

03-18-2006, 06:38 PM
am i the only one that likes the fact that TO is with the cowboys now???

03-18-2006, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by DU_stud04
am i the only one that likes the fact that TO is with the cowboys now???

No. You have lots of company it seems. You just all happen to be wrong. :D

Chief Ohera
03-18-2006, 07:36 PM
best move the cowboys have ever made, to is so explosive it's scary,

people have to give Jerry credit for bringing him it, he will give the cowboys what they need to get to the playoffs.

everyone has always bashed Jerry J. but i believe that he is the most dedicated and smartest owner in the NFL. stop hating on him and give him credit for bringing in this beast of a talent, TO is a machine that can't be stopped by anyone expect for himself,

way to go Jerry, you made us all proud

until next time........

03-18-2006, 07:42 PM
i just jope TO's contract has protection built in for the team just in case ..........

03-18-2006, 07:52 PM
everyone has always bashed Jerry J

That's a pretty broad brush to paint with isn't it?

03-18-2006, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Chief Ohera
great job jerry, couldn't have brought in a better athlete than that of TO.

what a job Jerry did, man is he great at what he does,
TO will put the cowboys over the top,

jerry did this one right and got a great package.

way to go,

until next time..........

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: What a Dumba$$

03-18-2006, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by mrescape43
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: What a Dumba$$

LOL. Surely you didnt expect anything otherwise.

03-18-2006, 08:47 PM
Dreadfully stupid move by the Cowboys to sign this KNOWN puke thug punk. Trouble is his middle name and he will become an anchor around their necks. Wasting millions on a P.O.S. like t.o. is like flushing it down the crapper.

03-18-2006, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by shankbear
Dreadfully stupid move by the Cowboys to sign this KNOWN puke thug punk. Trouble is his middle name and he will become an anchor around their necks. Wasting millions on a P.O.S. like t.o. is like flushing it down the crapper.

C'mon Shank...let it all go...tell us how you REALLY feel....lol

Just trying to lift your spirits man...it's not like he got busted for DWI is it????

03-18-2006, 08:56 PM
other than be a side show, has he done anything Sosa/Bond/Leon Lett-ish... NO... the guy can flat out play... i aint a cowboy fan, but man this can only be good if the Tuna can control his ego.

03-18-2006, 09:00 PM
So if all those punks can do it and get away with it because they are good, then we just keep on supporting those who keep allowing the idiots on the field. The NFL, NBA and MLB are all spineless organizations that are scared to confront these cretins and do something about it. Professional sports as a whole are a joke.

03-18-2006, 09:23 PM
Shank man...you are preachin to the choir dude.....

Here's what I do know....
I been supporting the Cowboys for 46 years now....I guess I've seen everyone of their games...well, with the exception of Super Bowl X (Dang Jim O'brien)

I have 2 choices.

1) Stop watching the NFL all together, or

2) Keep supporting my Cowboys.........

I can't root against em...too much good history.


Leopards,class of 75
03-18-2006, 11:12 PM
I am not a T.O. fan myself. But I do know he is a play maker and I hope he can make the Cowboys a playoff contender.

03-18-2006, 11:37 PM
Cowboys are already selling TO jerseys. I guess I will have to get one to go next to my Michael Irvin jersey.

link (http://www.cowboysonlineproshop.com/)

Old Tiger
03-18-2006, 11:58 PM
Off topic but is Lavar Arrington still a free agent?

03-19-2006, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Off topic but is Lavar Arrington still a free agent?

Yes he is....


03-19-2006, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Off topic but is Lavar Arrington still a free agent?

"That's a big black man."

Stay Hard


03-19-2006, 12:10 AM

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 12:16 AM
Now that I know he is...the Cowboys should go after him...IMO he would help that defense out just a little on run support and getting pressure on the QB to help out the DB's a snudge

03-19-2006, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Now that I know he is...the Cowboys should go after him...IMO he would help that defense out just a little on run support and getting pressure on the QB to help out the DB's a snudge

Agreed, but lavar made the statement "any team but Dallas." Don't know how far that will go if you wave enough greenbacks under his nose.

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 01:06 AM
When money talks BS walks

03-19-2006, 01:22 AM
Alright, now let's go win some freakin games.

Bring on Jerryworld!

