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03-07-2004, 01:12 AM
Greenwood going to Austin. Watch out.

Greenwood Teach
03-07-2004, 01:55 AM
I don't have a voice after that game. I was really afraid that we wouldn't win!

Ranger Mom
03-07-2004, 02:10 AM
Greenwood Teach:
I don't have a voice after that game. I was really afraid that we wouldn't win!LOL!! I don't have any nerves left!!

They (Graham) were one heck of a team!! It's a shame their has to be a winner and a loser in a game like this!!

03-07-2004, 02:49 AM
Ranger Mom:

Greenwood Teach:
I don't have a voice after that game. I was really afraid that we wouldn't win!LOL!! I don't have any nerves left!!

They (Graham) were one heck of a team!! It's a shame their has to be a winner and a loser in a game like this!!That should have been Vernon in that game against you guys. GLAD that Graham got beat. But, that tells you something about our District 5-3a.

03-07-2004, 02:17 PM
Hold on Vernon why should it have been Vernon we beat yall 3 times this year. It doesn't matter if it was at the buzzer we beat yall. Also yall couldn't have beat Canyon. Now to Greenwood great game, but the refs had some stupid calls down the stretch that helped Greenwood regain the lead(not saying it caused us the game but it helped Gwood out). For yalls 6'6 post he sucks thats all there is he is overrated as much as your team. Only player that was good was #4. Im not saying yall aren't a good team but yall are way overrated. Shouldn't be #2 in state. Anyway great year Steers ended a little shorter than expected. We will miss the Seniors next year but we have plenty of talent returning and coming up from fresh and J.V. For another district title and playoff run. Another thing Vernon where was yalls track team Sat at I.P. thought yall were gonna be good. Graham ran away with the meet. The relays smoked yall. Only success yall had was P.V.

Ranger Mom
03-07-2004, 02:41 PM
Hey Bubba.....how do those sour grapes taste??

Greenwood played a TERRIBLE game....I was shocked they came out with the win to tell you the truth.

About the refs....ya'll had them in ya'lls corner for 3-1/2 quarters, we had them in the last half quarter.

But on a lighter note....that #11 is nothing short of awesome!!

I thought overall it was a great game - the Graham student section turning their backs when our players were introduced was pretty classless...but hey...what can I say!!

<small>[ March 07, 2004, 01:59 PM: Message edited by: Ranger Mom ]</small>

03-07-2004, 02:54 PM
Hold on Vernon why should it have been Vernon we beat yall 3 times this year. It doesn't matter if it was at the buzzer we beat yall. Also yall couldn't have beat Canyon. Now to Greenwood great game, but the refs had some stupid calls down the stretch that helped Greenwood regain the lead(not saying it caused us the game but it helped Gwood out). For yalls 6'6 post he sucks thats all there is he is overrated as much as your team. Only player that was good was #4. Im not saying yall aren't a good team but yall are way overrated. Shouldn't be #2 in state. Anyway great year Steers ended a little shorter than expected. We will miss the Seniors next year but we have plenty of talent returning and coming up from fresh and J.V. For another district title and playoff run. Another thing Vernon where was yalls track team Sat at I.P. thought yall were gonna be good. Graham ran away with the meet. The relays smoked yall. Only success yall had was P.V.Dont take this guy to serious. He runs his mouth everytime Graham loses about how Graham is a much better team and should have won. I thought maybe it was just a football thing, guess not!

03-07-2004, 02:56 PM
What a great game Saturday night. Greenwood didn't live up to their #2 billing though. But who would've thought that Graham would have made it this far to begin with.Graham was much smaller than Greenwood was and that made it hard to get the ball inside to our go-to-player. But the credit goes to the interior defense of Greenwood. #4 was good PG, but his shooting didn't impress me. For #50 (6'6) kid, He had a decent touch from the floor but was a soft player underneath. Our UNDERSIZED posts took it to him all game. He didn't impress me except for his touch. I think Greenwood would agree with me on this one, the refs were very inconsistent for both teams. One minute they would call the tightest fouls and the next they would let them play like a wrestling event. It didn't make sense. I hate the 3 man rotation in the playoffs. However Greenwood prevailed in the end with tough defense and smart play. They are going to have to find some offense in Austin though are it will be One and Done. Greenwood play up to your ranking in Austin and bring the Title to Region 1.

03-07-2004, 03:07 PM
Stangs were you at the game? If not then dont even reply on this. Your also just mad that The Stangs weren't close to the region tournament. RangerMom if you think that Graham students turning their back was classless you should have seen Gwoods students. Flipng us off telling us to suck it. And lots of other obscene gestures. And then Gwood students mouthing after the game. NOW THAT WAS CLASSLESS.

