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View Full Version : The Great Tortilla Debacle

12-01-2003, 10:59 PM
News for those that care. The tortilla thing that Burnet does after they score is a take off on the Texas Tech tradition. Maybe some other colleges do it to but I am pretty sure Tech made it famous. The bad news is that the Superintendent has a memo posted on the school website asking fans to leave their tortillas at home. Something about added clean-up fees. Now I am no rocket scientist, but I can certainly see that there are a lot more messy food products left after a football game than tortillas. Consider nacho cheese, chili, catsup and mustard packets, chewing gum, soda and those God awful giant dill pickles. How much of that stuff is left after a game. I hardly think any venue is charging Burnet extra to pick up tortillas. Sounds to me like someone is trying to be a little too PC (politcally correct). Any other thoughts?

12-01-2003, 11:14 PM
News for those that care. The tortilla thing that Burnet does after they score is a take off on the Texas Tech tradition. Maybe some other colleges do it to but I am pretty sure Tech made it famous. The bad news is that the Superintendent has a memo posted on the school website asking fans to leave their tortillas at home. Something about added clean-up fees. Now I am no rocket scientist, but I can certainly see that there are a lot more messy food products left after a football game than tortillas. Consider nacho cheese, chili, catsup and mustard packets, chewing gum, soda and those God awful giant dill pickles. How much of that stuff is left after a game. I hardly think any venue is charging Burnet extra to pick up tortillas. Sounds to me like someone is trying to be a little too PC (politcally correct). Any other thoughts?I for one think it is a little classless to throw those things around after scoring. I mean, c'mon, act like you've seen your team score before. Just because some fools leave a mess behind with their chili, etc., what gives your the right to do the same with your tortillas. If you do it at your place and people dont mind cleaning it up, great, more power to you, but don't force that upon other folks on their fields. That is just disrespectful. You wouldn't want anyone dumping items on your lawn or in your living room, would you, unless your living room happens to be a mudpool.

12-01-2003, 11:21 PM
i see nothing wrong with throwing tortillas after burnet scores as long as they have someone designated to clean them up. i just dont see anything wrong as long as it does not affect anybody watching or participating in the game

12-01-2003, 11:33 PM
i see nothing wrong with throwing tortillas after burnet scores as long as they have someone designated to clean them up. i just dont see anything wrong as long as it does not affect anybody watching or participating in the gamenevermind guy. you missed the point.

12-01-2003, 11:39 PM

News for those that care. The tortilla thing that Burnet does after they score is a take off on the Texas Tech tradition. Maybe some other colleges do it to but I am pretty sure Tech made it famous. The bad news is that the Superintendent has a memo posted on the school website asking fans to leave their tortillas at home. Something about added clean-up fees. Now I am no rocket scientist, but I can certainly see that there are a lot more messy food products left after a football game than tortillas. Consider nacho cheese, chili, catsup and mustard packets, chewing gum, soda and those God awful giant dill pickles. How much of that stuff is left after a game. I hardly think any venue is charging Burnet extra to pick up tortillas. Sounds to me like someone is trying to be a little too PC (politcally correct). Any other thoughts?I for one think it is a little classless to throw those things around after scoring. I mean, c'mon, act like you've seen your team score before. Just because some fools leave a mess behind with their chili, etc., what gives your the right to do the same with your tortillas. If you do it at your place and people dont mind cleaning it up, great, more power to you, but don't force that upon other folks on their fields. That is just disrespectful. You wouldn't want anyone dumping items on your lawn or in your living room, would you, unless your living room happens to be a mudpool.yeah I agree I think it isnt right to throw things after you score especially shirts and plastic footballs what are we thinking eek! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

12-01-2003, 11:39 PM
In Corpus they sold peanuts at the concession stands. Nothing makes a bigger mess then peanut shells. Me thinks this is a whole lot of bunk about nothing. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

12-01-2003, 11:41 PM
im confused then, what was the point?