03-19-2006, 01:46 AM
There goes my Thanksgiving Day plans right out the window. :mad:

03-19-2006, 01:47 AM
What? Watching the Cowboys are not watching them?

03-19-2006, 01:51 AM
Originally posted by Eagle6Man
What? Watching the Cowboys are not watching them?

Going to the game. I refuse to pay good $ to see some schmuck that defiled the Star. I hope George Teague strolls into Valley Ranch and pulls a Nancy Kerrigan on TO just for general principles.

03-19-2006, 12:11 PM
now we need to pick up vinatieri

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
Going to the game. I refuse to pay good $ to see some schmuck that defiled the Star. I hope George Teague strolls into Valley Ranch and pulls a Nancy Kerrigan on TO just for general principles. Yall are looking at this all wrong. This is huge for the Cowboys. I think that he will do well as long as they win.

03-19-2006, 01:35 PM
The Cowthugs can crap and bark at the moon!!!!!!!!!

Cameron Crazy
03-19-2006, 01:36 PM
We know of this occurence

03-19-2006, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Yall are looking at this all wrong. This is huge for the Cowboys. I think that he will do well as long as they win. anyone will being do great as long as your winning a test of someones character is how they handle losing.

LH Panther Mom
03-19-2006, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
anyone will being do great as long as your winning a test of someones character is how they handle losing.
:clap: :clap: Very true.....

If TO plays as part of the TEAM, it will be a good thing for the Cowboys. If the same old "I don't get the ball enough blah blah" TO shows up, it could be detrimental to the TEAM.

03-19-2006, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
:clap: :clap: Very true.....

If TO plays as part of the TEAM, it will be a good thing for the Cowboys. If the same old "I don't get the ball enough blah blah" TO shows up, it could be detrimental to the TEAM.

TO's contract is a year to year contract which means the Cowboys can cut/release him whenever they feel like without having to buyout the entire contract. They would only have to pay TO for that particular year. Basically the Cowboys took a gamble with 5 million on TO which these days in the NFL isnt all that risky.

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 03:44 PM
I liked the way Jerry Jones explained "the gamble"

03-19-2006, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Yall are looking at this all wrong. This is huge for the Cowboys. I think that he will do well as long as they win.

Yea its huge all right. A huge mistake!!
Of course he'll be fine as long as they are winning. Why wouldnt he be? That proves nothing! Its easy to behave when everything is going wonderful.

03-19-2006, 04:19 PM
here is the thing with T.O....w/o T.O and with Keyshawn Dallas is a mediocre team....9-7 or 10-6 at best........with T.O I believe Dallas can contend in a mediocre NFC.....they have a 1 or 2 year window to make something happen with this current group....its a big gamble but I think its worth it....

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 04:38 PM
Cowboys should draft a reciever or linebacker. Ernie Sims could slip to the 18th spot an so could the linebacker from Iowa. Chad Jackson might be available. He is a special athlete at reciever.

03-19-2006, 04:59 PM
i dont like the idea one bit. hopefully tuna willstraighten him out alot and put him in his place.:mad:

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 05:03 PM
Michael Irvin....TO same difference

03-19-2006, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Michael Irvin....TO same difference

Nope. Irvin has 3 rings. TO has none. ;)

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 06:02 PM
That's exactly the comment I was looking for turbo. Jerry wants to win another ring and TO wants to win one just as bad...case closed! game over I win!

03-19-2006, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
That's exactly the comment I was looking for turbo. Jerry wants to win another ring and TO wants to win one just as bad...case closed! game over I win!

HUH???? You win what??? Doesnt every owner and player in the NFL want to win a ring?

03-19-2006, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
HUH???? You win what??? Doesnt every owner and player in the NFL want to win a ring? everyone excpet those playing at cincinatti...they all want to kill themselves for playing on such a worthless team (inexception to this is last years team which supirsed alot of people...)

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
HUH???? You win what??? Doesnt every owner and player in the NFL want to win a ring? Exactly and you got to aqquire the right players to win that ring now don't you? TO would be more of an impact to a team like the Cowboys because now the defenses will not be able to stack the run and have to drop more back in coverage. TO brings automatic double teams to the field. You can't take a DB away and not replace him with someone.

