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09-16-2002, 08:14 PM
When I was in high school during the bronze age, guys wern't worried about their masculinity as much and made really great (and I might add FUNNY!) cheerleaders. They were much more risque than the ladies are nowadays. Sometimes I feel like cheerleaders are so generic nowadays as to be invisible. La Grange had a terrific kid about 7 years ago who really got the crowd into it, but no one has the courage to do that now for fear of being labelled "gay". Too bad for the fans in my opinion.

Ranger Mom
09-16-2002, 08:19 PM
We played Seminole (I believe that's who it was) last year, and they had a male cheerleader. It may have been at the Jr. High level though. He was able to throw those girls up....high!! I thought it was great. My 14 year old is a self-taught tumbler. He would NEVER even think of being a cheerleader. It most certainly has a stigma to it!!

[This message has been edited by Ranger Mom (edited September 16, 2002).]

eye of the tiger
09-16-2002, 08:41 PM
The school where my wife teaches has 3 male cheerleaders, but mostly all girls now. When I was in HS(also in the bronze age) we had 5 males and 5 females. It was very competitive and like you say, no stigma.

09-16-2002, 08:43 PM
I honestly think its not the coolest thing for a guy to do.

09-16-2002, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by qb12:
I honestly think its not the coolest thing for a guy to do.
I can't imagine why a quarterback would say a thing like that! http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/wink.gif

09-16-2002, 08:50 PM
I agree qb12, no one likes to see a male cheerleader on the squad, just the chicks.

Ranger Mom
09-16-2002, 08:51 PM
It's me.....again! http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/smile.gif

We have had 3 guys (football players) in the past 2 years that have been given scholarships for cheerleading. They are good, but I understand where qb is coming from, I can't imagine my boys doing that - they are TOO MACHO!! http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif

09-16-2002, 08:53 PM
Hahaha...I hope im not offending anyone but this is a football board.

eye of the tiger
09-16-2002, 09:01 PM
Guys think about it. All those pretty girls you get to pick up and do all those fancy things cheerleaders do. That doesnt sound too bad at all. Everybody cant play football and and I glad I did, but it is a way to particapate and there aint nothing wrong with hanging around with pretty girls.

09-16-2002, 09:22 PM
If u cant play ootball than just stay home...Dont be feminine....I wood dispise of my son being a cheerleader.

09-16-2002, 09:28 PM
I dont think I coulsd stand all the jokes and snickering that go on behind the back of male cheerleaders. Its simple. Football-dudes, Cheeleading-chicks.

09-16-2002, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by hornet03:
I dont think I coulsd stand all the jokes and snickering that go on behind the back of male cheerleaders. Its simple. Football-dudes, Cheeleading-chicks.

That's my point exactly. But what I am saying is that it wasn't always like this. Guys could be cheerleaders and swordsmen at the same time back in the day.

eye of the tiger
09-16-2002, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by qb12:
If u cant play ootball than just stay home...Dont be feminine....I wood dispise of my son being a cheerleader.

It isnt feminine to be a male cheerleader. Football players(and I was one proudly are out there playing with guys, male cheerleaders are playing with the girls. I just dont see anything wrong with that. Also Men were the first cheerleaders long before women were. It goes way back.

09-16-2002, 09:46 PM
I pimp the hot girls, but male cheerleading is something id never do. I dont care how desperate or scrawny or whatever you are. Like hornet said football-guys cheerleading-hot chicks. I see what your sayin eye of the tiger but no.

eye of the tiger
09-16-2002, 09:53 PM
Well I loved playing football. It was a big part of my life. I would have made a lousy cheerleader, but it would have had its benefits. I guess to each his own or something like that.

Owen B
09-16-2002, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by qb12:
If u cant play ootball than just stay home...Dont be feminine....I wood dispise of my son being a cheerleader.

Do you realize that if everyone who didn't play football stayed home, soon all the football players would too?

By the way, some of the "feminine" boy cheerleaders I've seen could have wiped the floor with most high school football players.

eye of the tiger
09-16-2002, 10:13 PM
You are right Owen. You have to be pretty strong to do all the lifting and some of them make it look easy.

09-16-2002, 11:22 PM
I think a guy who has a beef with male cheerleaders is a pig. If you don't like it, fine - play football, but don't insult others who do it who might be the next U.S. gymnast. Sounds like an insecurity issue with parents who teach hypocrisy to their sons all for the sake of the "chip off the old block" mentality. If you're comfy, cozy with your own gender identity or sexuality, then mind your own business. The part that bothers me is that male cheerleaders aren't on the sidelines because they like guys. Maybe they're just supporting their own team. That's gratitude for you.... Wake up, people. It's the 21st century! Put women cheerleaders at Aggieland and see what happens............