12-01-2003, 11:41 PM
I think you have both missed the point. It has nothing to do with respect or the lack thereof. I am merely stating the fact that compared to the nasty mess left behind by football (or anyother sports) fans, including you guys, tortillas are not any worse to cleanup. Except for the stray ones that end up on the field (along with all the gatoraid cups, and ankle tape) What is the big deal about tortillas. After all it not like throwing lawn darts.

slpybear the bullfan
12-01-2003, 11:41 PM
It is much more messy than the normal trash because it ADDS to the TOTAL AMOUNT that has to be cleaned up. If each fan only brings one bag of 12 or 24 then that is a whoooolllle lot of tortillas that are laying around.

I went to see Tech at the Cotton Bowl and you cannot believe what a mess they made.

And YES, they can hurt someone if you fling 'em real good and they hit someone in the eye... Saw one lady there get hit in the cheek and it popped a pretty good bruise on her.

12-02-2003, 12:03 AM
I think you have both missed the point. It has nothing to do with respect or the lack thereof. I am merely stating the fact that compared to the nasty mess left behind by football (or anyother sports) fans, including you guys, tortillas are not any worse to cleanup. Except for the stray ones that end up on the field (along with all the gatoraid cups, and ankle tape) What is the big deal about tortillas. After all it not like throwing lawn darts.Now you are comparing apples and oranges. You talked about food products in your first post, not lawn darts. you asked about tortillas and i shared my opinion. Ask and you shall receive. I think Slpybear is right on with his remarks. And as for you, Paintball. If I am not mistaken, it is the fans that go crazy for a plastic football and take those home with them as a sort of souvenir. I have not seen nor have I heard of many people picking up tortillas off of the stadium seats and taking them home as a momento.

slpybear the bullfan
12-02-2003, 12:08 AM
Let me add a couple of other points...

1.) Texas Tech started this craze. They began doing it after a certain A&M coached remarked about that "little Tortilla school out at Lubbock." The rest is history.

2.) Why don't Burnet fans just respect the wishes of the superintendent and leave 'em at home? I am a little lost as to why fans would say screw it and bring em against the wishes of the school?

12-02-2003, 12:19 AM
I used to go to Tech before I transferred to UT. First off, the tortilla's fly better when they are frozen. Don't ask me how I know that.

Second--as I was leaving Tech, the president was getting in a bit fit with Tech students about those tortillas. He had a rule that if anyone threw them at the games, they were to get ejected and be sent to him.

Third--I don't believe Tech believes in this "tradition". The alum hate it and want it stopped.

But, now I'm at The University so I really don't care anymore. :D

12-02-2003, 12:23 AM
Superintendent asked us to leave them at home, let's DO that :) :cool:

12-02-2003, 12:25 AM
OK OK, Lawn Darts didn't make since. Well it sorta did but was apples to oranges. I don't bring tortillas in the first place. All I am trying to point out is that the excuses for not doing are weak. The reasons are:
A: Too messy - They aren't any messier than all the other food stuffs left behind.
B: Too dangerous - They aren't as dangerous as Lawn Darts and no body ever slipped on a tortilla.

We do it on our own field (Yes I know its our field so don't give me a bunch of leave it at home crap.
D: It seems like Burnet Admin is being polically correct in admonishing the practice out of town when they allow it at home.

Like I said at the beginning, I doubt we are actually paying extra for tortilla removal considering all the other stuff left behind.

If it was confetti someone would complain. Hell, they complain about noise makers and they leave no mess at all.

Next thing you know we'll all have to golf clap and remain expressionless.

12-02-2003, 07:48 AM
How is it being PC for the super to ask the fans to not bring tortillas? It looks to me that his reasons (as he spelled out) were to not incur further unnecessary expense for the school district.

12-02-2003, 09:04 AM
Whether it's PC or not, we've been asked by OUR admin. to leave them at home!. As responsible adults that's what we need to do.

The throwing goes on long after the scoring is over. I was watching the cheerleaders throw the stuff from the front and caught a tortilla from somewhere else in the eye. It hurt and was not appreciated. We can still cheer and make noise and enjoy the day, but just do what we've been asked to do, that is STOP the lousy tortillas. It took a while for the eye to stop hurting and kept me from enjoying the game.

12-02-2003, 10:03 AM
This was in an article in the Austin American StatesmBy Rick Cantu, Matthew Obernauer and Richard Tijerina


Tuesday, December 2, 2003


The Bulldogs are expected to have more than 10,000 fans follow them to Saturday's game against Jasper in College Station. On Monday, school officials stressed that they leave their tortillas behind.

