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12-29-2005, 11:06 PM
We had a fire that destroyed our maintenance barn and destroyed $100,000's of thousands of dollars in equipment destroyed. Luckily no grounds employees were harmed and everyone got out quickly. The bad news... enviornmental cleanup because of all of the chemicals and pesticides in the building. I will be here all night long with the Environmental Cleanup crew. Im really excited since I have already been at work for 14 hours. Hope your day went better.

12-29-2005, 11:32 PM
first and foremost, I am glad you and the others are OK.. be careful while cleaning up.... was this due to the wildfires?

12-30-2005, 12:09 AM
no it was due to an electrical short in a heater and ac unit.

12-30-2005, 06:08 AM
I'm glad you all were ok.

12-30-2005, 07:04 AM
bummer - hope today goes better!

12-30-2005, 12:58 PM
I am glad everyone is okay. I hope you have a better day today.

12-30-2005, 02:22 PM
Glad everyone is OK injured. I thought I had a bad day, but you got me beat.

12-30-2005, 02:33 PM
It even made the news. The fire looks pretty big here.


12-30-2005, 02:35 PM
Where was this fire at?

12-30-2005, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
Where was this fire at?

Fairway Oaks.

12-30-2005, 02:41 PM
WOW! My office is only a couple miles from Fairway Oaks, and somehow I never knew this took place.

12-30-2005, 02:58 PM
there was also one downtown at the Wooten on Wednesday night. I was at my girlfriend's apartment on the 6th floor when the alarm went off and some guy from two rooms down comes banging on our door "my apartment is on fire...hurry and get out!!!" Needless to say...he came home to his bedroom on fire. Fortunately the firemen were able to get it out and there is only a lot of water damage on her hall and the floors below the room that was on fire...

12-30-2005, 03:50 PM
I know the guy the lives directly underneath the guy that had the fire. All his stuff is ruined when the ceiling caved in and the water flooded his apt.

12-30-2005, 03:53 PM
I think I would think twice about living there after that happened. Would hate to get caught in a fire in a building like that. It was probably caused by someones ignorance.

12-30-2005, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
I know the guy the lives directly underneath the guy that had the fire. All his stuff is ruined when the ceiling caved in and the water flooded his apt.

I guess you are talking about the guy that designed Diamondback? Him and I spent some time talking outside

Originally posted by Snyder_TigerFan
I think I would think twice about living there after that happened. Would hate to get caught in a fire in a building like that. It was probably caused by someones ignorance.

Evidently the guy's wife is a smoker. She wasn't there when he got home but the fire dept believes it was a cigarette that was left on the bed