Greenwood Teach
03-07-2004, 03:42 PM
I was going to make a comment about sour grapes and all that, but never mind. It's not worth the effort!

03-07-2004, 04:33 PM
<small>[ March 07, 2004, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: wildstangs ]</small>

03-07-2004, 10:24 PM
Ranger Mom:
Hey Bubba.....how do those sour grapes taste??

Greenwood played a TERRIBLE game....I was shocked they came out with the win to tell you the truth.

About the refs....ya'll had them in ya'lls corner for 3-1/2 quarters, we had them in the last half quarter.

But on a lighter note....that #11 is nothing short of awesome!!

I thought overall it was a great game - the Graham student section turning their backs when our players were introduced was pretty classless...but hey...what can I say!!Hey Rangermom, they act like that no matter who or where. I think this bubba has never played sports he just wants to brag about someone else doing something. Congrats on the win.

03-07-2004, 10:40 PM
I've got to throw my two cents in on this one.
I didn't go to the game, didn't hear anything about the game except the final score.
Graham had a great run this year. Never was in anybody's top ten. Give it up to those kids and their coach.
Greenwood is a good team, or the sportswriters across Texas wouldn't have had them in the top 10 for all of 2004.
But I have two suggestions.
Bubba- It's good to pull for your team, but don't make excuses... don't ever make excuses and then bring up trash talk about other sports.
Vernon Fan- Why not pull for a team in your district? Didn't you say on an earlier post (not on this topic) that you wanted Dist. 5-3A to have success?? I would be willing to say that if Abilene Wylie would have beaten Greenwood then the Clyde, Ballinger, and other district members would be rooting them on to do good.
I know Bubba runs his scrub mouth way too much, but if Graham would have went to state and won the dang state championship wouldn't that look good for Vernon, as they played them so close in the game to get to the Region I tournament?

Greenwood Teach
03-07-2004, 10:54 PM
Ya, know this really bugs me. I was sitting right there and didn't see any bad gestures. There were some uncalled for comments made by a few, but not by the entire group.
Those "gestures" that you are refering to are probably the Ranger gun that is made with the hand. (pointer finger)

03-08-2004, 01:14 PM
Yes Greenwood teacher. That is the talk of the town at least the athletic side. I was at the game but did not pay attention to what was going on between the students sections. What i do know is everytime we play someone it seems as if the other side is always giving our students bad hand gestures and fingers in the air. Trust me this isn't the first time something like this has happen. The worst i have ever seen it was at the Vernon game last week. Where it got so bad that are radio-broadcasting people had to get the cops to escort 2 or 3 Vernon students because of language and etc. So this isn't the first time it has happened.

Z motion 10 out on 2
03-08-2004, 01:28 PM
Vernon? Graham's fans were ripped in our daily newspaper's editorials big time. The student section was as bad as I have ever seen. And then the media wants to know why there are fights at these games.

The Graham students at least do not know how to win or lose with any sort of class at all. Furthermore the Graham administrators should have never let it get to that level.

The problem that I see for my team is there is only one way to stop that garbage and that is to beat a team that does that. Since we didn’t beat them I was very glad to see Graham lose. I don't want them representing the district that my kids play in. The fans are an embarrassment. That is a shame because the school has so many good athletic teams each and every year. All that taunting detracts from the team’s accomplishments; it builds resentment, and eventually payback. I look for it this next year in football, because Vernon will have one heck of a team returning and they will remember all of the things that these Graham Fans have been doing.

It is one thing to root for your team but another to taunt.

Greenwood Teach
03-08-2004, 04:05 PM
I would be surprised if the Greenwood students got too out of hand! I believe (from what some students have told me) that the high school principal was down there with them.

Green Ranger
03-08-2004, 08:11 PM
This has gone on long enough so here are my thoughts. Yes, I was near the floor and I heard one of our players say some things on the floor that could have gone unsaid. However I saw a mother of Graham totally trash that kid saying he was a disgrace to his student body as Greenwood walked off the floor. You can make all the excuses you want to win or lose, fact of the matter is the score was 53-50. This is something I live by and is advice to all as I have said it numerous times on this site and is from Disney's "Cool Runnings", If you arent good enough without it (a win, a championship, etc.) you will never be good enough with it. I hope we go all the way and if we do what we are suppose to we should have a good chance. Again though, ifyou have seen the PASSION, remember 9/11, have loved ones over in Iraq, or been close to death the thing to remember this is a GAME. Players, observers, refs, coaches will not be playing all there LIFE. Life goes on win or lose, yes the game gives you character and teaches you things but if you dont already know you are special without having to win and trash talk, I hope you learn quick! Again, to Graham those who left all they had on the court Great job; those who talked the trash look up and remember, go watch the movie. Those still playing best of luck and remember, you are all Champions to God!