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by bullfrog_alumni_02
everyone excpet those playing at cincinatti...they all want to kill themselves for playing on such a worthless team (inexception to this is last years team which supirsed alot of people...) Cincy is on the rise. They're GM is making good moves and getting the right players. I'd say Cleveland or SF is the new Cincy

03-19-2006, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Exactly and you got to aqquire the right players to win that ring now don't you? TO would be more of an impact to a team like the Cowboys because now the defenses will not be able to stack the run and have to drop more back in coverage. TO brings automatic double teams to the field. You can't take a DB away and not replace him with someone.

I dont disagree with you. I think TO's impact will make the Cowboys a contender.

If ESPN was smart they would open their monday night season with Dallas at Philly. That would be a ratings explosion for them.

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
I dont disagree with you. I think TO's impact will make the Cowboys a contender.

If ESPN was smart they would open their monday night season with Dallas at Philly. That would be a ratings explosion for them. That's true...even better make them play in Mexico like Arizona/SF did. I'm just trying to prove a point to the other people are acting pissed off that the Cowboys got TO. They live in the past you can't live in the past about TO. Just know that he will help "your" team out tremendously.

03-19-2006, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
That's true...even better make them play in Mexico like Arizona/SF did. I'm just trying to prove a point to the other people are acting pissed off that the Cowboys got TO. They live in the past you can't live in the past about TO. Just know that he will help "your" team out tremendously.
Trust me I hated TO as much as anyone until the Cowboys signed him. My brother in law is a SF fan so that just makes it that much better because he was a big TO fan until the Cowboys signed him. Reminds me of when they signed Deion.

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 06:26 PM
Deion is the best lockdown corner in NFL history

03-19-2006, 07:11 PM
All of this proves exactly what I have always believed about Jerry Jones. He would make a deal with, and sell his soal to the devil if he thought it would benefit him in the short run. It shows a complete lack of moral character in my mind. I cant believe some of you guys cant see anything wrong with that. Making a deal with the devil should never be a viable option, no matter what the short term rewards could be. This is even worse really, because those short term rewards are not even a guarantee in this deal. This will certainly bring the Cowboys no new fans at all, but will most certainly cost them many, me included. And since fans are money, I fail to see how this is a positive move.

03-19-2006, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
All of this proves exactly what I have always believed about Jerry Jones. He would make a deal with, and sell his soal to the devil if he thought it would benefit him in the short run. It shows a complete lack of moral character in my mind. I cant believe some of you guys cant see anything wrong with that. Making a deal with the devil should never be a viable option, no matter what the short term rewards could be. This is even worse really, because those short term rewards are not even a guarantee in this deal. This will certainly bring the Cowboys no new fans at all, but will most certainly cost them many, me included. And since fans are money, I fail to see how this is a positive move.

Jerry Jones didnt make a deal with the devil, he made a deal with the best receiver in the league.

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 07:21 PM
Where you get this lame stuff about the devil. That is an ignorant post. Jerry Jones just wants to win. Who doesn't want to win. You don't play the game to lose that's for damn sure. You oblivious to the significance of this deal.

03-19-2006, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
Jerry Jones didnt make a deal with the devil, he made a deal with the best receiver in the league.

One in the same! You shall see in time.

03-19-2006, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Where you get this lame stuff about the devil. That is an ignorant post. Jerry Jones just wants to win. Who doesn't want to win. You don't play the game to lose that's for damn sure. You oblivious to the significance of this deal.

Your oblivious to the signaficance of this deal is the problem, becuase you cant see beyond the surface of it. What a shame!

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 07:24 PM
So are you saying Chad Johnson or any reciever who just wants to earn his money the devil? I listened on the NFL network to Keyshawn Johnsons comments on him being released. He said if the Cowboys want to pay him a million a year that he will give them what they pay for him(30 plays). Those were his words. So could be the devil to? That is just the attitude of recievers no matter how humble they are they want their money and their catches.

03-19-2006, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
So are you saying Chad Johnson or any reciever who just wants to earn his money the devil? I listened on the NFL network to Keyshawn Johnsons comments on him being released. He said if the Cowboys want to pay him a million a year that he will give them what they pay for him(30 plays). Those were his words. So could be the devil to? That is just the attitude of recievers no matter how humble they are they want their money and their catches.

You think it is about the money? Hell, I dont have any problem with the money. I never even mentioned the money. The problem is with that sorry sob TO and the way he acts and thinks he is above a contract, his team, his teamates, his coach, the NFL, and generally everyone on the face of the planet. He is a proven piece of crap of a human being and should be treated as such, instead of being rewarded for it. Why cant you people see that???