09-17-2002, 07:25 AM
GoOrange(KillerBee,P**onU, etc,etc) if you think you'll have the last word here, you're sadly mistaken. We got you figured already. You need an enima, dude. Your colon blockage is effecting your brain and is spilling out from your mouth. Clean up your act or take your poison somewhere else.(Note the INTENTIONAL lack of the "cutsey" smiley face).

09-17-2002, 07:38 AM
Mr. Obsessed Sinton fan,
I'm here because I know more about this sport and the history of Texas football than you will EVER dream of knowing. But if all you have time to do (which obviously is true because I see you on here EVERY time I sneeze or fart), I'll feel sad for you. I made some viable point about male cheerleaders and you're so hung up on sour grapes over THE PAST that you just can't QUITE get beyond it, can you?
Yep, your worst nightmare! Now get back to being the same old jerk you've been from day one and AT LEAST talk about FOOTBALL, ok?
I've gotten beyond it, so I think it's time you do, too.
Matthew, you're the man! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

09-17-2002, 07:46 AM
Very well GoOrange, I'll admit anyone can have a change of heart, even one as black as yours appeared to be. If it's a real change we will know it. If it's not, we'll know that too!

09-17-2002, 04:21 PM

I think our school has a male cheerleader at our junior high. his brother is a varsity football player and nobody seems to give him much crap about it. Yeah, I think it's the cutest thing because he's so...Flamboyant but he's better than most of those girls. Guys naturally have better jumps that girls too.
At the college game I went to, there was an all girl squad and a co-ed squad and hopefully, needless to say, the co-ed squad was so much better because they could do so many more stunts and they did some awesome things since those guys could just swing those girls around like nothing.
I see nothing wrong with male cheerleaders and I think a few of you are being a bit close minded about this. Maybe you just want to make sure everyone knows you're macho or something.

And guys, stop arguing like a bunch of children, its no big deal.

[This message has been edited by TarponR13K (edited September 17, 2002).]

greendog fan
09-17-2002, 04:50 PM
There is nothing wrong with being a male cheerleader. I have a good freind that played college ball at Texas Tech and played pro ball and his son was a cheer leader in high school. He is now a cheer leader of the U of kentucky. What a way to get 4 years of college paid for.

09-17-2002, 05:52 PM
Amen, greendog! Nothing worse than some bigot who thinks he's Mr. Macho and doesn't have the guts to yell for his team in fear of daddy not being able to engage in "locker room" talk at the Shay-Chug-a-Lug on Saturday nights. When these young men get out high school - much less college - they're going to realize that nobody really gives a flip about what they did in high school. They should enjoy it while they can and mind their own KillerBee's wax (sorry I couldn't resist)... :-)

09-17-2002, 06:11 PM
Hey orange u say that male heerleaders at A&M....They r not cheerleaders they are yell leaders which doesnt require the flipping b.s. One of their Motos is who needs Cheerleading..I've been to High School!
Gig'em #12

09-17-2002, 09:44 PM
Since you're scared of the word "cheer," you must wash clothes with "Tide."

09-17-2002, 09:55 PM
we have a male mascot this year and everyone already considered the kid a nerd kind of ow they always talk about him and call him a "fag" which is kind of mean but i would never be a male cheerleader or mascot heck we had a pole about this at school monday

eye of the tiger
09-17-2002, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by mwynn05:
we have a male mascot this year and everyone already considered the kid a nerd kind of ow they always talk about him and call him a "fag" which is kind of mean but i would never be a male cheerleader or mascot heck we had a pole about this at school monday

He is probably the next Bill Gates.

09-17-2002, 10:09 PM
Not to sound like a chauvanist pig..but I think boys make better chearleaders than girls make Defensive Ends.

09-17-2002, 10:43 PM
Well we have a guy cheer leader this year. As far as I know this is a first for us. But people do say things about him from what my cousin who goes to school with him says. But as for me I dont really care what if he is a cheer leader or not. I wouldnt be one and would hope that my nephew wouldnt want to be. But if tht is what he wants I wil support him. But he loves football (thank God). But he is out their to support our team and since he has been there they have been able to do more than before.

eye of the tiger
09-17-2002, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by PPHSfan:
Not to sound like a chauvanist pig..but I think boys make better chearleaders than girls make Defensive Ends.

Good hit PPHS.