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View Full Version : Did someone mention teacher salaries?

12-22-2005, 01:21 AM
Interesting story...sad, but interesting.... Is there any wonder why there is no money for teacher raises?


And on a related note:

And not to pick on Lake Worth, but to clarify the Tutor story:


12-22-2005, 02:50 AM
i know your not picking on LW, but i feel a bit of shame after reading that. i really dont know what to say. i really hope they can get the score up.:(

12-22-2005, 07:51 AM
Makes you wonder what ever happened to all that Texas Lottery money that was supposed to go to funding Texas education.

BullFrog Dad
12-22-2005, 07:58 AM
This doesn't surprise me. You drive by any of LW's campuses(Ele.-HS) when school is letting out and see lots of kids walking home empty handed. When I was in school everyone took 2-4 books home with them everyday.

LH Panther Mom
12-22-2005, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by VWG
Makes you wonder what ever happened to all that Texas Lottery money that was supposed to go to funding Texas education.
Don't get me started on that subject! :mad:

12-22-2005, 08:42 AM
Yea good job Ann Richards:clap:

Johnny Utah
12-22-2005, 08:58 AM
My 2 cents!! Often times homework or outside assignments might be given. Some students, not all, choose not to complete the assignments. We need to rearrange our schools in this format!!! College bound, vocational bound, technical bound, etc..... In other words, students that are going to college need to be tracked that way. Not everyone is college material, or should take the TAKS test. Just my opinion. When I become the Leader of the State, it will happen!!! Teachers need raises, schools need more funding!!!! Parents need more help!!!!

12-22-2005, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by etbu
Yea good job Ann Richards:clap:

Can you really blame someone who hasn't been in office for 10 years? If it was her fault then their has been ample time to reorganize and direct funds to the proper destination. Their is more than enough Republican leadership that is capable of making any changes that need to be made. Or maybe that isn't a priority of some of YOUR elected officials? That isn't a stab at any political group, but rather they elected leadership in Texas. Blame game aside these are problems that everyone needs to get together on, because their is a solution out there.

12-22-2005, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Johnny Utah
...We need to rearrange our schools in this format!!! College bound, vocational bound, technical bound, etc..... In other words, students that are going to college need to be tracked that way. ....

i never thought of that - very interesting. probably $ prohibitive.

Johnny Utah
12-22-2005, 09:47 AM
Needs to be done some how!!! Not every student is going to Harvard. Some want to go to ITT Tech, or diesel mechanic school or hotel and restaurant management school, or nursing school, or some want to build fence or be ranchers or farmers!!! Think about it, it would create even MORE opportunity for all involved.

12-22-2005, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Johnny Utah
Needs to be done some how!!! Not every student is going to Harvard. Some want to go to ITT Tech, or diesel mechanic school or hotel and restaurant management school, or nursing school, or some want to build fence or be ranchers or farmers!!! Think about it, it would create even MORE opportunity for all involved.

Johnny, I for one think that may be the best post of the year.

12-22-2005, 10:02 AM
Johnny Utah, did you know we are the only industrialized country in the world that doesn't do that. Some states have dual tracking for students not going to college but as a nation we don't. I lived in Korea for 7 years and every school is designated as to what it's primary focus is, ie, vocational, academic, technical, etc. Entrance is based on student performance on entrance exams, but also student preference. If they want to be a farmer, they can and are sent to a high school focusing on agriculture. Makes a lot of sense to me.

Johnny Utah
12-22-2005, 10:05 AM
Until we get some political leaders with some guts, this will not happen. Schools are told to treat every student like they are college bound!! That is not doing a service to all students. Those that are college bound suffer some as a result also. The TAKS test is a joke, funding is a joke, salaries are a joke. Politicians still get paid!!! Something has to be done or small schools will start closing, maybe sooner than we think.

12-22-2005, 10:07 AM
I understand what you are saying Johnny, but who determines what direction the child is going to go? I know I am not alone in having changed majors since I have been in college. With how common that occurs would it be feasible to train a child until the age of 18 for a career, only to have that child decide on a different path? I mean if a child was trained in excess in agriculture(to work a farm and ranch), but decided to go to college in an agriculture related field would they be prepared? I just have the feeling that everyone should be offered the same education and can make their life plan when they are old/mature enough to decide.

12-22-2005, 10:22 AM
For what it's worth,
I have worked in the post secondary field for a number of years.
I worked for a technical school that offered hands-on training such as electronics, graphics design, etc.
I have gone in to classrooms and talked to students about their interests and what they want to do after high school.