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 07:37 PM
The NFL is all about the money and to talk about another human being like that further lets me know what kind of person you are.

03-19-2006, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
Why cant you people see that???

All I see is a chance at a superbowl.

03-19-2006, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
The NFL is all about the money and to talk about another human being like that further lets me know what kind of person you are.

Then I strogly suggest you ignore everything I have to say from here on out, because I'm taking it easy compared to what I really think about that low life turd.

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 07:44 PM
I'm not going to ignore it but if your going to post stuff about a person saying he is "proven piece of turd" That is not cool at all, the man has a wife and kids of his own. He has done more in his life than you probably have. You don't know him personally you can not make comments like that on a guy. You are not in the Cowboy organization and have no say in what happens. The Cowboys will do what's best for the Cowboys and if they think TO is the best for their team then he must be. True Cowboy fans should be excited to have this kind of reciever come in. Forgit about the "Star" that was in the past he is now going to embrace the star just like Emmitt did as TO said in his interview.

03-19-2006, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
That's exactly the comment I was looking for turbo. Jerry wants to win another ring and TO wants to win one just as bad...case closed! game over I win!
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
Even if the Cowboys win a super bowl(unlikely though) with TO the stench of his antics will always permeate his accomplishments. Sorry fren, but we all used to stand up for what's right and frankly Time Out is just so wrong wrong wrong...:(
I'm also a true Cowboy fan. I was a youngin during the 70's and had the crap scared out of me when my parents yelled so loud during a game I pooped my pants. When my mom opened the diaper TO was staring back at her.:eek: :p

03-19-2006, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
Even if the Cowboys win a super bowl(unlikely though) with TO the stench of his antics will always permeate his accomplishments. Sorry fren, but we all used to stand up for what's right and frankly Time Out is just so wrong wrong wrong...:(
I'm also a true Cowboy fan. I was a youngin during the 70's and had the crap scared out of me when my parents yelled so loud during a game I pooped my pants. When my mom opened the diaper TO was staring back at her.:eek: :p


Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan

I'm also a true Cowboy fan. I was a youngin during the 70's and had the crap scared out of me when my parents yelled so loud during a game I pooped my pants. When my mom opened the diaper TO was staring back at her.:eek: :p lol

03-19-2006, 08:01 PM
To me the deal is worth it.....Dallas has a 1 or 2 year window...the deal is 3 years....I bet he lasts 2 of the 3 years...the name of the game is winning...as a cowboys fan I'd rather see Dallas make a play at T.O and have shot to make some noise in 2006...yeah he may implode and the team goes 4-12 or something...but in today's NFL I'd rather be 4-12 than 8-8 which is what Dallas woulda been if they kept Keyshawn...

03-19-2006, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
He has done more in his life than you probably have.

Give me a friggin break! He can run fast and catch footballs.
If he couldnt run fast and catch footballs, he would just be another struggling citizen trying to make ends meet at best. He (like most pro athletes) are just lucky to have been fortunate enough to have been born with god given talent and ability that this crazy society will for some reason reward with millions of dollars.
Tell me what great contributions he has made to society. Dont bother, because there arent any.
When he can prove that he is more than a loud mouth moran, that can contribute more than just running fast and catching footballs, I will start having respect for him. But for now, that is all he has going for him. Sorry, but I am not impressed.

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 08:32 PM

03-19-2006, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
Give me a friggin break! He can run fast and catch footballs.
If he couldnt run fast and catch footballs, he would just be another struggling citizen trying to make ends meet at best. He (like most pro athletes) are just lucky to have been fortunate enough to have been born with god given talent and ability that this crazy society will for some reason reward with millions of dollars.
Tell me what great contributions he has made to society. Dont bother, because there arent any.
When he can prove that he is more than a loud mouth moran, that can contribute more than just running fast and catching footballs, I will start having respect for him. But for now, that is all he has going for him. Sorry, but I am not impressed.

Stang, I agree. TO is a useless loud mouth thug. His words and actions off field more than erase anything he does does on the field.

