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08-14-2003, 02:57 PM
What do u guys think makes a team good, practice habits, athletes, coaching....etc?

08-14-2003, 03:09 PM
All of the above! And I would add some luck to that list. Just my take.

Chief Woodman
08-14-2003, 03:52 PM
CRHS eagle, hope ya have a good injury free season. We will see you Saturday at the scrimmage. Here is what I think make a good team, IMHO. Not in any order here it is:

Coaching- you need a coaching staff who can relate to the players and get the best out of them. They must have a good knowledge of the game, and be able to adjust to what the other team is doing during the game. Just as important, you need an adequate number of coaches. If you have the best coach of all time and he has no one to help him, you cannot make as much progress during practice times. When I was in school, we had 4 coaches, and a very poor record. Decatur uses least 11 coaches during practice, each with a small group that they stay with the entire practice.

Practice habits- repetition is very important, and it must be as real as possible. "Train like you fight, fight like you train." Let me give you an example of one our typical 5-min period during Decatur practice, out of the 2 hour practice. Our punt returners each handle at least 15- to 20 receptions (1 coach stays by them and coaches each catch). 1 coach uses a machine to "punt" while our snapper and punter kick at the same time (pratices deep snap and rhythm at same time). While this is happening, our O and D line are practicing pass blocking and rushing- 1o to 15 repitions (O line and D line coaches there). Our pass recievers are running routes against our d backs and our QB's (with help of a coach) make sure 3-5 passes are thrown for each snap made (15 each 5 min cycle) under the supervision of coaches. (Qb coach, reciever coach, D back coach, linebacker coach). That is a lot of work in 5 minutes, a lot more supervision that a 6 member coaching staff can deliver. This same intenstty is kept yp for the full 2 hours practice, although differnt emphasis is made during each 5 min block. (some 7 on 7, some 11 on 11, blitz drills, special teams, lose ball drills, etc)

Talent- while important, it is sometimes overated, IMHO. Example...the best QB in the state did not get into the playoffs because his team did not play as a team. It cannot be 1 or 2 talented players....it take 11 to make it happen. Decatur has a great QB (Dane) WR (Christian) and RB (McKinney), but if the O line does not perform, then these 3 cannot carry the team. The other WR must do their job also, or Christian will be triple covered every play. If the D lets our opponets score every time they touch the ball, it will be hard for us to win anything.

In summary- a good team needs a good coaching STAFF, practice that makes the most of the time allowed (not much standing around or doing drills without a dedicated coach), talent (lets face it, if the guys on the field cannot catch a ball it does not matter who the QB is) and two last items....Health (no injuries) and a little luck here and there.

Old Dog
08-14-2003, 04:13 PM
Of course you have to have decent athletes to go very far into the playoffs, but coaching can make up for lots of shortcomings. Good coaches seem to get more out of young men than they thought they had to give. They provide the motivation to make players reach higher than they ever thought possible. They provide the structure and discipline that creates good work habits now and later.

08-14-2003, 06:02 PM
One more thing, from a mom and a fan, HEART!

Ranger Mom
08-14-2003, 07:16 PM
Vet93 posted this awhile back - I think it just about sums it up!!

The C's of a true Champion

1. CHARACTER – Character is defined in the dictionary as moral strength and integrity. A man who has character is someone that you can count on to be there when times are tough. In teams that have character, each person knows that his teammates are going to do whatever is necessary for the team to succeed regardless of the sacrifice. Teams with character study longer, listen to their coaches better and work harder than other teams. Teams with character do not fold under pressure, do not give up and make very few mental mistakes. Without character the other C’s will not get done. Are you a man of character playing on a team that is defined by character?

2. COACHABILITY – Teams that don’t listen to their coaches are not going to succeed. They may have some success due to their talent, but these teams will never take it to the next level to compete for championships. Coaches dedicate their lives to the study of their sport and the training of young people. Their years of study give them insights and ideas that others cannot see. It is arrogance for an athlete to feel like he knows more about his sport than his coaches.

3. CLASSROOM – Great teams prepare better than less successful teams. There are two types of preparation in regards to classroom: 1) Preparing for your opponent by paying attention to your coaches and knowing your assignments and 2) Taking care of business in school so that you are able to play when the team needs you. In a team sport, being able to play each week not only affects you, but it also affects every one of your teammates who have come to depend on you.

4. COURAGE - Courage is essential for a champion. Courage comes in many forms. The courage to push yourself in order to get better physically. The courage to be a leader and set the example for people around you. The courage to accept responsibility for ones actions and do what is needed to have success and finally, the courage to take on an opponent that may be stronger or faster than yourself. Without courage you will only succeed against teams who are either physically weaker than you or who have even less courage than yourself.

5. CLASS – Many teams have a great deal of talent but fail the test of true champions because they lack class. A true champion is humble in victory and gracious in defeat. Too many times athletes promote themselves by taunting, playing to the crowd or acting in an unsportsmanlike manner. These actions do far more to hurt the team than they ever do to help it. To win a game will gain you respect for your physical abilities, but to win a game with class will gain you respect for your abilities and for who you are as a person. The latter is a far loftier goal.

6. CRESCENDO – This is a music term that means, “Build to a Climax”. True champions are always improving. Their best game is always their last game. Many teams are good in August or September but fail in November and December when things really count. If you stagnate and plateau, other teams will catch and surpass you. If you are satisfied with the status quo then expect nothing more than mediocrity.

7. CAMARADERIE - To be a true champion you have to care about your teammates. You have to be willing to sacrifice for each other. When the fourth quarter rolls around and you look across the huddle at those other guys and you see how much they have sacrificed it makes you want to win the game as much for them as yourself. When you step away from the game you won’t remember the individual honors. You will remember what you accomplished together. You will remember that you were a band of brothers that left it all on the field on some cold fall night and that is when you will know that you are a true champion.

08-14-2003, 09:46 PM
Let's not forget tradition. Great tradition speaks of a good consistant program at all ages levels. I agree with Xlr8tor that luck plays a bigger part than we might like to admit (injuries or lack of them, Bad breaks or good breaks, good weather or bad weather, and so on).

Ranger Mom
08-14-2003, 09:58 PM
I agree with the "luck" Stangster. Greenwood definately had it BOTH times we played Sweetwater this past season. It could have EASILY gone the mustangs way!!

08-14-2003, 11:53 PM
A Greenwood and Sweetwater fan agreeing with each other; only in America (or on 3A DOWNLOW). LOL Just my take.

08-15-2003, 10:25 AM
Ranger Mom:
I agree with the "luck" Stangster. Greenwood definately had it BOTH times we played Sweetwater this past season. It could have EASILY gone the mustangs way!!Luck was definitely a factor. I think we should have one the first one and could have won the second one (although y'all seemed to score at will). Both were very good games and played with honor.

Bandera YaYa
08-16-2003, 12:20 AM
I think having GREAT fans makes all the difference, don't you? LOL!!