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View Full Version : SWAT Team Shoots 'Armed' Fla. 8th Grader!!!

01-13-2006, 11:29 PM
LONGWOOD, Fla. - An eighth-grader was shot and wounded by a SWAT team officer in a school bathroom Friday after he pulled out a pellet gun that resembled a real weapon and later raised it at a deputy, authorities said.

Sheriff Don Eslinger said the 15-year-old boy brought the gun to Milwee Middle School in his backpack. Eslinger said two students saw it and one persuaded the other to report it, causing a scuffle.

The alleged gunman ordered one of the students into a closet, dimmed the lights and ran from the classroom. He then went around the campus carrying the weapon, Eslinger said. Deputies eventually isolated him in a restroom, and the school was evacuated.

Eslinger said negotiators tried unsuccessfully to start a dialogue with the boy, identified as Christopher David Penley.

"He did not respond," Eslinger said. "He refused to even comment. All he said was his first name. He did not drop the firearm."

When the boy raised the gun at a deputy, he shot the youth, the sheriff said.

Penley was taken to a hospital, where he was on "advanced life support," the sheriff said.

"He was suicidal," Eslinger said. "During this standoff, and during the chase, the student said he was going to kill himself or die." At one point, the boy held the gun to his own neck.

No one else was injured. The sheriff's office confirmed later that the weapon was a pellet gun fashioned to look like a 9mm handgun. The tip of the gun had been painted black, covering brightly colored markings that would have indicated it was nonlethal.

Investigators did not know why Penley brought the weapon to school. "We are looking into his past, and all kinds of different issues possibly." Eslinger said.

Classes were canceled for the rest of the day, and frantic parents arrived to pick up their children from the 1,100-student public school in suburban Orlando.

"When I saw the news, I just couldn't believe this was my daughter's school. I came right away," said Anil Santos, whose daughter, Aleister, is in eighth grade.

Sarah Tivy, 12, said some students were frightened, but she appeared calm.

"I just figured that if someone is going to bring a gun to school, then they need to be taken out of school," she said.

Kelly Swofford, a neighbor whose 11-year-old son is close friends with Penley, said he visited their home Thursday night and complained that "people were picking on him at school. I told him he needed to talk to his guidance counselor."

Her son Jeffery said Penley talked about wanting to die when the two had breakfast Friday morning. He said Penley had been fighting with another boy, allegedly over a girl.

"Everybody knew they were going to fight," Jeffery said. "I heard a rumor that he had a BB gun, but I didn't think he really had one."

Phone calls to Penley's home were not answered Friday, and a person who answered the door declined to comment.

As dusk fell, Marie Hargis stood in front of the school with a sign that read "Stop the violence." Her 14-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter attend Milwee.

"My youngest daughter is just very emotionally messed up. She started crying and said, `Mommy, I don't want to go back.' They should not fear having to go to school."

Story Link (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060114/ap_on_re_us/school_evacuated)

01-14-2006, 07:54 AM
What a sad story.

Ranger Mom
01-14-2006, 10:42 AM
That is sad AND scary...the fact that he was a 15 y/o eighth grader kinda raised my eyebrows!

01-14-2006, 11:45 AM
This story is all over CNN, its amazing, some places are making the child out to be like some tragic hero who was shot. He was waving a pellet gun at police, what did you think they'd do?

01-14-2006, 11:49 AM
Yea there was really no way they could have known the gun wasn't real. They showed the gun on TV up next to a real 9mm, and they looked identical. They did what they had to do.

Old Tiger
01-14-2006, 11:50 AM
Couldn't they have used like tear gas or a bean bag gun instead?

01-14-2006, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Couldn't they have used like tear gas or a bean bag gun instead?

This was a spur of the moment thing, they didnt have time to get anything else ready, and in the eyes of the cop that shot him it was probably either "shoot him , or get shot" I would have done the same, just would have aimed for the leg or something.

Old Tiger
01-14-2006, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by SnyTigBaseB07
I would have done the same, just would have aimed for the leg or something. ditto

01-14-2006, 04:04 PM
Well its been confirmed, the young man who was shot in the incident has passed. His organs are being donated, as the family requested be done.

01-14-2006, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by SnyTigBaseB07
This was a spur of the moment thing, they didnt have time to get anything else ready, and in the eyes of the cop that shot him it was probably either "shoot him , or get shot" I would have done the same, just would have aimed for the leg or something.

aiming for the leg would not 100% eliminate the threat. The deputy did not know it was a pellett gun, and he cannot take a chance of shooting to wound him and the kid still shooting him.

01-14-2006, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by SnyTigBaseB07
This was a spur of the moment thing, they didnt have time to get anything else ready, and in the eyes of the cop that shot him it was probably either "shoot him , or get shot" I would have done the same, just would have aimed for the leg or something.

Law enforcement officers are not trained to shoot to wound. When they shoot, they are using lethal force. It is tragic that this happened, but you have to give support to Officer in this situation.

01-14-2006, 06:24 PM
Of course what i said kinda contradicted some other things i said. I support the officers decision, its terrible what happened, but if it had been a real gun and he hadnt shot, who knows what would have happened.

01-14-2006, 06:51 PM
This was a very sad story. The officer made the right decision to shoot. I would have shot, too. Pellet guns, paint ball guns, bb guns....they all look so real. Now, he won't be allowed back to work until he is cleared by a therapist. Lord knows he has also been through a lot. My heart goes out to both the family of the boy and the officer who fatally shot him.