Old Tiger
03-19-2006, 08:35 PM
TO is not "thug" Marcus Vick and Maurice Clarrett are examples of "thugs"

03-19-2006, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Matthew328
To me the deal is worth it.....Dallas has a 1 or 2 year window...the deal is 3 years....I bet he lasts 2 of the 3 years...the name of the game is winning...as a cowboys fan I'd rather see Dallas make a play at T.O and have shot to make some noise in 2006...yeah he may implode and the team goes 4-12 or something...but in today's NFL I'd rather be 4-12 than 8-8 which is what Dallas woulda been if they kept Keyshawn...
I keep having this nagging thought though that maybe Time Out is going to Dallas just to get revenge against the Iggles. With his snake of an agent spinning whatever TO wants him to say this can be plausible. It also would be a sign of his "growing up" recently being null and void. I hope Parcells can straighten him out like he did Keyshawn but I have my serious doubts. Now considering he didn't apologize when asked about the Star celebrations from five years ago the evidence points to my suspicions saying he hasn't "become a better man". Twenty years ago and before, someone like Jerry would never have considered signing someone like TO because the fans would have stopped buying tickets to see a person who defiled the STAR. Standards aren't what they used to be and ppl really do forget, all in the name of winning... sad.
I don't think Dallas truthfully needs Time Out to become a contender, they have a great, young core of defenders that was fun to watch. They needed O-line help first to protect Bledsoe and open lanes for their three decent RBs. The ability of TO to stretch the field might help but is no guarantee of success.
I am somewhat excited about Owens becoming a Cowboy, but it's kinda like finding a $100 bill in your church's parking lot,
you want to keep it but you know you're gonna go to hell if you do...

03-19-2006, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
TO is not "thug" Marcus Vick and Maurice Clarrett are examples of "thugs"

They are criminals and TO at this point is not a criminal.

03-19-2006, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
Where do you buy your crack???

i agree with u on that one, TO does nuthing but destroy the teams he plays on. i cant see him and parcells getting along if TO keeps up his crap

03-19-2006, 09:41 PM
sorry no offense to all you TO fans but uhh i defenitly do not think he should come to Dallas

03-19-2006, 09:51 PM

03-19-2006, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by West22

You obviously havent read many of the posts in this thread and others. You certainly havent read any of mine evidentally.

03-19-2006, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by West22

What kind of questing is this? Everyone is for a team, not an individual player. They brag and talk highly of a player until he leaves the team. Then all they talk about is how that player didn’t contribute anymore ECT…ECT… It’s the opposite for a player joining the team. Before everyone dislikes him, now everyone will be defending his actions as long he helps bring a win for the team.

Ranger Mom
03-19-2006, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by West22

I don't think all of us who aren't fighting against him going to Dallas actually "LOVE HIM".

I have always been a Dallas fan, but the past few years just haven't been "fun" for me.....I think TO is a piece of crap too, but I do have to admit after hearing the news, I am more excited about the upcoming season than I have been in a long time.

I really don't think I will be going to hell for it though!!:p

03-19-2006, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by West22

dallas fans are no different than any other fans of any team on the planet ...

03-19-2006, 11:33 PM
Dallas can continue their slide into oblivion by signing such losers as t.o. This punk puke thug is no better the randy moss, mike ervin and all the rest. Why throw good money after bad? Why make a once great and proud organization into one that is tainted by such slimebags. They will hate the day they ever signed such a malcontent.

03-20-2006, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I really don't think I will be going to hell for it though!!:p
I agree RM. I was just using an anology.:)
The going to hell part won't be active until the second or third time you watch Time Out in a Cowboys uniform. lol
:D :D :D
jus havin some fun...

03-20-2006, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by shankbear
Dallas can continue their slide into oblivion by signing such losers as t.o. This punk puke thug is no better the randy moss, mike ervin and all the rest. Why throw good money after bad? Why make a once great and proud organization into one that is tainted by such slimebags. They will hate the day they ever signed such a malcontent.

My guess is that you're happy with the current team and it's horrid record.

But as long as they have "nice guys" everything is okay. :rolleyes:

03-20-2006, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by shankbear
Dallas can continue their slide into oblivion by signing such losers as t.o. This punk puke thug is no better the randy moss, mike ervin and all the rest. Why throw good money after bad? Why make a once great and proud organization into one that is tainted by such slimebags. They will hate the day they ever signed such a malcontent.

Cowboys had felons on the team, what makes what TO has done any worse than being a felon?

