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View Full Version : When is everyone going to start believing in the Graham Steers?

Steer Fever
10-24-2005, 10:15 AM
For all you idiots who underestimate us have another thing coming. When the Graham Steers roll into your town, you'll know why we are the best team in District 5 3A. And the rest of you will find out when playoff time comes around. Gainesville may have got us last year, but when they get a piece of our high powered offense and shutdown defense, all these posts of how bad we are going to lose will soon stop. Either jump on the bandwagon now or stay home.

Predictions 1st round of playoffs:

Graham - 28
Gainesville - 7

Go Steers

Leave thoughts below...

Ranger Mom
10-24-2005, 10:16 AM
Well THAT post isn't gonna win you any fans!:rolleyes:

10-24-2005, 10:17 AM
Dont ask "when is everyone going to start believeing in the Graham Steers" then tell everyone to "Either jump on the bandwagon now or stay home." It sounds like first you are begging for people to believe in them then in the post you are telling everyone to jump on or stay h ome. Confuses me! HEHE

Steer Fever
10-24-2005, 10:17 AM
Its better to be confident than to go into the playoffs half cocked.

10-24-2005, 10:19 AM
dude. get over it... you dont need recognition from teh polls to be a good team.... unless of course you have some inferiority complex...

and since you have a high powered offense and a shut down defense... where do they rank in teh state? I know my teams defense is top 5... based on stats not opinions :D

10-24-2005, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Steer Fever
For all you idiots who underestimate us have another thing coming. When the Graham Steers roll into your town, you'll know why we are the best team in District 5 3A. And the rest of you will find out when playoff time comes around. Gainesville may have got us last year, but when they get a piece of our high powered offense and shutdown defense, all these posts of how bad we are going to lose will soon stop. Either jump on the bandwagon now or stay home.

Predictions 1st round of playoffs:

Graham - 28
Gainesville - 7

Go Steers

Leave thoughts below...

It's a good thing to be positive on your team, Steer Fever, but a negative thing to alienate everybody who is not a Steer fan---folks tend to serve up a big ol' helping of "crow" if your boasts don't come true. The reality is---Graham lost to Decatur 36-2 and Gainesville beat Decatur 43-21. I think you might be "bear hunting" with a switch.

10-24-2005, 10:30 AM
graham 6
just my humble opinion

Steer Fever
10-24-2005, 10:32 AM
and we beat abilene wylie 30 - 20 and wylie beat decatur 43 - 33 did yall forget that?


10-24-2005, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Steer Fever
and we beat abilene wylie 30 - 20 and wylie beat decatur 43 - 33 did yall forget that?

BE THE HAMMER NOT THE NAIL! so? you got lucky 9 out of 10 times wylie would hammer graham

10-24-2005, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by Steer Fever
and we beat abilene wylie 30 - 20 and wylie beat decatur 43 - 33 did yall forget that?

completely slipped my mind!!!!!!!!!!

Steer Fever
10-24-2005, 10:36 AM
we will see once we meet back up with them in the playoffs... but for now were just gunna take one game at a time.

10-24-2005, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Steer Fever
and we beat abilene wylie 30 - 20 and wylie beat decatur 43 - 33 did yall forget that?

Win a playoff game once in your life.
It doesn't matter who beat who one week to the next.

Keep talking smack. It will come back to haunt you.
Win with class, dignity, and respect. Respect the game and it will respect you. Or isn't your coaching staff teaching you and your fellow teammates that?


Steer Fever
10-24-2005, 10:41 AM
ok so i can't have faith in my team?... all i'm saying is that I believe in The Graham Steers and are predicting that they go far... What is wrong with that?... It's an opinion so you are intitled to believe in whatever you want.


Go Steers

10-24-2005, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Steer Fever
ok so i can't have faith in my team?... all i'm saying is that I believe in The Graham Steers and are predicting that they go far... What is wrong with that?... It's an opinion so you are intitled to believe in whatever you want.


Go Steers

actually you didnt just sayh that... you called all of us non believers idiots which is a personal attack, which is against the board rules... secondly... you can have faith, just remove your head from your a## when you speak and all will be fine. coming on here, making big talk will get you nowhere other than a) a ROM, b) pestering everytime you post or c) a whole lot of enemies :)

10-24-2005, 10:47 AM
Exactly... but the way you want to have faith in YOUR team should not be at the expense of ripping everybody else who doesn't play or follow the Steers.
Again... maybe ask your coaching staff about respect and how to EARN it. It's fine to have faith and confidence in your ability as a team to win, but predicting out and out wins just makes that other team stronger. Ever see a coach put a "billboard clipping" in the locker room to motivate his players??