03-08-2004, 09:04 PM
Hey to all you Greenwood fans what i said after the gaem wasn't meant as mouthing or anything i was just pissed about losing and everything. Yall have a good team and I hope yall win state so we can say we played with them until the end. My apologies to yall. One thing is yalls student section was making obscnee gestures to us and i know what a gun looks like and it wasn't a gun.
I hate Vernons fans with a passion. they think they should have won every game they play even if it was close or a 50 point blowout. All they are is a bunch of cocky I'm not gonna say the next but yall probably know what i mean. WHy would yall trash us in yalls newspaper we didn't say one thing about yall in ours and yall were the worst. Had alot of older kids flipping us off all the gestures you can think of. Also when it was over we were walking out the whole student section was standing on each wall mouthing us as we walked through. Thats pretty sad I guess they were just mad that they still HAVE NOT BEAT the STEERS this year. I guess if you think rushing the court is bad. Then why don't they stop it in college it is part of the game. Also the student sections cheering for their team is part of the game( IN A GOODWAY NOTLIKE VERNON WAS JUST MOUTHING ACROSS THE COURT). YOu ever heard of the Cameron Crazies they do it and dont get putdown in newspapers just because they beat the other team. Anyway enough said. We will just see about football whne it comes. VERNONLIONS#1 JUSY KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT UNTIL THEN. Baseball is here and another district title for the Steers and Track will bring another district title to Graham WHat a Year of athletics GRAHAM (24-1)

Ranger Mom
03-08-2004, 09:27 PM
I know how the frustration can get you Bubba!!

I apologize for any of our students who mouthed and made obscene gestures....I don't doubt that some of them did. Unfortunately, I think you have a few of them in any school.

I guess I was just in shock when the entire student section turned their backs on us...I had never seen anyone do that before!

03-08-2004, 10:54 PM
Geez folks... hope y'all never attend a Duke University basketball game. The student section there, the "Cameron Crazies", would make a Texas high school student section look like a rest home crowd. I saw one student section way back when that used to hold up newspapers and pretend to read them while the other team was being introduced. Ever hear of the little leaguer yelling.."hey, batter batter".. "swing"!
I am not condoning physical or abusive fan behavior... but I remember Splybear saying something about the Vernon fans after they beat Bridgeport. So, those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Good rivalries are just that. Think Brownwood and Stephenville are full of rabid fans? Think that Pilot Point and Celina don't taunt each other at their sporting events?
I have a friend in Canada that coaches youth hockey. Mainly 8th grade age... he tells me the first period is for "setting the tone of the game", and the second and third period are for scoring and winning the game. Guess what the first period is for? Getting physical and making the other team think that they can't play with his team. Nothing malicious, just good physical play.
Ever been to a Texas A&M baseball game? Good grief, they are all over the visiting team from first pitch to the last out in the inning!
Good fans help their team, bottom line. Again, not condoning unruly behavior.. but raise some heck and make sure the other team knows that you're there.

03-08-2004, 11:03 PM
Bubba lol if greenwood sucked so bad then why didnt ya'll win? If number 50 sucks than i wanna see u gaurd him. But u r kind of funny, the way u put people down, u must not have any luck in sports, sorry. Well sorry ya'll couldnt beat a team that has sorry players, from what u say. U do say to much, but hey seems that ya'll werent good enough.

03-09-2004, 12:26 AM
Bubba lol if greenwood sucked so bad then why didnt ya'll win? If number 50 sucks than i wanna see u gaurd him. But u r kind of funny, the way u put people down, u must not have any luck in sports, sorry. Well sorry ya'll couldnt beat a team that has sorry players, from what u say. U do say to much, but hey seems that ya'll werent good enough.Like I said before I think this Bubba(kid)doesn't even play sports but want to sit around and brag about it. If he played then that would be a different story.

03-11-2004, 08:56 PM
Gwoodbro whats your problem i said i apologiaed for saying that crap and then you gotta run your mouth again. ALso congrats on the win against Gainesville. VernonLIONs I do play sports. DO you? Hey Vernon if yall were so good and derserved to be in Lubboak then why didn't yall beat us and if #32 sucked why dont you guard him. But i guess oyur kinda STUPID. I guess yall can't beat a team with sucky players not once out of three times. Man thats pretty sad.