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01-18-2004, 08:43 PM
I am now smoke free for 21 hours. My official last cigarette was at 10:43 p.m. last night, when I decided that I won't be having any more.

Part of my new years resolution was to quit on Feb.1 (I was giving myself a 30 day grace period), but my self confidence and will power right now is really high, so I decided to channel that toward the cigarettes. I think maybe things like this are all in the mind. And when you get to the frame of mind to do things, you can just do it. Sort of like those people who have lived at sea for months in "survivor" mode---only on a smaller scale of course.

Why do I suddenly hear "eye of the tiger" playing in my head. LOL Maybe I'm just delusional.


01-18-2004, 08:50 PM
Well, here's one best of luck for you! I hope you make it. I know you can. Just keep the faith. wink

01-18-2004, 08:52 PM
Best of luck. You life will be so much better without them. Will have a bit more cash around as well.

01-18-2004, 08:56 PM
Well, here's one best of luck for you! I hope you make it. I know you can. Just keep the faith. wink Thanks. Although isnt it strange how you miss things that are bad for you. And dismiss things that are good for you. Like green beans or fruit. I'm getting very philisophical in my non-smoking...I may make a total transformation here. LOL


01-18-2004, 09:00 PM
Best of luck. You life will be so much better without them. Will have a bit more cash around as well.You are right, it will be. And I've already thought about what to do with the extra money....I want to take up yoga, and get into some meditation techniques. Keep in mind though, I haven't set foot at school yet....the REAL test will come Tuesday around 4pm.


01-18-2004, 09:43 PM
I gave up cigarettes ten years ago and as of Feb 1 it will be one year without skoal. I always had a voice in the back of my mind telling me you'd better quite before its to late. Thats one habit I'm glad to be rid of. Try to find something to replace the smoke breaks or stressful periods in your life. Sugar free gum, exercise are just a couple of things to try. Just remember you don't wont to here your doctor say you waited to long to stop. Good luck. :cool:

Bandera YaYa
01-18-2004, 10:20 PM
Well, that is best thing I have read on here!! I am sooooo proud of you! Don't give in, don't give up....love yourself enough...the people that love you want you to be around.....that's just so damn great!! I have only smoked a pack of those stinky things in my life, but that was all it took to decide they were not for me. There is nothing I hate more than cigarettes. They have robbed too many people of seeing their children and grandchildren grow up. I think people who smoke are selfish and irresponsible. Life is precious. No wait....I do hate something more.....those Philip Morris commercials giving information on the dangers of smoking, etc.......
while they continue to make millions, trillions on the sales of cigs.......WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!

Anyways, good luck, don't let IT win!!

<small>[ January 18, 2004, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Bandera YaYa ]</small>

01-18-2004, 10:29 PM
Yeah. All those execs. at Philip Morris are such saints now. :rolleyes: Give me a break. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

01-19-2004, 09:51 AM
Good for your BC1. It will be a tough road but stay the course. My father has smoked since he was 15 (he's 59 now) and has tried many times to quit and has come up short each time. He's gotten emphazema (sp?) and walking pnuemonia because of those damn things. It's all about habit. Find something else to keep your hands busy when you'd normally have a smoke. When you're in the car drive with both hands and never keep matches, your car lighter, or lighters around. Good luck to you.

01-19-2004, 10:43 PM
BC1...Good for you. I know it will be hard, but you'll come through it. This Jan. 29, I will be smoke free for 4 years after smoking for 32 years. Stick with it, it'll be worth it in more ways than one.

01-19-2004, 11:54 PM
At first to stop smoking I used both the patch and chewed the gum.. then dropped the patch, but continued on with the gum probably a tad to long. When things really got to me I would go for a long walk and eat mints. I'm now a non smoker (7 yrs in June) I know my house smells better.. heck my kids probably smell better :) Never did I believe I could stop smoking, it was probably the hardest thing I ever gave up mainly because I enjoyed it... but I've learned to enjoy being a non-smoker more.. My thoughts are with you, ask for medical help if you can't make it on your own.. it's not easy, we're rooting for you.

01-20-2004, 12:11 AM
I just want to thank you all for your encouraging words. I do have a great deal of stress going on right now. But, I am not going to let that be an excuse, I am NOT going to let that cause me to give up, because the stressful event will pass at some point and I want to be a non-smoker when it passes. There are a lot of things worth keeping, and then there are things not worth keeping-- even if you really want to keep them.
Thanks again, your words have had a big effect on me and it is helping.
