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02-14-2006, 12:43 PM
Well, everyone has probably heard now that the long rivalry between the Bucks and Steers will derail for the next couple of years, and depending on who you talk to, its because 'Breckenridge always loses''. I'm not here to spin anything, but since Breckenridge did take the initiative in cancelling the games, I thought I'd post the Breck Superintendent's letter to the editor in the Graham Leader (Graham's newspaper), and let all you neutral fans make your own decision. I'll only link it as it is quite long.


02-14-2006, 12:53 PM
Very good letter!:clap:

02-14-2006, 12:54 PM
Thats a very well written letter... never once did i see anything about it equating a loss... but what do i know.. :D

02-14-2006, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by District303aPastPlayer
Thats a very well written letter... never once did i see anything about it equating a loss... but what do i know.. :D
You didn't read between the lines enough.;)

LH Panther Mom
02-14-2006, 01:03 PM
"All of us need to remember that we are all there for one reason, the kids. The coaches, the fans, the community should be the role models for integrity, character and sportsmanship during any competition..."

IMO, that is probably the most important thing she said and something that fans everywhere need to remember. Kudos to her for speaking up.

02-14-2006, 02:09 PM
My first, knee jerk, reaction to hearing of this (before reading the letter), was; Here is just another example of why men should be in these positions to make these decisions. Then I read the letter.
Wow, what an intelligent and wise lady this is! All school systems should be so lucky as to have such a person at that position. I still believe that most men would not have made the same decision she made. But I also believe, it would have been to the detriment of both of these communities. It took a lot of courage to make the stand she has made, and stand behind it, and let the chips fall where they may. I solute her for having the backbone to make, and stand behind, an unpopular decision, that I am sure she has caught considerable flake over. She is obviously a special lady, to be able to put the good of both communities and their students, ahead of her own best interest. People like this should be recognized and supported, instead of being vilified and trod upon, as is often the case.

02-14-2006, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
My first, knee jerk, reaction to hearing of this (before reading the letter), was; Here is just another example of why men should be in these positions to make these decisions. Then I read the letter.
Wow, what an intelligent and wise lady this is! All school systems should be so lucky as to have such a person at that position. I still believe that most men would not have made the same decision she made. But I also believe, it would have been to the detriment of both of these communities. It took a lot of courage to make the stand she has made, and stand behind it, and let the chips fall where they may. I solute her for having the backbone to make, and stand behind, an unpopular decision, that I am sure she has caught considerable flake over. She is obviously a special lady, to be able to put the good of both communities and their students, ahead of her own best interest. People like this should be recognized and supported, instead of being vilified and trod upon, as is often the case. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Z motion 10 out on 2
02-14-2006, 02:37 PM

Very good letter. Over the past 4 or 5 years the Graham fans have been getting worse and worse. It is not only a problem with Breckenridge but also with all of the other district schools. There was amajor problem with Graham and Hirschi if I recall they put bannana peels and things of this nature in the visiting locker room, they have been terrible towards Vernon and the same can be said about IP. The Graham super needs to get a hold of these young fans (It is the student section that is the problem) and set forth some sportsmanship rules before Graham has no one to play.

Chief Ohera
02-14-2006, 03:18 PM
from what i have heard the graham fans specially the students are very harsh but very prideful,
they have one of the best student sections in the state, with the basketball pit that gets under the oppositons skin,
i do remember someone telling me a couple of years ago i think in 04' that graham and vernon almost got in a fight after graham hit a game winning shot in basketball that knocked vernon out of the playoffs. i heard it was pretty incredible and that vernon shouldn't have even been that close in the first place,
i have seen some of their games, and being that graham has dominated that district the last four or five years of now,
why shouldn't the students hate on the other schools b/c they know "graham" has the upper hand with the athletic programs
so brothers until next time............
your buddy the chief...........

02-14-2006, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Chief Ohera
from what i have heard the graham fans specially the students are very harsh but very prideful,
they have one of the best student sections in the state, with the basketball pit that gets under the oppositons skin,
i do remember someone telling me a couple of years ago i think in 04' that graham and vernon almost got in a fight after graham hit a game winning shot in basketball that knocked vernon out of the playoffs. i heard it was pretty incredible and that vernon shouldn't have even been that close in the first place,
i have seen some of their games, and being that graham has dominated that district the last four or five years of now,
why shouldn't the students hate on the other schools b/c they know "graham" has the upper hand with the athletic programs
so brothers until next time............
your buddy the chief...........

remove head from anus...
then speak...
Your Buddy,
District :)

02-14-2006, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by District303aPastPlayer
remove head from anus...
then speak...
Your Buddy,
District :)

I am not sure that there is any gray matter between the ears to provide this fella the ablity to think.

