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View Full Version : Poor Officiating(or however you spell it)

11-05-2005, 02:09 PM
las tnight against carizo there was a sort of fight between two players and personal flags were thrown on #77 on our team and the guy from there team well later in the 2nd half on a extra point a guy was going for my knees so i got him pushed him into the ground and layed on him till the play was over ... well they trew a personal foul flag on my for doing that and then they said that #79 (me) had a nother personal foul from that "fight" thing when #77 got flagged so i got tossed from the game cause a ref can read the correct numbers

11-05-2005, 02:11 PM
Main Entry: of·fi·ci·ate
Pronunciation: &-'fi-shE-"At
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing
transitive senses
1 : to carry out (an official duty or function)
2 : to serve as a leader or celebrant of (a ceremony)
3 : to administer the rules of (a game or sport) especially as a referee or umpire
intransitive senses
1 : to perform a ceremony, function, or duty <officiate at a wedding>
2 : to act in an official capacity : act as an official (as at a sports contest)
- of·fi·ci·a·tion /-"fi-shE-'A-sh&n/ noun

Originally posted by Boosty_Hondo
las tnight against carizo there was a sort of fight between two players and personal flags were thrown on #77 on our team and the guy from there team well later in the 2nd half on a extra point a guy was going for my knees so i got him pushed him into the ground and layed on him till the play was over ... well they trew a personal foul flag on my for doing that and then they said that #79 (me) had a nother personal foul from that "fight" thing when #77 got flagged so i got tossed from the game cause a ref can read the correct numbers

11-05-2005, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
Main Entry: of·fi·ci·ate
Pronunciation: &-'fi-shE-"At
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing
transitive senses
1 : to carry out (an official duty or function)
2 : to serve as a leader or celebrant of (a ceremony)
3 : to administer the rules of (a game or sport) especially as a referee or umpire
intransitive senses
1 : to perform a ceremony, function, or duty <officiate at a wedding>
2 : to act in an official capacity : act as an official (as at a sports contest)
- of·fi·ci·a·tion /-"fi-shE-'A-sh&n/ noun

ok well whatever that means ... but im not really complaning cause i dont care because they took out our starting offense for the 2nd half of the game and i was only doing extra points so i didnt really care i laughed about it

11-05-2005, 02:26 PM
Officiating is a part of the human element of the game. Refs do a good job for the most part. However, nobody is perfect despite their claims to the contrary. It would be super if there were a way to force these things to be correct calls. Unfortunately, that possibility doesn't exist in amateur athletics. Realistically, there is no way to do that in highschool programs. The coaches have the ability to forward stuff to the local ref chapter for training purposes, and that's about all we can expect. All you can do in the game as it's played is shake it off and move on.