I ask the question "how many of you think you learn better when you work on something hands-on like in a biology lab?" I get at least an 85% response saying they like hands-on training. The reality is that at least 50% will go to a junior college to "get the basics" and soon become very board with that and fall through the cracks.

Many high school students ask themselves.."Why do I need to move out of the house to go to school?" Many, not all, just want to continue to live at home, go to junior college, and hopefully the idea of a career path will come to them. If I hear "I'm just checking my options" one more time...

I found that a majority of students that go to a tech school for example, are usually much more motivated and get started in life with a clear interest and motivation or a plan of what they want to do.

This certainly isn't absolute...just a tendancy. My opinion?
We need to totally revamp education in Texas. I like the concept of students going to a specific high school for something they are interested in. I will use Trimble Tech High School in Fort Worth as an example. They have a medical, automotive, graphics design, CAD, and several other real world classes in addition to the English and Math classes. They have to APPLY to go to that high school, it isn't automatic to be accepted. I don't have any exact numbers right now, but the attendance, and TAKS scores are above average, they were ranked "Superior" by the state...and oh by the way...this isn't Southlake Carroll either. It's an inner city school and about 90% Hispanic.
Folks..when are we going to understand that people will do what interests them? Including kids.

Johnny Utah
12-22-2005, 10:33 AM
Good point. Rockdale80!!! Everyone is offered the same education, tracking just means that if they show interest in that certain field they can concentrate on that. Almost like college courses in high school. You have to take the basics in both, then go towards your major and minor. That is how high schools should be!!!

12-22-2005, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by LewP
For what it's worth,
I have worked in the post secondary field for a number of years.
I worked for a technical school that offered hands-on training such as electronics, graphics design, etc.
I have gone in to classrooms and talked to students about their interests and what they want to do after high school.

I ask the question "how many of you think you learn better when you work on something hands-on like in a biology lab?" I get at least an 85% response saying they like hands-on training. The reality is that at least 50% will go to a junior college to "get the basics" and soon become very board with that and fall through the cracks.

Many high school students ask themselves.."Why do I need to move out of the house to go to school?" Many, not all, just want to continue to live at home, go to junior college, and hopefully the idea of a career path will come to them. If I hear "I'm just checking my options" one more time...

I found that a majority of students that go to a tech school for example, are usually much more motivated and get started in life with a clear interest and motivation or a plan of what they want to do.

This certainly isn't absolute...just a tendancy. My opinion?
We need to totally revamp education in Texas. I like the concept of students going to a specific high school for something they are interested in. I will use Trimble Tech High School in Fort Worth as an example. They have a medical, automotive, graphics design, CAD, and several other real world classes in addition to the English and Math classes. They have to APPLY to go to that high school, it isn't automatic to be accepted. I don't have any exact numbers right now, but the attendance, and TAKS scores are above average, they were ranked "Superior" by the state...and oh by the way...this isn't Southlake Carroll either. It's an inner city school and about 90% Hispanic.
Folks..when are we going to understand that people will do what interests them? Including kids.

So this is a private school that is select in its admission? How can you compare that to public schools across the board? Presuming they have admission standards then why would they not have numbers better than that of most un-select public schools? I would venture to say that if most public schools were select then they could build a core of students that were more than capable of earning the district a "superior" rating as well. Unfortunately, public schools cannot be that select and must deal with a multitude of problems ranging from language barriers to socioeconomic disadvantage. They do not have the luxury of filtering out the children they do not wish to attend their school. So these problems we speak of aren't something we can follow the example of Trimble Tech High School to solve. These are problems we need to come together on as a state and figure out a solution.

12-22-2005, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by rockdale80
So this is a private school that is select in its admission? How can you compare that to public schools across the board? Presuming they have admission standards then why would they not have numbers better than that of most un-select public schools? I would venture to say that if most public schools were select then they could build a core of students that were more than capable of earning the district a "superior" rating as well. Unfortunately, public schools cannot be that select and must deal with a multitude of problems ranging from language barriers to socioeconomic disadvantage. They do not have the luxury of filtering out the children they do not wish to attend their school. So these problems we speak of aren't something we can follow the example of Trimble Tech High School to solve. These are problems we need to come together on as a state and figure out a solution.

Fair statement, but I neglected to mention it is a public school. Part of Fort Worth Independent School District.

12-22-2005, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by LewP
Fair statement, but I neglected to mention it is a public school. Part of Fort Worth Independent School District.