Why throw good money away? 5-time Pro Bowl receiver that has 716 catches for 10,535 yards and 103 touchdowns, including two rushing scores, in 10 seasons.

If they go to the super bowl you know you will have your Dallas TO jersey and hat on.

03-20-2006, 12:28 AM
I'm not speaking for everyone but...
what t.o. did to my STAR was a felony. The shock value is still active and effective even today. On Owe-mee's own website this stunt is still ranked higher than his "sharpie" pull. That says something.
But then again, I'm a Spur's fan. I guess sometimes it is OK to have good guys win it all. When they do, we just say they are boring and make excuses for the "bad guys". lol When's the last time the Raiders took it all with their wonderful character to back them up.
BTW, I have been a big Dallas Mav fan for some time. Now that the little general is there, I think they are contenders. He wins by character not characters.:)

03-20-2006, 02:41 AM
I was at the mall and everyone was in the Cowboys store asking for #81 jerseys!!! He is making sells go up hardcore....duh

03-20-2006, 08:41 AM
I'm NO TO fan... not in the least. I'm not a Jerry Jones fan, I didn't like the reputation of the 90's 'Boys as felons, I didn't even like the Deon at first, I hated how the Cowboys of the '80's, well, ...sucked. But I've always been a fan. I think you who are swearing off the entire Cowboys team because of this acquisition were never real Cowboys fans in the first place. Being a true fan is like a marriage... "in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health". ;) :D

Go Cowboys! :clap:

Ranger Mom
03-20-2006, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by spiveyrat
I'm NO TO fan... not in the least. I'm not a Jerry Jones fan, I didn't like the reputation of the 90's 'Boys as felons, I didn't even like the Deon at first, I hated how the Cowboys of the '80's, well, ...sucked. But I've always been a fan. I think you who are swearing off the entire Cowboys team because of this acquisition were never real Cowboys fans in the first place. Being a true fan is like a marriage... "in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health". ;) :D

Go Cowboys! :clap:

Amen Spivey!!!:clap:

03-20-2006, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by spiveyrat
I'm NO TO fan... not in the least. I'm not a Jerry Jones fan, I didn't like the reputation of the 90's 'Boys as felons, I didn't even like the Deon at first, I hated how the Cowboys of the '80's, well, ...sucked. But I've always been a fan. I think you who are swearing off the entire Cowboys team because of this acquisition were never real Cowboys fans in the first place. Being a true fan is like a marriage... "in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health". ;) :D

Go Cowboys! :clap:

I totally disagree. The cowboys had to know that many of the old time cowboy faithfuls like myself would be appauled by this aquisition, and yet they went ahead with it anyway, without any reguard to us. They were the ones that threw it out the window, not us. IMO they have just put the cherry on top of defileing the once greatest franchise in the NFL. I have been disgusted with much of what has transpired with the organization over the past 10 to 15 years, but still stuck by them through it, but this is the final straw. What little respect I had for Jerry Jones is now gone, and since he is the one calling the shots, rooting for the cowboys equates to rooting for Jerry Jones, and I cannot do that.
Who was it that said?:
"You have to stand for something, or you will fall for anything"
I dont know off hand who said it, but it has always been one of my favorites, and I try to live my life by it.
I know this little thing with the cowboys is just a trivial matter when compared to truley important things in life, but when you start compromising on the little things, it opens the door to compromise to more important things IMO. I dont think anybody (me included) is going to really lose any sleep if I dont root for the cowboys anymore.

03-20-2006, 10:33 AM
I'm appalled too. But I'll still root for 'em!

Go Cowboys!

03-20-2006, 10:40 AM
I maintain my original position. I don't like the signing, but I will reserve judgement to see how long the "reformed" T.O. lasts. Such actions by JJ should not surprise anyone---he is the ultimate "prostitute" when it comes to money and winning.

03-20-2006, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
Such actions by JJ should not surprise anyone---he is the ultimate "prostitute" when it comes to money and winning.

AMEN to that!

03-20-2006, 11:13 AM
I think everyone is worrying over nothing...T.O will make the boys better, and the Boys will make T.O better. If not then I will resign my love of the Cowboys and go back to the Falcons:D

Phantom Stang
03-20-2006, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by spiveyrat
I think you who are swearing off the entire Cowboys team because of this acquisition were never real Cowboys fans in the first place.

