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11-16-2005, 01:11 AM

1.) Michigan - Ohio State (Michigan leads all-time 57-38-6)
2.) Miami vs. Florida State (Miami leads all-time 29-21)
3.) Alabama vs. Auburn (Alabama leads 38-29-1 according to Alabama, 38-30-1 according to Auburn)
4.) Army vs. Navy (Tied 49-49-7)
5.) Texas vs. Oklahoma (Texas leads the series 56-39-5)
6.) Notre Dame vs. USC (Notre Dame leads the series 42-30-5)
7.) Florida vs. Georgia (Georgia leads 46-36-2. According to Florida, Georgia leads 45-36-2)
8.) UCLA vs. USC (USC leads the series 40-27-7)
9.) Florida vs. Florida State (Florida leads 28-19-2)
10.) California vs. Stanford (Stanford leads 54-42-11)

11-16-2005, 09:26 AM
where is Texas vs. Texas A&M? that game has been going on for a L O N G time.

11-16-2005, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by neck_06
where is Texas vs. Texas A&M? that game has been going on for a L O N G time. it aint worth watching

11-16-2005, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by sicem74
it aint worth watching

not anymore, but neither is Army/Navy or Cal/Stanford, but they are still on the list

11-16-2005, 09:42 AM
If a game is really considered a "good" rivalry game, then it should always be a good game to watch. Even though Texas is ranked #2 and A&M is struggling I still and excited about it and still expect it to be a great game. That is what rivalry week is all about: The Unexpected

11-16-2005, 09:52 AM
exactly, that list is frauded and void in my eyes....OU/texas shouldn't be that high....A&M/texas should be on there.....and miami/florida state, wth

11-16-2005, 10:01 AM
A&M and UT deserve to be on the list. Cal. and Standford give me a break.

11-16-2005, 10:34 AM
there is a lot of west coast bias in this list

11-16-2005, 11:35 AM
Army –Navy without a doubt! Anyone who has been associated with other rivalries (coaches, administrators) then goes to either Army or Navy will testify that nothing can compare. These guys are playing for pride and it’s a pride that far exceeds what happens on the football field.

11-16-2005, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by AggieJohn
there is a lot of west coast bias in this list homers...;)

11-16-2005, 12:52 PM
A&M vs UT is THE game for aggies, but for the longhorns the big game is Oklahoma.

big daddy russ
11-16-2005, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by BTEXDAD
A&M vs UT is THE game for aggies, but for the longhorns the big game is Oklahoma.
It is right now. But I remember when I was in HS about 10 years ago the Horns hated the Aggies, but then again TAMU was dominant back then and UT was a fringe-top 25 team.

The OU game was just another big game to them back in the mid-90's. My buddies' dads didn't talk about the Red River Shootout like they did when I was young and like they do now. It's cyclical.

If TAMU had put together a string of really good years, I promise this game would be a top 10 game. But over the last five years OU and UT have both been top five programs nationally and OU has been dominant against UT, sans this year.

Sooner or later....no pun intended... the Ags/Horns rivalry will be refreshed and OU will be an afterthrought all over again. Then, more down the road OU will take over again, and so on and so on.

11-16-2005, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by sicem74
it aint worth watching

the only way that rivalry will be revived is when a&m finally beats texas again!

11-16-2005, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by AggieJohn
exactly, that list is frauded and void in my eyes....OU/texas shouldn't be that high....A&M/texas should be on there.....and miami/florida state, wth

It is where your priorities are. Mine are with OU/UT...;)

It appears other's are too.

11-16-2005, 03:51 PM
A couple of things to go with what several of you have said--

1.) If you think the Texas/OU rivalry shouldn't be in that list then you a.) have no clue about college football and b.) haven't experienced the hatred of all things Texas vs. OU.

2.) If you've noticed by this list, the rivarlies are all virtually close in some aspect--meaning they are almost split 50/50 on who wins. 72-34-5 is no where close. (that's the record between Texas and A&M with Texas leading now and forever.)

3.) Every Longhorn has always gotten hype for Texas/OU, no matter what the date was.

4.) Once again--The main rival of Texas is OU. There is clearly a difference and that has been hashed and rehased several times before.

5.) I'm hungry.

6.) I'm also sleepy.

11-16-2005, 03:52 PM
go grab a bite to eat, then get some rest...

Hook Em

BullFrog Dad
11-16-2005, 03:57 PM
Where is SMU/TCU?

11-16-2005, 03:59 PM
amazing that army/navy are tied .....

