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View Full Version : Hats off to Sealy

11-15-2003, 08:04 AM
Everyone knows the Sealy tradition of winning football but for those who have never seen them play I want to say this: The Tigers are one of the best coached and most disciplined teams in 3A football. From the way they come onto the field, their well coriographed warm-up drills, to their superb execution of complex offensive formations and defensive sets this is a real impressive group of high school athletes. The game was one of the most exciting and anxiety filled contests I have seen since LG-Marlin LG-Forney in the 2000 State Championship Finals. It was reminescent of that famous old news reel clip of the two big steam locomotives smashing head on into one another. Which defense would break first? Would Sealy put on one of their famous ball control drives in the 4th when they trailed 7-6, score a TD or FG and run out the clock on the Leps? Well the Lep D stopped the potent Sealy running game, forced them into a passing situation where Eric Pittman #1 made a diving interception on the Lep 15 to kill the Tiger drive in the 4th. Then, again in the last drive for Sealy after their D stopped the Leps O, the La Grange D stepped it up a notch making some huge hits, one of which forced an Andrus fumble giving the ball to the Leps. At this point La Grange appeared refreshed and Sealy was tired. The Leopard offensive line openned some huge holes allowing a long time consuming drive culminating in the coffin nail TD by # 13 Kelsey Thornten, the pile-driving fullback who plowed up field through the right tackle and tight end (Stiffler #70 & Schramm #20) who parted the Sealy defensive line wide open, rushing 20 yards into the Sealy endzone. Top it off with the 2 point conversion by Anderle over #70 & #20 again on the right side and that was the game. And what a game it was! Sealy has nothing to be ashamed of, they are a terrific team, well coached and fought the good fight. Normally two teams like this don't meet until deep in the play-offs but this year the draw was unusual. Good luck to the Tigers next season, and I hope we continue this great tradition between our two schools. :)

11-15-2003, 10:34 AM
Thanks Pud. It was an exciting game indeed. I'm just so glad that none of those boys got injured. Some of those hits had me hiding my eyes and peeking thru my fingers to see if both boys got up. It was a real defensive battle for sure. Still can't believe that we're off to basketball now ~ I just wasn't ready for it to end! Good luck to y'all.

11-15-2003, 10:38 AM
Thanks Pud. It was an exciting game indeed. I'm just so glad that none of those boys got injured. Some of those hits had me hiding my eyes and peeking thru my fingers to see if both boys got up. It was a real defensive battle for sure. Still can't believe that we're off to basketball now ~ I just wasn't ready for it to end! Good luck to y'all.Thanks Fullhouse. That boy sure can punt (#6)!!! He laid them down inside the 5 at least 4 times I think. Plays Qb and TE outstandingly as well. All around athlete and only a junior too. Sealy will be strong again next season. :)

<small>[ November 15, 2003, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Pudlugger ]</small>

11-15-2003, 11:14 AM
I feel your pain, fullhouse, I hate it when it's over. But that boy is one heck of a football player, lots of fun to watch. And you have next year, so cry a little more and heck, then head to the gym. There's no other choice, which helps. Congrats to the Tigers on a wonderful season. Y'all remain a great tradition and goal for 3A football and will always have Bellville's admiration and respect. Be careful on the court!

11-15-2003, 11:20 AM
Thanks again for the kind words. It seems so strange waking up on a Saturday morning to find my husband and son home ~ we're all just sittin' around staring at each other in a funny way :confused: Now they can start on the little list of projects I've had going since late July! I enjoyed that punting much more than last weeks against Bellville, that's for sure. Last week, his ankle was wrapped so tight - almost cast-like, at a 90 deg. angle, and he couldn't bend his foot at all to put any distance on them.... he opted to try something different this week ~ whew!
Keep it goin' Leps and Bulls!

<small>[ November 15, 2003, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: fullhouse ]</small>

11-15-2003, 12:08 PM
Congrats to the Leps, sounds like it was a super hs game. How many years have we seen the Lep staff take a team that isn't predicted to advance in playoffs and have them ready when it gets to be district time and they do well. Just wonder how long LG can keep Valastro, maybe a long time. Looks like the Sealy staff has things going great.

Ok Pud your predictions have been good so far. I'll be watching for the next one.

11-15-2003, 01:25 PM
Sounds like this was a good one. Congrats to the Tigers on a great season. You guys played hard all year, it's unfortunate that these teams had to meet in the first round.

Hope that y'all will come out and support Austin Co. from here on out, we can always use more fans on our side in the stands.

11-15-2003, 02:01 PM
Move over and make some room, 22... I have a big family :D

the tigers are back
11-16-2003, 08:39 AM
Well you can make room for me too,because i followed ya'll all the way last year,but i sure wanna see rice play wimberly and i love too see Burnett play Wharton also.I just hope these games or both saturday and not friday.I think burnett and wharton is saturday in victoria.Hey bulls it seems we are facing another tough running attack this week. :D

11-16-2003, 11:25 AM
fullhouse, 22 and 73 won't be at the next game, so you can have those seats! Plus, the Brahma fans will ALWAYS make room for more fans! Y'all and TTAB come on, but wear red so you'll match us! If it's cool, I'll be in a Brahma sweatshirt with Garrett on the back, hubby and my dad have Dornon on the backs of theirs, the water boy has li'l Dornon on his or a game shirt with Dornon on the back--we are a large group, too! Come early, be loud, stay late. fullhouse, it is MUCH more fun to just be a spectator!

Tiger Turtle
11-17-2003, 09:42 AM
Pud - You were right, that was a completely different Leopard team on the field Friday night. The defense, particularly, played a very fundamentally sound game, refusing to go for any of the misdirection Sealy attempted and flowing to the ball with real discipline. I didn't make it to booster club last week, but it appeared that Sealy was trying to use Andrus as a decoy early on, hoping that Brantly, Zapalac, and Brown could make something happen while LG was keying on Emeal. For the second consecutive week, we had the ball in the fourth in position to put on a drive and win the game, and it didn't work out. The staff put together a game plan that got us where we needed to be, but the execution just wasn't there. Perhaps the Leps' defense had something to do with that, huh? Anyway, good luck against Orangefield and down the road and we'll see y'all next season. Now, does anyone rememeber where i left that basketball needle... :rolleyes:

11-17-2003, 10:53 AM
TTurtle and TTAB ~ hope we see y'all at the basketball games this year.... It's gonna be exciting! First home game is this Friday against East Bernard. I hope most of the football playoff games are on Saturdays too... I'd sure like to make some of them.

11-17-2003, 11:53 AM
I guess you'll be at the basketball game Friday, fullhouse. Oh well, I guess I understand. Hope the ankle is okay and ready for the court. Good luck as you switch sports!

11-17-2003, 02:55 PM
yep, BMom.... Friday nights we'll be hooping ~ love that stuff! I'll be thinking about ya though and will dash home and check 3ADL for updates on how bad y'all are whoopin' up on Huffman (and other future victims!). If you have a Saturday game, we'll more than likely be there. One thing is for sure ~ y'all will be playing for a long time, so I'm sure I'll get to see at least one. Good Luck! (P.S. the ankle is coming along ~ thanks!)

<small>[ November 17, 2003, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: fullhouse ]</small>