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View Full Version : Coaches and Special Plays

11-08-2005, 10:58 PM
Do you think coaches "save" special plays just for the playoffs or come up with special offensive "wrinkles" for certain teams? You always hear some folks say that they don't want the coach to "show" too much of the playbook before district or the playoffs. I know the Bulls had to "dig" deep into the playbook against Lake Worth to come up with 2 point conversion plays in the 4 overtime game.

11-08-2005, 11:10 PM
I know Bh has had a package forever that they haven't used. We usually put it in during playoff time. I guess we just have for a rainy day.

11-09-2005, 10:39 AM
I say dance with the one that brung ya. If it wasn't good enough for your playbook in the regular season why bring it out in the playoffs. Trick plays are different but I don't get the feeling that this thread is about trick plays. I believe most coaches don't hold much back. Rather I believe that they sort through and toss out the plays that this years particular team didn't execute as well os some of the other plays. More of a trimming of the fat if you will.

11-09-2005, 10:47 AM
i know greenwood had a play in there playbook that we only ran it twice the qb puts the wr on the right in motion and once hes sent in motion the qb snaps the ball and sprints out right and pitches it to the wr the wr sprints around end but right before he reaches the line a scrimmage he pulls up and throws it to the QB streaking down the field. Once was for a TD against Andrews in 02 and the other one was in the semifinals against daingerfield in 02 we were up 3-0 in the 4th quarter and were driving for the touchdown to make the game 10-0 that play was good for about 20 or 30 yards

11-09-2005, 12:05 PM
I know that teams put in packages that are supposed to add a new wrinkle, BH has a set that I believe would be useful at times that the coaches have never used which annoys me and makes it useless.