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01-19-2006, 03:11 PM
Dokic's dad reportedly made outlandish threats


Jelena Dokic responded to her estranged father's threats that he would kidnap her and kill Australians by dropping a nuclear bomb, according to a report in the Melbourne Herald Sun.

The younger Dokic, who played — and lost — in her first match as an Australian in Melbourne Park in six years said she would not bow to pressure from Damir, her father.
"This is not the first time he has made threats publicly to my well being so I am not going to allow this latest episode to disrupt my future happiness," she told the Herald Sun.

Damir reportedly told Kurir, a Serbian newspaper, that he wanted revenge on Australians for conspiring to get the young tennis player to return to Australia.

"I have thought about dropping a nuclear bomb on Sydney since Jelena lost in the first round this week, for which Australia is to blame," he told reportedly Kurir.

Jelena was eliminated from the Aussie Open on Monday as she lost to Frenchwoman Virginie Razzano.

"I have even thought about killing an Australian in revenge, but I wouldn't gain anything from it," Damir reportedly told Kurir. "Australia is a spoiled nation. They can expect my revenge."

The Herald Sun says Dokic's father has denied making the outlandish comments, which also supposedly included threats to get help kidnapping Jelena — from the Serbian police.

"Only two were ready to help," Dokic said.

The threats, according to the Herald Sun, are in the hands of police.

01-19-2006, 03:28 PM
Wow, he must be a bad dude to be able to get his hands on a nuke warhead.