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View Full Version : new years resolutions

03-03-2006, 01:51 PM
ok so i work at the ymca and man in january that weight room was booming allllll night long with like 60 people in there or more and tons of people playin bball and all that stuff

now i go into the ymca and see like 5 or 6 on the treadmill and a couple lifting weights...its kinda funny to see just how many people gave up on their resolutions like that and i was wondering if anyone here is still keeping up with theres


03-03-2006, 01:55 PM
I made a resolution to stop getting drunk every Friday and Saturday night....that worked for a few weeks but let me just say I'm glad it's Friday.

I swore I would quit asking ladies out that went to my church....but I couldn't help that that lady sat in front of me last week.

I swore I would try and work out more, and I actually did until I got my computer out of the shop...

All in all, I did those resolutions for a good while...but life is normal again.:D

03-03-2006, 02:12 PM
finding girls in church is good. you know they are good people