I was always a Real Fan of the Real Cowboys, win or lose.

The Real Cowboys, were owned by Clint Murchison, managed by Tex Schram, and coached by Tom Landry.

03-20-2006, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Phantom Stang
I was always a Real Fan of the Real Cowboys, win or lose.

The Real Cowboys, were owned by Clint Murchison, managed by Tex Schram, and coached by Tom Landry.

AMEN Brother Stang!!!

03-20-2006, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
I totally disagree. The cowboys had to know that many of the old time cowboy faithfuls like myself would be appauled by this aquisition, and yet they went ahead with it anyway, without any reguard to us. They were the ones that threw it out the window, not us. IMO they have just put the cherry on top of defileing the once greatest franchise in the NFL. I have been disgusted with much of what has transpired with the organization over the past 10 to 15 years, but still stuck by them through it, but this is the final straw. What little respect I had for Jerry Jones is now gone, and since he is the one calling the shots, rooting for the cowboys equates to rooting for Jerry Jones, and I cannot do that.
Who was it that said?:
"You have to stand for something, or you will fall for anything"
I dont know off hand who said it, but it has always been one of my favorites, and I try to live my life by it.
I know this little thing with the cowboys is just a trivial matter when compared to truley important things in life, but when you start compromising on the little things, it opens the door to compromise to more important things IMO. I dont think anybody (me included) is going to really lose any sleep if I dont root for the cowboys anymore.

hantom Stang

I was always a Real Fan of the Real Cowboys, win or lose.

The Real Cowboys, were owned by Clint Murchison, managed by Tex Schram, and coached by Tom Landry.

Where was the sainted Tex Schram & Tom Landry when Hollywood Henderson was snorting cocain on the sidelines?

I'm not fan of TO, but he's not a criminal. The Cowboys have had honest to goodness criminals on their teams in the past even when Landry was here. Were you saying the same thing then?

Certainly, everyone has the right to their opinion on this deal, but let's all be intellectually honest here. If you don't like TO, that's fine, but don't act like he's the worst human being the Cowboys have ever had on this team. Because that would be completely false.

Phantom Stang
03-20-2006, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Macarthur
Where was the sainted Tex Schram & Tom Landry when Hollywood Henderson was snorting cocain on the sidelines?

I'm not fan of TO, but he's not a criminal. The Cowboys have had honest to goodness criminals on their teams in the past even when Landry was here. Were you saying the same thing then?

Certainly, everyone has the right to their opinion on this deal, but let's all be intellectually honest here. If you don't like TO, that's fine, but don't act like he's the worst human being the Cowboys have ever had on this team. Because that would be completely false.
As I recall, Henderson was fired during the 1979 season. He wasn't the first player to be let go because he couldn't get his act together.
Now, tell us of when the "old regime" under Schram and Landry, held a press conference announcing the signing of a THEN KNOWN trouble maker, and I'll gladly cede your point.

HighSchool Fan
03-20-2006, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Phantom Stang
Now, tell us of when the "old regime" under Schram and Landry, held a press conference announcing the signing of a THEN KNOWN trouble maker, and I'll gladly cede your point.

you didn't have free agency back in the "old regime", so players couldn't move from one team to another.

03-20-2006, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
you didn't have free agency back in the "old regime", so players couldn't move from one team to another. Im guessing that is why it was easier to start what we call a dynasty then...?

03-20-2006, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
you didn't have free agency back in the "old regime", so players couldn't move from one team to another.

He's exactly right, Stang.

I don't remember the details of why Henderson was let go, but my point remains. The Cowboys have never been the saints that eveyone wants to remember them. They had troubled dudes, also. In fact, some guys that did much worse things off the field than TO.

03-20-2006, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by District303aPastPlayer
other than be a side show, has he done anything Sosa/Bond/Leon Lett-ish... NO... the guy can flat out play... i aint a cowboy fan, but man this can only be good if the Tuna can control his ego.

03-22-2006, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Macarthur
He's exactly right, Stang.

I don't remember the details of why Henderson was let go, but my point remains. The Cowboys have never been the saints that eveyone wants to remember them. They had troubled dudes, also. In fact, some guys that did much worse things off the field than TO.

Not to beat a dead horse, but add Lance Rensel, Rafaiel Septien, & Duane Thomas to that list of old Cowboys regiem troublemakers.