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View Full Version : Have you finished your Christmas shopping?

Go Cuero
12-20-2005, 11:54 PM
I am done and all the presents are wrapped and hidding in our neighbor's closet. I so glad I'm finished because the stores and malls are crowded. Not to mention the roads and the post office!!
So who is going to wait until the last minute to get their shopping done?

And have you been naughty or nice? What is Santa going to bring you this year?:eek:

12-21-2005, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Go Cuero
I am done and all the presents are wrapped and hidding in our neighbor's closet. I so glad I'm finished because the stores and malls are crowded. Not to mention the roads and the post office!!
So who is going to wait until the last minute to get their shopping done?

And have you been naughty or nice? What is Santa going to bring you this year?:eek:
I still have my parents, my husband's parents, my brother, brother in law, nephew, and 4 dirty santa gifts (not to mention the new addition to the family on hubby's side -- nephew in law and his son --- does that make us a great aunt and uncle---makes me sound so OLD). I am usually the one who starts on the 22nd....but I started earlier this year. It drives my sister nuts when I drag her out to help me finish my shopping.

To answer your other questions: Yes, I am always nice...I have never been naughty. :) My big Christmas present this year was new garage doors...I got one and I gave my hubby one. ;)

12-21-2005, 12:13 AM
I will be done by Friday night......God willing.

12-21-2005, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by lepfan

To answer your other questions: Yes, I am always nice...I have never been naughty. :) My big Christmas present this year was new garage doors...I got one and I gave my hubby one. ;)

I have a sneaking suspicion that any good will Jill had built up with Santa Claus this year just went down the drain with that lie! :D By the way, what exactly is a "dirty Santa" gift anyway???

Cameron Crazy
12-21-2005, 01:11 AM
I would like to know that to...

12-21-2005, 06:13 AM
I don't shop - I hunt ....... I know what I want, I go find it and get it - no price comparing or anything - just get it and get out as fast as possible

and yes, I'm done :thumbsup:

12-21-2005, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by 3afan
I don't shop - I hunt ....... I know what I want, I go find it and get it - no price comparing or anything - just get it and get out as fast as possible

and yes, I'm done :thumbsup:

Great minds think alike! I'm off to hunt in 5 minutes!:D

12-21-2005, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
I have a sneaking suspicion that any good will Jill had built up with Santa Claus this year just went down the drain with that lie! :D By the way, what exactly is a "dirty Santa" gift anyway???

Santa and I are real tight....he knows how good I am! ;)

Dirty Santa gift -- everyone brings a gift and puts it in a pile, draw numbers, #1 picks the gift they want and opens it, #2 decides if they want #1's gift or they can pick from the pile.....keep going until all have had a chance to pick (or steal) a gift....some call this by another name. I bet you thought it was a bunch of 'dirty' gifts....with your mind in the gutter man - you will never get Santa near your house....he won't even do a fly by! ;) ;) (especially since he is gonna be so busy with my gifts)

Go Cuero
12-21-2005, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by lepfan
Santa and I are real tight....he knows how good I am! ;)

Dirty Santa gift -- everyone brings a gift and puts it in a pile, draw numbers, #1 picks the gift they want and opens it, #2 decides if they want #1's gift or they can pick from the pile.....keep going until all have had a chance to pick (or steal) a gift....some call this by another name. I bet you thought it was a bunch of 'dirty' gifts....with your mind in the gutter man - you will never get Santa near your house....he won't even do a fly by! ;) ;) (especially since he is gonna be so busy with my gifts)

I did think you were talking about "dirty" gifts. We play that game too at my step-mom's side of the family but I had no idea what the game was called.

12-21-2005, 12:06 PM
we also do that - call it a "Chinese gift exchange" ................. some do it at work, call it a "White Elephant gift exchange"

12-21-2005, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by 3afan
I don't shop - I hunt ....... I know what I want, I go find it and get it - no price comparing or anything - just get it and get out as fast as possible

and yes, I'm done :thumbsup:

that's me.. I remind myself of that Jeff Foxworthy skit where he's at the mall with a list.. "pants, pants.. where's the pants... got it.... shoes, shoes.. where's the shoes.. got it.. candles candles, where's the candles.. got them.. candy candy,, where's the candy.. got it" it's funny to watch.........I am not a shopper by any means.. Get it and get out...... but I alway run into people and you'll might not believe this, but I end up talking for quite some time :) drives my husband nuts.........

Ranger Mom
12-21-2005, 12:18 PM
Because my family is so big......we all decided to by only for our immediate family this year.

Easy for me....my kids just got cold hard cash! Not much to wrapping money in various boxes!