During the playoffs, some Burnet fans throw tortillas when someone from their team scores a touchdown. They got the idea from Texas Tech fans, who have been throwing tortillas at games for many years. Principal Craig Spinn said that's "not appropriate."

The school district has been subjected to an additional cleanup fee from stadiums where Burnet has played, Burnet Consolidated ISD superintendent Jeffrey Hanks said.

Tickets for Saturday's game are $5 for students, $7 for adults, and $8 if purchased at the stadium. Tickets will be sold from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. today through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday.

On Monday, the Burnet team was featured on a segment of ABC's Primetime Live. "Tongue in cheek, people say we're going national," Spinn said.

12-02-2003, 10:12 AM

12-02-2003, 11:37 AM
I find it interesting that many Burnet fans are abondoning the same Superintendent that soo many of you backed regarding the whole Sinton/Corpus thing. :rolleyes:

12-02-2003, 12:40 PM
I hardly think any venue is charging Burnet extra to pick up tortillas. Sounds to me like someone is trying to be a little too PC (politcally correct). Any other thoughts?If you knew the superintendent you were talking about you would now that the thing he cares about the least is being politically correct, and if he wants you to stop you should stop throwing the dang tortillas, this is causing way to much commotion for a dang tortilla! eek! :mad: :D

12-02-2003, 06:39 PM
I know Jeff personally and think he is an outstanding super. I just think it is funny how the tortilla thing has not been an issue until the game in CC. He's a tough nut and can take care of himself. He certainly doesn't need you guys to defend him. I just happen to disagree with the particular stance he has taken publicly on this. I think in reality he doesn't really care but because of the kinder gentler America we live in now PC is the way to be. I don't bring them and won't throw them even though I don't think its a bad thing. But dollars to donuts at least one tortilla will fly at Kyle.

12-02-2003, 06:50 PM
I oppose the tortilla throwing merely on the grounds that it's not original.

Is there really anything worse than looking like a wannabe Red Raider?

12-02-2003, 07:26 PM
I think you have both missed the point. It has nothing to do with respect or the lack thereof. I am merely stating the fact that compared to the nasty mess left behind by football (or anyother sports) fans, including you guys, tortillas are not any worse to cleanup. Except for the stray ones that end up on the field (along with all the gatoraid cups, and ankle tape) What is the big deal about tortillas. After all it not like throwing lawn darts.Though I HATE the tortilla thing, you make a valid point. Maybe the administration hates it too, and this is their way of saying... "Whoa Nellie!" But you do make a good point.

I still hate the tortillas. :rolleyes:

12-02-2003, 07:31 PM
I just think it is funny how the tortilla thing has not been an issue until the game in CC. 10 or 20 is one thing, but man, multiple people are bringing packages of 20 and letting them all fly at the same time- you've got hundreds of tortillas flying around. There used to only be a few of them floating around, but now EVERYONE is either throwing them, ducking them, or getting hit by them. I think it was a small problem that has just gotten a little out of hand.

12-02-2003, 07:46 PM
HotDog89, I agree that you can have too much of a good thing. Maybe if the fans don't bring em to the game but the Administration rations them out so there is just enough but not too much. LOL For the people whining about getting hit with flying tortillas ... if you know that they're going to be thrown upon scoring, seems like as soon as the zebra raises his hands you could bale off under the bleacher seat.

slpybear the bullfan
12-02-2003, 07:54 PM
Hmmm... 10,000 fans?

Lets see... if just half the fans bring the good old 24 pack... that is.... carry the one... borrow... multiply...

5,000 x 24 = 120,000 tortillas!

Nope... shouldn't be too much extra mess to clean up...

wink :p

12-02-2003, 08:12 PM
Hey CareBare Whatever....Sarcasm is great, I use it frequently. However if you take the time to be realistic, 120,000 aint gonna happen. I'd be willing to bet that there wasn't 300 tortillas total at the game at Buc stadium. You have to count on rethrows and don't forget that one lost due to damage. I will admit though, I saw some people so desperate to throw a tortilla that they scraped up crumbs and threw tortilla confetti. Just think if we changed to marshmellows. OH, what a great new topic.