02-14-2006, 07:12 PM
They should play.
I still think that situations occur whether it be in 2006 or 1976.
Rivalry games are rivalry games.
From what I have read it sounds like the basketball incidents are the most prevalent.
I have been to games through the years and I know of fierce rivalry games such as these: Lee-Permian, Brownwood-Stephenville, WF Rider-Old High, etc..... Certain things will happen. I am not condoning such activity. Most incidents are with high school kids..... imagine that!
Basketball is the one sport where the crowd is right on top of the players and coaches. It's usually in a crowded gym where tempers can flare. Seen it many times.
So cancel the basketball games.... but geez let the kids play football.
Heard one the other day from a close friend that happened to Graham in Dist. 5-3A basketball. Seems their girls team had to ride back on a freshman bus due to the opposing team put fish and sardine packages in their bus to make it smell rotten on the way home.
Should we cancel the football game over this?

Z motion 10 out on 2
02-14-2006, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by VWG
They should play.
I still think that situations occur whether it be in 2006 or 1976.
Rivalry games are rivalry games.
From what I have read it sounds like the basketball incidents are the most prevalent.
I have been to games through the years and I know of fierce rivalry games such as these: Lee-Permian, Brownwood-Stephenville, WF Rider-Old High, etc..... Certain things will happen. I am not condoning such activity. Most incidents are with high school kids..... imagine that!
Basketball is the one sport where the crowd is right on top of the players and coaches. It's usually in a crowded gym where tempers can flare. Seen it many times.
So cancel the basketball games.... but geez let the kids play football.
Heard one the other day from a close friend that happened to Graham in Dist. 5-3A basketball. Seems their girls team had to ride back on a freshman bus due to the opposing team put fish and sardine packages in their bus to make it smell rotten on the way home.
Should we cancel the football game over this?

VWG: Your right about the basketball games. I think because the students are right on top of the action. I haven't seen or heard the unsportsmanlike conduct at any of the football games and that may be because of the distance between the fans.

Z motion 10 out on 2
02-14-2006, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Chief Ohera
from what i have heard the graham fans specially the students are very harsh but very prideful,
they have one of the best student sections in the state, with the basketball pit that gets under the oppositons skin,
i do remember someone telling me a couple of years ago i think in 04' that graham and vernon almost got in a fight after graham hit a game winning shot in basketball that knocked vernon out of the playoffs. i heard it was pretty incredible and that vernon shouldn't have even been that close in the first place,
i have seen some of their games, and being that graham has dominated that district the last four or five years of now,
why shouldn't the students hate on the other schools b/c they know "graham" has the upper hand with the athletic programs
so brothers until next time............
your buddy the chief...........

Where have you been? Graham lost control of this district two years ago. IP has beat them two years in a row in football and Vernon beat this past year. IP has been all over everyone this year in basketball and I think Hirschi beat Graham in basketball this season also--so did Vernon. If your going to Dis at least get your facts right.

Z motion 10 out on 2
02-14-2006, 09:10 PM
Chief oh yes the basketball game between Vernon and Graham that you mentioned... Graham beat Vernon 3 times that year twice in overtime and with a buzzer beater the third time. Vernon scorched the first two playoff teams in basketball that year to get another shot at Graham which with no time left hit a jump shot to win by 1. I should know since my son played on that team. Now that being said don't be talking about my kid or his team any longer before I complain about you to the moderators. I have been around this board for a long time and I have had just about all the trash out of you that I can take. Furthermore this board is for discussion and what your dishing out is not contributing to this board.

By the way in another post you stated that Vernon hasn’t had a good team in a long time -- I suggest you look to your left and see my Avatar which is the Regional Medal that the Lions won in 2003. That was a regional championship that included wins over very good teams (Sweetwater, Decatur & Kennedale).

02-14-2006, 09:18 PM
I read the letter and she makes a very good point, but I'm w/ VWG on this one. The only time that things get roudy is during the basketball games, primarily b/c of the proximity of the fans w/ the players, coaches, and one another. As far as football, baseball, track, etc. IMO they should let them play. Just don't play the basketball games and see how it works. But I also have a thought in the back of my mind telling me that if and when they do decide to resume play in 2 years, things will be just the same if not worse due to the time that the kids haven't had to hate on their rivals. Just my 2 cents.

02-14-2006, 11:35 PM
I do agree in the fact that its mainly all basketball season, and football could easily survive. I've made it public to the people in Breck that I support having at least the football game still on.

However, it is a subjective point of view. We're on the other side of the administration, wanting the game. But the superintendent has to take safety for every kid in the district, as well as reputation. Would you want anything as negative as what could come of this on your watch? It would all get put on her and Dr. Rees.

I just feel bad that the upcoming jrs/srs won't be able to play their senior game against their oldest rival.