11-16-2005, 04:57 PM
It is right now. But I remember when I was in HS about 10 years ago the Horns hated the Aggies, but then again TAMU was dominant back then and UT was a fringe-top 25 team.

The OU game was just another big game to them back in the mid-90's. My buddies' dads didn't talk about the Red River Shootout like they did when I was young and like they do now. It's cyclical.

If TAMU had put together a string of really good years, I promise this game would be a top 10 game. But over the last five years OU and UT have both been top five programs nationally and OU has been dominant against UT, sans this year.

Sooner or later....no pun intended... the Ags/Horns rivalry will be refreshed and OU will be an afterthrought all over again. Then, more down the road OU will take over again, and so on and so on.

Exactly russ. It is very easy for the longhorns to say that right now OU is the big game for them because it is. But it hasn't always been that way and in the future it won't either. In fact, like you said, up until the 2000's, A&M was still UT's big game b/c we had been on top for the past 10-12 years. These things go in cycles.

KTJ, the record for the A&M/UT rivalry is definately in yall's favor. But since A&M started admitting females into school in the early 70's, when the new era of Texas A&M and its football program really began, the record is actually very close.

11-16-2005, 05:26 PM
im sorry but Army/Navy game is the best rivalry in the game

11-16-2005, 05:36 PM
exactly KTJ... a rivalry is usually with teams that take turns beating each other and that doesnt really happen with UT and A&M...lol

11-16-2005, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by KL3
Exactly russ. It is very easy for the longhorns to say that right now OU is the big game for them because it is. But it hasn't always been that way and in the future it won't either. In fact, like you said, up until the 2000's, A&M was still UT's big game b/c we had been on top for the past 10-12 years. These things go in cycles.

KTJ, the record for the A&M/UT rivalry is definately in yall's favor. But since A&M started admitting females into school in the early 70's, when the new era of Texas A&M and its football program really began, the record is actually very close.

I'll give you the latter argument. Since 1970, the record is 19-16 in favor of UT. (That was during the Akers/Mackovic/McWilliams eras however.)

But an honest question for the Aggies--why don't you recognize Texas Tech as a top rival? The series between Tech/A&M is almost even and Tech has won 8 of the last 11.

What gives? Every Aggie I've seen, talked with, or known refuses to recognize them and it's really weird. Even Texas fans know Tech is a rival--albeit, not the level of OU.


LH Panther Mom
11-16-2005, 08:02 PM
:mad: :mad: Why the heck did you have to mention McWilliams?

11-16-2005, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by KTJ
I'll give you the latter argument. Since 1970, the record is 19-16 in favor of UT. (That was during the Akers/Mackovic/McWilliams eras however.)

But an honest question for the Aggies--why don't you recognize Texas Tech as a top rival? The series between Tech/A&M is almost even and Tech has won 8 of the last 11.

They dont acknowledge Tech because, as the song goes, "Goodbye to Texas University..." Every Horn fan will tell you OU is their biggest rival and one old time Longhorn that I know will go so far as to say Arkansas is #2. The Aggies cannot grasp that because their entire existence is built on a hatred of Texas. Pointing out to an Aggie that Texas has bigger priorities is like telling a 4 year old just out of the blue that Santa Claus does not exist. You get that puzzled look and they just shake there head saying, No, No, thats not right. Sorry Ags, you weren't top priority for the Longhorns in the 80's, 90's or ever.

big daddy russ
11-16-2005, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by KTJ
But an honest question for the Aggies--why don't you recognize Texas Tech as a top rival? The series between Tech/A&M is almost even and Tech has won 8 of the last 11.
That's one question that I can't answer, KTJ. Everyone here in CS is a closet hater of Tech, and it seems like a rivalry with Baylor has even started to develop over the past two years. But I'd definitely say that Tech and A&M are rivals. One school is a bunch of West Texas rednecks, the other's a bunch of East Texas rednecks. The two don't mix well.

big daddy russ
11-16-2005, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by DaRaiderz
They dont acknowledge Tech because, as the song goes, "Goodbye to Texas University..." Every Horn fan will tell you OU is their biggest rival and one old time Longhorn that I know will go so far as to say Arkansas is #2. The Aggies cannot grasp that because their entire existence is built on a hatred of Texas. Pointing out to an Aggie that Texas has bigger priorities is like telling a 4 year old just out of the blue that Santa Claus does not exist. You get that puzzled look and they just shake there head saying, No, No, thats not right. Sorry Ags, you weren't top priority for the Longhorns in the 80's, 90's or ever.
That's the biggest load of crap I've heard in a long time. Arkie UT's #2 rivalry? Come on, that rivalry lost a lot of its heat when the Pigs defected to the SEC. Do all the little kids in your hometown run around asking, "are you a Longhorn or a Razorback?" Didn't think so.

