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03-07-2006, 12:37 AM
...made Fred Phelps look like more of an idiot than he is....Did anyone else see this story on CNN? (Fred Phelps=retard who protests soldier's funerals) They say they have 75 members in this church and they are mostly Phelps' extended family.

03-07-2006, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by lepfan
...made Fred Phelps look like more of an idiot than he is....Did anyone else see this story on CNN? (Fred Phelps=retard who protests soldier's funerals) They say they have 75 members in this church and they are mostly Phelps' extended family.

And they are all probably married to each other.

I don't understand some people. Why be disrepectful to someone's family, community, and country that has given the ultimate sacrifice for their country? What do they want to achieve? Publicity?

I feel like this is the first person who would ask for help if an emergency happened to him or his family. He is the guy who would file suit if the fire department didn't make it to his house in time. What do some people think nowdays?

I think this is a slap to anyone who had a service man or woman in uniform in their family. When are we Americans going to communicate to others that this isn't acceptable behavior?
I have an idea. Why doesn't someone protest his church or family when they pass away?

03-07-2006, 08:54 AM
You just have to believe in poetic justice. God will get them in the end.;)

03-07-2006, 10:10 AM
He is a cancer on society and should be surgically removed........................................... ..............with a tank or bazooka!