How is a public school select in its admission?

12-22-2005, 10:58 AM
It's similar to a magnet school.

12-22-2005, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by LewP
It's similar to a magnet school.

So it is a private school with public funding? So you are saying that technically it is public school, but in reality it is basically a private school? You still cannot really compare to that to a public school which doesn't have the luxury of being select in its admission. Not saying you and Utah don't make good points. Just that this isn't a good example or answer to the problem.

12-22-2005, 11:09 AM

It's now just "acceptable" rating..It went down.

2005 TEA Acceptable Rating 2004 TEA Acceptable Rating 2002 TEA Exemplary Rating - First exemplary high school in FWISD 2001 TEA Recognized Rating - First recognized high school in FWISD For the third year in a row, Trimble Tech HS staff and students donated the highest amount to the United Way of all FWISD schools. Donna Wilson, 1980 graduate of Trimble Tech, is now head volleyball coach at Tech. The Bulldog Band earned a Division 1 rating in Sight Reading Competition in 2002. The Bulldog Wrestling Team were district champions for 5 consecutive years (1999-2003). Will offer Health Science and Hospital Administration SIP in partnership with John Peter Smith and Harris Methodist Hospital. State and National winners in the career and technology competition. Admission to Trimble Tech is by application. Incoming Freshman must meet requirements which include passing grades, in core academic courses, good attendance, and good citizenship in middle school Site of Applied Academics Program - A High Academic Program focusing on Project-Based Learning
Site of Outstanding Career Technology, Health and Human Services, Arts and Communication, and Fine Arts Program

Johnny Utah
12-22-2005, 11:39 AM
Rockdale80, many larger school districts with multiple high schools have what are called magnet schools. These schools cater to certain careers. Example, one high school might feature a medical career and technology curriculum, whereas the other high school might have curriculum geard toward vocational. You see this in all the large cities. Students must apply to get in, and score a certain number on tests, etc. All of these schools still have the same curriculum as all the others in the state, some just offer more courses geared into that particular path. Great idea, but because of funding, most smaller schools can not do that!!!

12-22-2005, 11:47 AM
By the way Johnny...I love that chicken fried steak at the Smokestack Restaurant there in Mingus. Best chicken fried steak in the state in my humble opinion.

Johnny Utah
12-22-2005, 11:49 AM
We are going to Marys in Strawn tomorrow. Can not wait!!! Best ever CFS!!! The Smokestack has been around for a LONG TIME!!! Great area!!

12-22-2005, 11:51 AM
I'am pretty sure LBJ High School in Austin is a Magnet School.

12-22-2005, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Johnny Utah
We are going to Marys in Strawn tomorrow. Can not wait!!! Best ever CFS!!! The Smokestack has been around for a LONG TIME!!! Great area!!

Ya know, I hate to ramble...but those pictures at the Smokestack are pretty awesome..those were some HARD working folks back in the day.....a company town if there was ever one.

Johnny Utah
12-22-2005, 11:58 AM
Yes, it was a different time for sure!!!

12-22-2005, 12:53 PM
Here is where the Texas Lottery shows the money going:

Money Distribution (http://www.txlottery.org/faq/moneygoes.cfm)

And, if you're interested in what's in store for the future:

Proposed Rules Change (http://www.txlottery.org/legal/proposed_changes_lotto_texas.cfm)

Any statisticians out there? Bet the odds of winning just about to get woese.

12-22-2005, 01:06 PM
Good info Sinton66, now I want to take that a step further and find information about the School Foundation Fund and see where that is broken up. Any ideas?

marlin fan
12-22-2005, 01:44 PM
Lew!! www.google.com is ur best friend!!!! go there and type in t"he School Foundation Fund" or some crap like that!!!

12-22-2005, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by marlin fan
Lew!! www.google.com is ur best friend!!!! go there and type in t"he School Foundation Fund" or some crap like that!!!

Thanks Marlin Fan!!!!!!


marlin fan
12-22-2005, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by LewP
Thanks Marlin Fan!!!!!!

http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/ no problem!! glade i could help!!

12-22-2005, 01:51 PM
More to the specific question:

Foundation Funding Payments (http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/funding/monthlysched_fsf.doc)

I think I'm sorry you asked? Some real mumbo-jumbo here.;)

12-22-2005, 01:55 PM
Thanks Sinton.....
I think I'll leave it alone now.:D

12-22-2005, 02:01 PM
At first glance, it appears to be financing the entitlement programs.