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View Full Version : Rankigns do not mean anything (No Crap)...

06-20-2002, 11:31 AM
What's up with all of this 'Rankings don't mean anything crap'... WE HERE IT EVERY FREAKING YEAR, stop beating it like a dead horse... We all know they do not mean anything... The people who complain about the rankings aren't complaining because they think their team isn't gunna win because they're not ranked, they're complaining about someone's opinion on teams etc... and asking why so and so was ranked ahead of so and so and why so and so was ranked and so and so wasn't bwah bwah bwah... Rankings give people something to talk about before the season... Without rankings this board would most likely still be slow, but it has heated up, hasn't it?

Rankings are a good thing, we here at the downlow make them, just to let you guys know our opinions, and I'd love for everyone of you to express your problem with my rankings when they come out... PEACE!!!

06-20-2002, 06:44 PM
You are right. This is a great board. All of this is for fun and it seems a lot of people are interested in the rankings. It gives the people at the coffee shop something to talk about. It also make fund raising a little easier. Because it lets you know Football season is coming and you better be ready. http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/tongue.gif