Dang...I hope Ranger Rebel doesn't read this post!!:doh:

12-21-2005, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by 3afan
we also do that - call it a "Chinese gift exchange" ................. some do it at work, call it a "White Elephant gift exchange"

THAT'S IT....geez I could not for my life think of the other names it is called! I always buy something that I want and try to make it quirky enough so no one else does!!! This year I am buying a humidifier to take as one of the gifts...that way if we get to keep it we don't have to go buy one (like we planned to do)

12-21-2005, 02:35 PM
All we're doing this year is Chinese (Yankee, whatever you call it) Christmas since we're doing a big vacation soon after.

Does anyone have ideas for a good (or gag, i like either way) gift for around $20? Or is there some strategy to this whole Chinese christmas game?

12-21-2005, 02:39 PM
I (or my "designated shopper" :D ) try to get something someone can actully use, not something to put on a shelf, or worse yet, in a closet

Go Cuero
12-21-2005, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by BreckTxLonghorn
All we're doing this year is Chinese (Yankee, whatever you call it) Christmas since we're doing a big vacation soon after.

Does anyone have ideas for a good (or gag, i like either way) gift for around $20? Or is there some strategy to this whole Chinese christmas game?

This year at our dirty/Chinese/white elephant lol Christmas there were a couple of those really soft throws/blankets. Those are really nice and warm. That's the one present that everyone wanted and kept stealing from eachother. What else....uhmmm for girls lotion or candles are always nice. I guess guys like tools or something manly like that. But if there is a $20 tool it's probably not that good. Well at least that's what my husband seems to think.

12-21-2005, 04:24 PM
i thought i was finished before today. but fortunately my firm handed me a very large bonus check which i wasnt expecting. (im not elegible for the company profit sharing bonus plan till next year). it was more than all the Christmas bonuses combined i recieved with my last firm for the 10 years i was there. Merry Christmas everyone!!

Go Cuero
12-21-2005, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by pirate44
i thought i was finished before today. but fortunately my firm handed me a very large bonus check which i wasnt expecting. (im not elegible for the company profit sharing bonus plan till next year). it was more than all the Christmas bonuses combined i recieved with my last firm for the 10 years i was there. Merry Christmas everyone!!

WOW. That's great. It's always nice to get those unexpected bonus checks at Christmas time.

12-21-2005, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by pirate44
i thought i was finished before today. but fortunately my firm handed me a very large bonus check which i wasnt expecting. (im not elegible for the company profit sharing bonus plan till next year). it was more than all the Christmas bonuses combined i recieved with my last firm for the 10 years i was there. Merry Christmas everyone!!

How about that, you were due for some good news. Been working too hard. Congrats.;)

12-21-2005, 09:42 PM
i am done

12-22-2005, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by BreckTxLonghorn
All we're doing this year is Chinese (Yankee, whatever you call it) Christmas since we're doing a big vacation soon after.

Does anyone have ideas for a good (or gag, i like either way) gift for around $20? Or is there some strategy to this whole Chinese christmas game?

I have 4 brothers. The five of us and our spouses have done a Chinese exchange for about 15 years now. By FAR, the funnest thing is bringing the gift that everyone wants and steals the most. What that will be really depends on your family...

Now... for the strategy - if your family plays that after 3 times, a gift is "frozen" and no one can take it from you, then you can use strategy with your spouse to steal it from you so you can steal it back. Or when someone else has what you want, steal whatever your partner has, and they can go get the thing you want. Strategy! :)

12-22-2005, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by Go Cuero
I am done and all the presents are wrapped

I have finished the shopping.. just gotta wrap...... but I'll do that tomorrow.. I do need to get to the grocery store...... now that will be torture.........

12-22-2005, 11:44 PM
I never even start till December 23rd.

12-23-2005, 02:14 AM
Done shopping.i have to wrap presents now.

12-23-2005, 04:19 AM
i am almost done. i got the 7 year old book worm brother to shop for... talk about easy... all he wants is new reading material. i lucked out on him... my 19 year old sister... now thats a different story :(

LH Panther Mom
12-24-2005, 07:48 AM
Yes, finally! Now I just have to finish wrapping. :doh:

12-24-2005, 07:49 AM
Santa has come and gone ...... *sigh*

12-24-2005, 05:43 PM
I finally finished my shopping last night. Every store I went to was packed and lots of shelves and racks were empty, but the one thing that really got to me was the traffic. Next year I'm starting my shopping in October and I'm gonna make it a point to have it done by Dec 1.

12-24-2005, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by piratebg
I finally finished my shopping last night. Every store I went to was packed and lots of shelves and racks were empty, but the one thing that really got to me was the traffic. Next year I'm starting my shopping in October and I'm gonna make it a point to have it done by Dec 1.

be done by august :D

12-24-2005, 09:03 PM
I was finished since Thanksgiving week. And this past week I already recieved my statement. Now let the headache begin in paying off my credit cards:D