12-02-2003, 09:31 PM
I oppose the tortilla throwing merely on the grounds that it's not original.

Is there really anything worse than looking like a wannabe Red Raider?The only thing worse than that is being an Aggie.

12-02-2003, 09:37 PM
OK OK, Lawn Darts didn't make since. Well it sorta did but was apples to oranges. I don't bring tortillas in the first place. All I am trying to point out is that the excuses for not doing are weak. The reasons are:
A: Too messy - They aren't any messier than all the other food stuffs left behind.
B: Too dangerous - They aren't as dangerous as Lawn Darts and no body ever slipped on a tortilla.

If you really feel this is hurting your ability to express yourself at a football game or impairs your ability to support your team, go make an official complaint to your superintendent or school board. Heck he was approved by the people your voted for on the board. Tortilla throwing is classless, disrespectful, and obviously can hurt other people. Be an adult about and move on. What a cry baby. Follow the leadership of your fellow Burnet folks who have opted not to engage in tortilla throwing.

We do it on our own field (Yes I know its our field so don't give me a bunch of leave it at home crap.
D: It seems like Burnet Admin is being polically correct in admonishing the practice out of town when they allow it at home.

Like I said at the beginning, I doubt we are actually paying extra for tortilla removal considering all the other stuff left behind.

If it was confetti someone would complain. Hell, they complain about noise makers and they leave no mess at all.

Next thing you know we'll all have to golf clap and remain expressionless.

12-02-2003, 09:37 PM
I oppose the tortilla throwing merely on the grounds that it's not original.

Is there really anything worse than looking like a wannabe Red Raider?Hey Now!!!!!


12-02-2003, 09:38 PM

OK OK, Lawn Darts didn't make since. Well it sorta did but was apples to oranges. I don't bring tortillas in the first place. All I am trying to point out is that the excuses for not doing are weak. The reasons are:
A: Too messy - They aren't any messier than all the other food stuffs left behind.
B: Too dangerous - They aren't as dangerous as Lawn Darts and no body ever slipped on a tortilla.

We do it on our own field (Yes I know its our field so don't give me a bunch of leave it at home crap.
D: It seems like Burnet Admin is being polically correct in admonishing the practice out of town when they allow it at home.

Like I said at the beginning, I doubt we are actually paying extra for tortilla removal considering all the other stuff left behind.

If it was confetti someone would complain. Hell, they complain about noise makers and they leave no mess at all.

Next thing you know we'll all have to golf clap and remain expressionless.If you really feel this is hurting your ability to express yourself at a football game or impairs your ability to support your team, go make an official complaint to your superintendent or school board. Heck he was approved by the people your voted for on the board. Tortilla throwing is classless, disrespectful, and obviously can hurt other people. Be an adult about and move on. What a cry baby. Follow the leadership of your fellow Burnet folks who have opted not to engage in tortilla throwing.

Bandera YaYa
12-02-2003, 09:39 PM
I oppose the tortilla throwing merely on the grounds that it's not original.

Is there really anything worse than looking like a wannabe Red Raider?...that's exactly what I was thinking.....if you are going to copy someone...at least go for a winning team!!! lol!!
...better yet, be original!!

<small>[ December 02, 2003, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: Bandera YaYa ]</small>

12-02-2003, 10:12 PM
Gorfor2, You just don't get it. I like Jeff and know him personally. And just for the record the people do not vote on the Super. He was an outstanding principal and is an outstanding super. I just think he is cowtowing to the PCers out there. Like I said in an earlier post, Jeff Hanks probably doesn't give a rats A$$ whether we throw tortillas or not. He hasn't banned them in Burnet. But as the BCISD figurehead he has to take a stance that is PC. I don't agree with it. Ain't Freedom GRAND!!!!!

12-02-2003, 10:15 PM
Bandera YaYa:

I oppose the tortilla throwing merely on the grounds that it's not original.

Is there really anything worse than looking like a wannabe Red Raider?...that's exactly what I was thinking.....if you are going to copy someone...at least go for a winning team!!! lol!!
...better yet, be original!!how about throwing a bunch of hot dogs at the opposing team and yelling "weenies" all night? :D