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01-19-2006, 06:48 PM
This was in today's Garden City Telegram GC, KS

Group to shield family at funeral

Posted on Thursday, January 19, 2006 1:05:50 PM

Local law enforcement officials and citizens will work as a team Saturday to shield mourners at a soldier's funeral expected to draw protestors.

Clint Upchurch, a private first class with the 101st Airborne Division and a Garden City resident, was killed in Samarra, Iraq, Jan. 7 by small-arms fire after the convoy he led hit a mine. He was posthumously promoted to the rank of specialist.

According to the Department of Defense, Upchurch died when an explosive went off near his Humvee and enemy forces attacked. He was the gunner on the first Humvee of three that were escorting higher-ranked officials.

Ralph Rojas, a road captain for the Patriot Guard, said he expects at least 100 members of his organization to attend the service. The Patriot Guard is a motorcycle group that, on the request of the family, attends funerals or memorial services of soldiers or veterans and serves as a buffer between the family and protesters.

The memorial service for Upchurch is scheduled for 2 p.m. Saturday at Word of Life Church, 3004 N. Third St.

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church Religious Ministry also are expected to attend the service, denouncing the nation's tolerance of homosexuals and declaring that the deaths of U.S. soldiers in Iraq are signs of God's wrath for such tolerance.

"The primary function of the Patriot Guard is to honor the fallen hero and, secondly, to protect the family," Rojas said Wednesday.

Shirley Phelps-Roper, member of the Westboro Church, said the group will be protesting the funeral despite claims they might not show up. She said she did not know how many members of her church will be in Garden City.

Scott Chalmers, K-9 deputy for the Finney County Sheriff's office, said he will attend the memorial service simply to remember his friend.

"He was a nice guy and always there," Chalmers said. "He was always willing to help. We worked well together."

Chalmers said he first met Upchurch in 2000 when Upchurch worked at the Finney County Jail and he worked for the Holcomb Police Department.

It wasn't until Chalmers transferred to the sheriff's office in November 2001 that he and Upchurch began working alongside each other in the gang unit and out on patrol.

"He had a habit of being out there and finding activity," Chalmers said. "He always had a knack of finding something to get into."

Finney County Undersheriff John Andrews said staff and personnel will be attending the service, including deputies on patrol. He said the deputies will be on call.

Since Westboro Baptist Church has announced it will protest at Upchurch's service, two Garden City residents, Joey Irsik and Scott Good, have called on other community members to help shield the family.

Irsik said the group will form a silent wall, standing shoulder to shoulder, in a horseshoe-shape around the church.

"We are stressing to everyone that this a peaceful gathering and it should be done in silence," he said. "We don't want the service to be about an argument between us and them."

Lenoir Newman, pastor for Word of Life Church, said the protesters are not allowed on church property and more than likely will be kept across Third Street from the church.

According to a Kansas Supreme Court ruling, protesters are not allowed directly in front of a church, cemetery or funeral home.

The Kansas Funeral Picketing Act states that protesting is not allowed one hour before, during or two hours after a memorial service.

Garden City police Capt. Mike Utz said the church is private property and the protesters were not given permission to be on it. He said if caught on the property, the protesters would be trespassing.

Newman said about 500 people will be attending the service, and expects it to be the largest memorial service in Garden City history.

The Garden City Police Department with assistance from the Kansas Highway Patrol will provide security during the service.

Utz said law enforcement will be there to maintain crowd and traffic control and to ensure everyone's constitutional rights are protected.

Upchurch was buried in a funeral service Wednesday at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

01-19-2006, 07:05 PM
I hope the morons srew up and trespass. It would be great to see them dragged off in cuffs.;)

Go Cuero
01-19-2006, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
I hope the morons srew up and trespass. It would be great to see them dragged off in cuffs.;)

I agree with you. I know it's America and we're free to do just about whatever we want, but this is that man's funeral and he was fighting for us. Let the man's family have a peaceful service. I don't care how "peaceful" the protesters want it to be or set out for it to be. It's just not going to turn out good. When was the last time you saw a protest run smoothly or quietly for that matter? People just really irriate me sometimes. A funeral is not the place for this. Just my opinion I should add.

