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10-29-2005, 01:52 AM
Yes, San Antonio is trying to get the Saints. Whoopee...
They've been trying to do that for years. Benson has played SA to get money from LA for some time. After what Mayor Hardberger(SA) said today about the dome, the Saints won't come to SA. He said SA won't build a new state-of-the-art dome for this franchise. He also said SA shouldn't "upgrade" the Alamodome either. NFL want's to go to LA(Cali), fine. I sense he's(SA mayor) trying to spin the Saints not coming to SA, toward his advantage. Looks transparant to me.
I love all the talk about how SA and Houston are pillaging NO for their music and their NFL team. Really? How can New Orleans and Louisiana ask for 200 billion... BILLION DOLLARS and say they aren't pillaging all of us?!?! This IS US TAX-PAYER RAPE!!!!!!!
Florida had four major hurricanes last year and do you hear anything about THAT? Are they asking for everything to be fixed or replaced? Goodness the double standard SCREAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Louisiana spent tons of money on the levies( not even, "leaders" diverted lots of it to other things) and are maybe the most corrupt state in the country. Too bad our great neighbors have such morally bankrupt leaders. I've met a couple of the NO folks here in SA and there is a reason why they choose to stay. And it's not because of the hurricane...

10-29-2005, 02:02 AM
Memo a source from the Saints said they have no obligations to SA after next year which is mostly like where they will play there games at next year. But LA is the most likely place they will relocate to if NO doesnt rebound and cant support a NFL Team.

Old Cardinal
10-29-2005, 02:11 AM
Interesting discussion! What the taxpayers sometime overlook is that all that HUD etc: housing in New Orleans is not owned by the poor tenants! Instead it is owned by corrupt slumlords and some say even the Mafia.
The most important thing that most people overlook is that all that sub-standard HUD housing(most everywhere) is UNINSURED--therefore; you have incompetent government, Shady Slumlord Characters renting out uninsured dwellings and THEY WANT EACH OF US THAT ARE NOT MILKING THE SYSTEM VIA THE WELFARE STATE to pay the bill when it gets torn up by natural causes!

I personnally think that they ought to bulldoze all that New Orleans property that is way below sealevel and fill it in with 25' of Mississippi River Mud and start over.

10-29-2005, 02:42 AM
Actually to give you a little insight to how just totally inept Louisiana is at Hurricane relief efforts. When we got deployed down to Louisiana they were totally unprepared for that disaster. Texas did somewhat of a better job and Florida should be the model for all disaster relief efforts.
I talked to everyone of your EOC (Emergency Operations Centers) down in Louisiana, Texas and in Florida. I won't mention names because I know who was in charge of that stuff.
You know the federal government took a lot of heat over that whole issue, but if you really want to know who was at fault, it was totally on the state. I saw first hand how prepared Louisiana was with their EOC. Incompentence at the state level was how Louisiana dealt with it.
Texas was still struggling figuring out your grid network a week and 1/2 after the hurricane hit. They had no idea how it interlinked in between Texas and Louisiana. Apparently you have a complex system down there for power distribution. However, that to me is lack of planning, because you know with a cat 3 hurricane coming in you will lose power. Thats the reason you recieved no power for so long. TNRIS was still trying to figure it all out. You guys did have a distribution for Geospatial assessment damage. However, your plan was not getting down to your police nor your fire departments. You guys fared out far better than Louisiana though. Your state leaders made some mistakes, but they were proactive and trying to do their best.
As far as Louisiana goes those guys were so screwed up they still didn't even have a plan once Rita was getting ready to blow in and that was way past Katrina. They had no sat phones for when the power went out. I personally contacted Calcasuie right after Rita blew in. The state had still not distributed anything to those guys as far as damage assessment for 4 weeks after the fact. I am convinced Lousiana has got to be the most unprepared state in the union.
When I talked to EOC folks in Florida they had an air tight ship. Florida EOC's were ready with logistics, staging areas and the works. The State of Louisiana failed the people of Louisiana. Cut and dry. You can blame FEMA, but the bottom line is the states are primarily responsible for their relief efforts. FEMA is not designed to distribute like that. It is the states responsibility to have a collaborated effort between their EOC's for each respective county or parish, whichever applies.

Old Cardinal
10-29-2005, 12:42 PM
Interesting observations! I would like to thank all the 4500+ All American 82nd Paratroopers for coming in an putting down the only National Insurrection in modern time-- in New Orleans. It is hard for me to phantom that Americans armed with looted guns an ammo were shooting at you while you were rescuing mostly children and older people.
I too fault the Mayor & Council of NO and the Governors office for NOT FOLLOWING ONE IOTA of the city/parish and State (well written) Emergency Response Plan.
Louisiana Politicians--what a bunch of incompetent losers: yet, they sit there like baby birds in a nest squaking for 200 Billion Federal Taxpayers Dollars.
Again thanks to the Paratroopers--you have proven that the Army need be in charge of runaway situations like these.