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01-19-2006, 02:08 AM
Alright in lieu of the 2005 National Champion Texas Longhorns and the upcoming NFL Playoffs i felt that it was time to post a section of a book I own that has been a profound imfluence to me……

Ladies and Gentlemen….

Now I Can Die In Peace by Bill Simmons

Bill says that when he is named commissioner of sports(for which there is not actually an office) he is going to pass legislation that enforces the following rules for sports fans *:

1. No Sports Bigamy–you have to select one team in each sport. No saying that the Pistons and the Clippers are your teams. You can not unconditionally love 2 different teams that might have the remote chance that they might go head-to-head someday.

2. If your city has fielded a professon, you are bound to support that team. None of this “well the stros weren’t good when i grew up, so i became a rangers fan”. In some cases, violation of this legislation should get you shot.

3. You can’t root for a team, back off during a down cycle, then renew the relationship when they start winning again. Cases for this one include: Longhorn fans during the early nineties, Aggies during “now”, and the cowboy fans who jumped off the bandwagon in the late 80’s, back on during the aikman/smith/irvin era, and off again in the late 90’s. You know who you are, bandwagoners

4. If your between the ages of 20 and 40 and are a yankees, cowboys, braves, raiders, steelers, celtics, lakers, bulls without hailing from the respective region…..< em>you better have a reason that goes beyond “When i was picking a favorite team as a child, i choose them”. BULLCRAP. You liked them because they were winning and you wanted to feel good about your self. Just Admit IT!!!

5. If you marry someone who roots for another team you can’t bullied into switching your alliegance. EXAMPLE: I just moved to corpus, which is close to San Antonio, Corrie is a Spurs fan, as is her family…..yet i will NOT become a Spurs fan…i am a rocket, will be a rocket, and will love the rockets through thick and thin.

6. Once You choose a team, you are stuck with them for life, unless on of the following conditions applies……
a. you grew up in a area that had no specific team in that sport, so you pick a team to fill a void, until the city gets a team….(example, the D.C. area people that used to be orioles and are now Nat’s fans)
b. One of your family has either played for that team, or is taking a relevent management/coaching/front office position
c. You followed your favorite college star (and this has to be a once in a lifetime player) to the pros and supported his team du jour..example: any UNC fan that followed MJ to the bulls, or any navy grad that followed staubach to the cowboys. However, if you are giving more love to that team than to your home team, this is unacceptable.
d. The owner of your favorite team is treating his franchise like crap.
I.E. Bud Adams, Al Davis, and the Saints owner…you have all ability to disown them until they are sold.
e. Your team moves to another city. All bets are off when that happens. In fact, if you decided to turn off that sport entirely, nobody would blame you.

* I have scaled back some of his comments to make the post not so long

01-19-2006, 07:45 PM
ttt, cause some of you homers need to read this

01-19-2006, 07:53 PM
hey AJ....it wouldnt be Army grads that followed Staubach it would be NAVY grads....other than that great post

01-19-2006, 07:57 PM
In High School, I will root for the Gobblers in 3A... will cheer on other team, but will not become a 'fan' so to speak...

In College I'm a individual sports fan in a way... The only reason I watch basketball now-a-days is because when I was 14 I got turned on to UNC basketball by a step-cousin... those were the days of Antwon Jamison, Vince Carter and the rest of those guys... So UNC basketball always holds a special place in my heart...

When it came to football and the other sports, I always cheered for the Texas team, if they played each other I was neutral... My ex started attending UT when I was 19, so I started pulling for UT sports... If UT and UNC play in basketball, I sit back and watch...

Pro? The first team I 'like' was the Dallas Cowboys, of course I was around 10 or so when they were winning, and my step-father being a die-hard fan kind of turned me on to them, but I never went crazy over them... I soon became a Broncos fan the regular season of the first year they won the Super Bowl because I liked John Elway and I shared the last name, the number and position of one of their offensive linemen... so they're the team I follow the most, but I do not like the NFL that much, too many egos...

Baseball? I liked the cubs when I was around 5 because I liked Mark Grace, he looked cool to me then for some reason, then my grandfather said "Boy, don't you know Houston's closer to us than Chicago" and I started going for the Astros, became die-hard when I went to my first Astros game as an 11 year old...

Basketball? Always loved MJ because everyone talked about him when I was a kid, but chose the Spurs because of David Robinson when I was around 7 or so... didn't start really watching them until '97 when UNC got me hooked on basketball, but have been "Go Spurs Go" ever since...

Hockey? Hell, I'll go with the Stars, the closest any Dallas team will come to a Championship (just kidding, Metroplexers...)

Tour D (e, f, g, h, i???) France? Lance Armstrong is the only one of these guys I've ever heard of, plus he's from TEXAS, baby....

Any other sport doesn't intrest me as of yet... so I haven't chosen...

OHHHH... Nascar, forgot about Nascar... I usually root for the television station airing it, in hopes they'll put something of more importance in that time-slot :D

01-19-2006, 08:07 PM
College-Univ. of Texas(all sports)

Pro Basketball-Dallas Mavs-closest to snyder and i have been w. them since 1997

Pro Baseball-Houston Astros-i used to root for Baltimore because of Cal Ripken Jr. but when he retired and i came to my senses and went to the Stros

Pro Football-Jacksonville Jaguars-i have be a fan of them since they started

Hockey-Colorado Avs-i have been a fan of them since a long time like around 1996

01-19-2006, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Pmoney
hey AJ....it wouldnt be Army grads that followed Staubach it would be NAVY grads....other than that great post
dually noted and changed