01-19-2006, 08:38 PM
these people have been doing this for a while. their kids were God hates america t shirts and other strange things. their way of thinking is such....America accepts gays....and gays are supposed to go to hell according to them....soldiers fight for the rights of Americans to include gays,,, therefor soldiers will go to hell...there was another thread on this several months ago that gave there web page...several people i believe to include me wrote them emails,,,, and the responce that you will get back is the classic
"you will burn in hell" but there you are freedom of speach at its finest...I wonder what happened to that families freedom to bury their son in a respectfull manner:(

01-19-2006, 08:46 PM

ok this is the groups website...as you can see they are pretty sick people. if you want to get really peed off click on the contact us on the top of the page then click on their dear shirley shortcut.

and the terrible thing is that there can be nothing done to these people because its there lawful right to do this crap.

01-19-2006, 08:50 PM
Wonder what they think of the soldiers that fought and died to give them their freedom of religion? Isn't their present stance a slap in the face to those soldiers? The GALL of some people to spout freedom of speech and berate the american military in the same breath really steams me. Rights aren't rights unless you can enforce and KEEP them. I have no sympathy at all toward these people. What have THEY done to protect ANYBODY'S rights?
Luckily, in this case, the Church is private property.

slpybear the bullfan
01-19-2006, 08:54 PM

I am glad to know that they have a legal right to protest... and that their protest is prohibited by law for one hour before, during, and two hours after a funeral or memorial. And that they have no legal right to be on church property at all.

01-19-2006, 09:11 PM
These wacks set up in Orange every Sunday. 16th and Green with their kids and signs. This honors neither God nor the young brave soldier who died for us.

01-19-2006, 11:23 PM
I'm not a very violent person, or hatefull, but after reading the crap they have on that website I don't think that I have ever wanted to hurt someone so bad in my life.

01-20-2006, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by shankbear
These wacks set up in Orange every Sunday. 16th and Green with their kids and signs

I wouldn't think that is a very safe thing to do in Texas. :thinking: :doh:

01-20-2006, 09:32 AM
I am not going to pray for someone to bomb their church, or hire a sniper to take them out one at a time, or pray for some sort of natural disaster(earthquake, flood, tornado, Unibomber, Muslim extremeists) to take them out, or for Bush to send in a Coalition and shoot them down in the process of looking for WMD....I just wish they would shut the hell up. Maybe someone should plan a protest for one of them when they die so that I have a reason to use some vacation time.

01-20-2006, 12:15 PM
As a former member of the military, I find it very disturbing that a person can live in the US and protest at a US soldier's funeral. It makes me mad to think that these will probably be the same people that are on TV in front fo the capitol if another terrorist attack occurs asking why the government didn't do anything to stop it. I say give then an M-16 a sidearm, and some BDUs and let then go see if they can figure things out in Iraq.

01-20-2006, 03:40 PM
What was weirdest to me is that in the middle of thier announcments about how much they hate this and that, and announcements for thier protest was this....Marriage ceremony of Sam and Jennifer.

01-20-2006, 03:44 PM
See these moonbats...taking a dump and barking at the sun.

01-20-2006, 07:55 PM

01-23-2006, 03:36 PM
Although the picture is a little small...it is awesome to see the human shield these people built. We were in Garden City on Saturday to grocery shop and the town was full of motorcycles as well as cars flying their flags! It was an awsome site...we drove by the church after the funeral was over (we had totally forgotten this was going on). Go to the link below and the pic should come up on the first page


If you click on the MORE NEWS link it has another story about the protest---it seems only 10 of them showed up.

01-23-2006, 05:06 PM
What a bunch of sick people:mad: I'm not in favor of the Gay lifestyle at all, but I think I could probably deal with before a bunch of idiots hateing anyone in the name of God. My God isn't full of hate. It would be ineresting to watch God put a hot poker to these sicko's butts when they show up at the gates, and point them down to where they will spend their eternity.:devil: :devil: :devil:

01-23-2006, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by lepfan
Although the picture is a little small...it is awesome to see the human shield these people built. We were in Garden City on Saturday to grocery shop and the town was full of motorcycles as well as cars flying their flags! It was an awsome site...we drove by the church after the funeral was over (we had totally forgotten this was going on). Go to the link below and the pic should come up on the first page


If you click on the MORE NEWS link it has another story about the protest---it seems only 10 of them showed up.

That is one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen. I can't imagine a more perfect way than this to honor a fallen soldier.