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12-26-2005, 12:32 PM
never really been excited about a video game(cept maybe halo and ncaa football) but this game has me waiting on the end of my seat.

mvp 2006 NCAA baseball!

this game has alot of options like creating your own stadium/ university/players, a new "load and fire" batting, batters eye and all the other goodies.....too many to mention.


12-26-2005, 12:35 PM
i didnt know that this game existed

12-26-2005, 12:38 PM
it didnt till this year

here is an interview with producer Ben Brinkman from that website

With the launch of the first-ever NCAA Baseball game being driven from the MVP Baseball Franchise game engine - one of the best baseball game engines ever - we felt it was neccessary to get into the bullpen with the producers of MVP 06 NCAA Baseball. Read the interview to get some insight on what it sure to be a grandslam of a game!

EA SPORTS: What will be the biggest/most noticeable difference between MVP 2005 and MVP 06 NCAA Baseball?

Ben Brinkman: Well, first it's an NCAA game, not a professional game! Seriously, I don’t know where to begin. With MVP 06 NCAA Baseball we return the depth and gameplay that people have loved over the years but have added a bunch of features that we believe will put this game above all our previous offerings. There’s almost too many to count, but I’ll give you an idea of some of them and we’ll go more into depth on each of these over the coming months as we continue development. The biggest new feature is that we have a new batting system that we’re calling Load and Fire Batting that I think is going to completely change the way you think about batting in a baseball game. We have Precision Throw Control, all-new Online features, a new announcer team, a deep new Dynasty Mode tailored to college baseball, and a whole lot more.

MVP 06 NCAA Baseball is not a "fresh coat of paint" on an outdated and antiquated game, or a re-release with a new mode and a DVD bundled inside. This is MVP Baseball. I believe the leap we made this year versus MVP 2005 in terms of depth and features is on par with the leap we made between MVP 2003 and MVP 2004.

EA SPORTS: What kinds of changes will we notice with the style of play between professional and college athletes?

Brinkman: We captured a bunch of new animations this year that capture the intensity and hustle with which the NCAA game is played. The pro game is more of a 162 game grind where often times players jog or “lollygag” around the field. In MVP 06 NCAA Baseball the kids play like every game could be their last. It’s a beautiful thing, really, if you are tired of seeing guys like Manny Ramirez jog on any ball he hits, or stand for five seconds admiring his home run. There is none of that in MVP 06 NCAA Baseball.

go on and read more fromt he website.....

12-26-2005, 12:40 PM
I could probably do some research and find out but you may know.. when does this one come out?

12-26-2005, 12:41 PM
not too sure, i know if you preorder, it starts shipping out january 17th

12-26-2005, 12:42 PM
so probly a few days after?

12-26-2005, 12:53 PM
even better is that it's only $29.99!!! I think I will go use my pre-order money I put down on Stacked (should have come out in Nov but pushed back to Feb/March) and get this game instead!

12-26-2005, 12:58 PM
dont forget about the free shipping! there is a coupon code on the site.....gotta love coupons!!!!:D

12-26-2005, 01:25 PM
I am pre-ordering that right now

12-26-2005, 02:48 PM
i have been wanting this game since forever!

12-26-2005, 03:06 PM
Yea this game is gonna be pretty sweet. And its always very nice when they do the games a little cheaper!:clap:

12-26-2005, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by football4life
Yea this game is gonna be pretty sweet. And its always very nice when they do the games a little cheaper!:clap:

now if they would only do NCAA cheaper! I can get Madden free by winning the NCAA tourney that they do at EBGames here in Abilene...but I want a way to get NCAA cheap and/or free! Anybody wanna play 2 out of 3 games and the loser has to buy the winner a copy? :D

12-26-2005, 09:42 PM
speaking of GAMES.. my mom gave my 2 oldest sons (29 and 27) the ESPN SCENE IT DVD Game - they are both extremely competitive, it will be fun to observe them playing this game...... :D :D

12-31-2005, 12:27 AM
that game looks good, but the way me and my friends play games, we'll go through it in like 3 days and be bored again...either that or hustle people who have never played:D

12-31-2005, 12:32 AM
It's about time that college baseball got it's due respect. The College World Series is one of the great annual sports events in the country.