I have one friend still going to UT, the last of the bunch, and he thinks the Tech rivalry is about as heated, if not more heated, than the Arkie rivalry. I guess I'll concede that UT wants to beat OU more than anyone else right now, but don't tell me it was that way back in 1992 when Texas A&M was ranked #2 in the nation, was undefeated and UT wasn't ranked. I think OU was maybe a top-20 team, but not much more than that, and you guys had won the last several meetings (and you won the 92 game). On the flip side, A&M had beat you guys eight of the previous nine games, and made it nine of 10 that year.

I was only in junior high and didn't have an axe to grind with either team (I rooted for Auburn primarily, Tech second), but every single Longhorn I knew wouldn't shut up about beating the Aggies. Whenever you finally ended that losing streak my sophomore year in HS (1995), the A&M fans never heard the end of it.

Maybe Arkie is a huge rivalry, and I know that you guys would much rather beat OU than A&M right now, but don't tell me that the team that graces a line or two in your fight song isn't one of your top two rivalries. Even before I moved to College Station I knew it.

11-16-2005, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by sicem74
it aint worth watching

i personally think the battle for paul bunyan's axe is shaping into a rivalry worth watching.

11-16-2005, 11:28 PM
I found this link interesting. I dont know if I totally agree with it though. Look at #4.
Newest Rivalries (http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/story/5089516?CMP=OTC-K9B140813162&ATT=24)

big daddy russ
11-16-2005, 11:42 PM
I don't know about OU/A&M. It just seems like a big game, not a true rivalry. I don't think anyone here in Aggieland roots against them when they play or their blood boils when they think of them.

11-17-2005, 01:25 AM
Thats exactly what I was thinking Russ. I mean, we always view it as a big game for us, but nobody just HATES OU. In fact, when I went this weekend, everyone was very nice and welcomed us to Norman and afterward congratulated us on a great game and told us to kill Texas. :D But I think Tech is our #2 but is quickly rising. Nobody here will admit it, but Tech is definately not liked here at all.

11-17-2005, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by DaRaiderz
They dont acknowledge Tech because, as the song goes, "Goodbye to Texas University..." Every Horn fan will tell you OU is their biggest rival and one old time Longhorn that I know will go so far as to say Arkansas is #2. The Aggies cannot grasp that because their entire existence is built on a hatred of Texas. Pointing out to an Aggie that Texas has bigger priorities is like telling a 4 year old just out of the blue that Santa Claus does not exist. You get that puzzled look and they just shake there head saying, No, No, thats not right. Sorry Ags, you weren't top priority for the Longhorns in the 80's, 90's or ever.

He's actually got a point here Russ.

The older alums I talked to (and still talk to) viewed OU as the #1 rival and Arkansas was #2. (some alums even reversed it.) Of course that was coming from all the hatred due to the SWC. So yeah, Arkie is a clear rival from the older alums point of view.

Newer alum and current students would still agree that OU is the #1 rival.

11-17-2005, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
:mad: :mad: Why the heck did you have to mention McWilliams?
McWilliams was never head coach at UT. That was an old episode of the twilight zone you were watching, panther mom.

11-17-2005, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by KTJ
He's actually got a point here Russ.

The older alums I talked to (and still talk to) viewed OU as the #1 rival and Arkansas was #2. (some alums even reversed it.) Of course that was coming from all the hatred due to the SWC. So yeah, Arkie is a clear rival from the older alums point of view.

Newer alum and current students would still agree that OU is the #1 rival.

I would have to agree, KTJ. OKlahoma has been UTs biggest rival since at least the early seventies, and including the years when A&M was national power.
I'm not alum, but I've watched UT (and A&M) games since the 60s. I can remember the seventies when Darrell Royal accused Barry Switzer of spying on his closed practices and wanted switzer to take a lie detector test about it.
Royal was always considered a gentleman and had respect for Broyles at Ark and emory Bellard at A&M, but I think he actually hated Switzer.
I am big Dallas Cowboy fan and I disliked Switzer so much I hated it when he was hired as Cowboy coach years later.
A&M vs. UT is rivalry, but OK is a HATED rival.