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View Full Version : Should 3A teams play in Big stadiums

12-04-2005, 07:43 PM
I'm talking like big college stadiums or pro stadiums. I say no for the following reason. First off, most 3A fanfare are a few thousand. When you stick say 8-10 thousand people in a stadium that holds say 50K plus it looks empty. I for one like to see the stands full on both sides and at the same time be close enough to almost here the folks on the other side say those good things about your running back that broke that long run. Also you dont have to pay $10.00 for a bottle of water or a few nachos.

I say if a nice 5A stadium is available and in reasonable driving distances for both schools go for that. You will have more fun and save a few $$$. Anyone agree/disagree

12-04-2005, 07:56 PM
I agree....I think that it takes away from the atmosphere when you put that few of people in a venue that size. Others will argue that you get to play on a field that the pros play on etc...and that is special...but for me I would rather fill a stadium of 20,000 than sit in one with 70,000 capacity and feel like you are just a drop in the bucket.

12-04-2005, 07:57 PM
Good points, LE. I love a full stadium, also. However, a big point to consider is that every player likes to say---"I played for the state 3A title at Texas Stadium back in 05'." There is still that image of the "big time" that makes kid's eyes go wide with amazement. I think it is great if they can have that once-in-a-lifetime experience of playing in a big venue without being awed to the point that they can't perform.

12-04-2005, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
Good points, LE. I love a full stadium, also. However, a big point to consider is that every player likes to say---"I played for the state 3A title at Texas Stadium back in 05'." There is still that image of the "big time" that makes kid's eyes go wide with amazement. I think it is great if they can have that once-in-a-lifetime experience of playing in a big venue without being awed to the point that they can't perform.

exactly - its about the players, not the fans

12-04-2005, 08:03 PM
Most coaches ask their players where they want to play at anyway and they try to get that venue for them.

It just so happens that Texas Stadium is on that list.

12-04-2005, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
Good points, LE. I love a full stadium, also. However, a big point to consider is that every player likes to say---"I played for the state 3A title at Texas Stadium back in 05'." There is still that image of the "big time" that makes kid's eyes go wide with amazement. I think it is great if they can have that once-in-a-lifetime experience of playing in a big venue without being awed to the point that they can't perform. Now that you mention it i guess i was looking at it from the fans side. Very good point about the kids saying later in life hey i played for a state title in such and such stadium and it was a dream come true. This is a major thing in these kids lives to be building those memories. Heck old farts like me tend to forget these type things. Thanks for bringing your view point in. Its quite valid

12-04-2005, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by 3afan
exactly - its about the players, not the fans

I second that.

Z motion 10 out on 2
12-04-2005, 08:15 PM
I think that Texas Stadium is #1 on most Texas highschool players list. Last year I can tell you that there were a lot of fans that stayed over from a 4A game to watch the Snyder/Gilmer match up. It was loud in there!

Texas Stadium is a dream for many players.

My son played playoff games in:

The Mustang Bowl, Weatherford's stadium, Lowery Field, Memorial Stadium (Wichita Falls), University of North Texas, A stadium in Amarillo (Can't recall the name), and Birdville ISD. Texas Stadium beats all of those hands down. Heck just driving up to the stadium and seeing how big that place is ... well it is awesome.

12-04-2005, 08:18 PM
I hated last year when we played snyder at texas stadium. traffic was horrble, prices were unreal, and my feet stuck every time i took a step. that being said, i didn't play in the game. i know the kids were very excited about playing at texas stadium. i really think it is a catch 22 for the coaches. doing what they think is best for the team or doing what the kids want to do. i think probably every coach, getting his first time at the 'big house" will probably take that route.

12-04-2005, 08:26 PM
I think once you are to the semi-finals, playing in the larger venue is a special reward. LH played Jasper for the semi-finals last year at Kyle Field. I don't think it took anything away just because the stands weren't full. I don't like that we lost there, but other than that, it was pretty cool and something my son can always remember.

12-04-2005, 08:33 PM
I say that if the school district wants to pay for the use of college or pro stadiums, then why the heck not. It's very exciting for the players and fans alike.

12-04-2005, 08:33 PM
on the other side of the coin, not many 3a schools have big stadiums, but some have big stadiums alot closer than others. i find it very interesting that lufkin, tired of going to the big city, flipped home and home with slc. slc chose the " big house" as home while lufkin chose little ole homer bryce in nacogdoches. kudos for the lufkin coaches for bringing the metroplex boys to the country:D.

12-04-2005, 09:13 PM
being able to say that I played @ Texas Stadium way back when is a story that I tell my kids. They think their dad is cool now. :D It's something I will never forget and only hope that my three boys will get that oppurtunity.

12-05-2005, 06:08 AM
LE FAN - looks like you're in the minority hear .... the kids like the big stadiums ...

12-05-2005, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by LE FAN
I'm talking like big college stadiums or pro stadiums. I say no for the following reason. First off, most 3A fanfare are a few thousand. When you stick say 8-10 thousand people in a stadium that holds say 50K plus it looks empty. I for one like to see the stands full on both sides and at the same time be close enough to almost here the folks on the other side say those good things about your running back that broke that long run. Also you dont have to pay $10.00 for a bottle of water or a few nachos.

I say if a nice 5A stadium is available and in reasonable driving distances for both schools go for that. You will have more fun and save a few $$$. Anyone agree/disagree

I fully agree with everyone of your points. However the kids love to play in these big houses. After the Wylie/Canyon game I heard several of the guys say they wanted to play Gainesville in Texas Stadium. I can see that sort of draw. The prices however for drinks azt lets say... TEXAS NASTY STADIUM are a ridiculous joke. And you cannot bring any sort of food or beverage item inside. We have no Slurpees in Abilene. I am a slurpee whore. I stopped and got a 44 oz'er right before we got to Jerry's big house and had to throw it away. One slurpee. It isnt alcohol it isnt going to last me until the end of the game so what the heck let me bring it in.

12-05-2005, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
I fully agree with everyone of your points. However the kids love to play in these big houses. After the Wylie/Canyon game I heard several of the guys say they wanted to play Gainesville in Texas Stadium. I can see that sort of draw. The prices however for drinks azt lets say... TEXAS NASTY STADIUM are a ridiculous joke. And you cannot bring any sort of food or beverage item inside. We have no Slurpees in Abilene. I am a slurpee whore. I stopped and got a 44 oz'er right before we got to Jerry's big house and had to throw it away. One slurpee. It isnt alcohol it isnt going to last me until the end of the game so what the heck let me bring it in.

LOLOL Slurpee whore...LOLOL
Injured, if you go to the Sweetaer game at Texas Stadium this Saturday...I'm gonna buy you a Slurpee after the Mustang's victory...Just to celebrate the Mustang victory, and your whoredom..LOLOL


12-05-2005, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by LewP
LOLOL Slurpee whore...LOLOL
Injured, if you go to the Sweetaer game at Texas Stadium this Saturday...I'm gonna buy you a Slurpee after the Mustang's victory...Just to celebrate the Mustang victory, and your whoredom..LOLOL


You can trust me when I tell you I know where the closest one is to Texas Stadium. the neighborhood is a little shady but the Constitution of the Slurpee is great. All slurpees are not the same. Some stoes dont keep there machine cold enough. It is hard to find the perfect slurpee. The two best I have had were a couple of weeks ago in Lubbock on 50th down close to I-27 and then once about 10 years ago in Temple.

12-05-2005, 09:49 AM