Steer Fever
10-24-2005, 10:47 AM
well my apologies go out to all who was affected by my rudness :(....hopefully will be accepted.... but my thoughts still remain the same...


LH Panther Mom
10-24-2005, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Steer Fever
ok so i can't have faith in my team?... all i'm saying is that I believe in The Graham Steers and are predicting that they go far... What is wrong with that?... It's an opinion so you are intitled to believe in whatever you want.


Go Steers

There's a fine line between confidence and cockiness. ;)

10-24-2005, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Steer Fever
and we beat abilene wylie 30 - 20 and wylie beat decatur 43 - 33 did yall forget that?

Did you forget 34-2??? I dont think you will beat Wylie again or Decatur again or Even sniff Gainesville.

10-24-2005, 11:03 AM
Your district is weak.

Steer Fever
10-24-2005, 11:14 AM
well just have to wait and see...


Super Steer 3
10-24-2005, 11:43 AM
I believe we can be good by working hard and taking these games one at a time, not by thinking we are better than everyone just because we have won a few games.

10-24-2005, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Super Steer 3
I believe we can be good by working hard and taking these games one at a time, not by thinking we are better than everyone just because we have won a few games.

Amen to that!

10-24-2005, 11:45 AM
E-bay, I love you.

10-24-2005, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by Super Steer 3
I believe we can be good by working hard and taking these games one at a time, not by thinking we are better than everyone just because we have won a few games.
and finally we get a voice of reason

10-24-2005, 12:00 PM
1st Round Playoff Predictions--


10-24-2005, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Steer Fever
we will see once we meet back up with them in the playoffs... but for now were just gunna take one game at a time.

I'll give you this much Steer Fever----the Steers are a better team now that they have all their starters back. Now, if you guys can just shake the 1st round playoff "jinx", I think you will do well.

10-24-2005, 12:00 PM
Sorry guys but sometimes the truth just down right sucks.......

10-24-2005, 12:15 PM
I dont think Graham has what it takes to beat ANY D1 school this year. You come on to the board wanting respect and you shall not have any. I tell ya what! If Graham can use there high powered offense that allowed themselves 0 TD's against my Eagles to beat Gainesville, who most likely will put up around 30; then I will drive to wherever yall play the next week. Most likely yall play my Eagles so It will be worth the drive from Abilene. Hope to see you at Regionals!:D and by the way...Im sure you are just ONE kid who thinks that his team is unstopable. I know for a fact that the Steers football team are very humble and all work very hard for a common goal, dont let your mouth be a damper on the way some people look at yalls team! I look t Graham with respect and im sure others do as well.

10-24-2005, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by jakarta101
1st Round Playoff Predictions--


Im taking Gville 55 Steers 6

10-24-2005, 12:51 PM
Tryin to be nice and not piss anyone off too bad........but its better to be pissed off than pissed on....;)

Z motion 10 out on 2
10-24-2005, 01:06 PM
As of today I'm not sure that Graham even has locked a playoff spot. They still have both Vernon and IP to play.

Weak or not on any given Friday night a loss can happen.

10-29-2005, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by Z motion 10 out on 2
As of today I'm not sure that Graham even has locked a playoff spot. They still have both Vernon and IP to play.

Weak or not on any given Friday night a loss can happen.


10-29-2005, 02:17 PM
I have a feeling we won't be hearing from this guy after the first round

10-29-2005, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Keith7
I have a feeling we won't be hearing from this guy after the first round
ya i doubt we hear from him for awhile

10-29-2005, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Pmoney
ya i doubt we hear from him for awhile

Yea i want to hear what he says about their loss to vernon this week

10-29-2005, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Keith7
I have a feeling we won't be hearing from this guy after the first round
that is if they can get to the first round with the way they played against Vernon

10-29-2005, 07:20 PM
I would like to apologize for any stigma that has been placed on Graham by those here on the downlow. I assure you that we are humble and we have worked extremely hard to achieve what we have accomplished. We came out flat Friday night, and could not rebound in the second half. I will not say that we WILL BEAT Iowa Park next week, but I will say that WE WILL NOT come out half-cocked, as we did Friday. My teamates and I believe in ourselves and our coaches, and I apologize if that belief sometimes comes out as arrogance.

10-29-2005, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by tyson105
I would like to apologize for any stigma that has been placed on Graham by those here on the downlow. I assure you that we are humble and we have worked extremely hard to achieve what we have accomplished. We came out flat Friday night, and could not rebound in the second half. I will not say that we WILL BEAT Iowa Park next week, but I will say that WE WILL NOT come out half-cocked, as we did Friday. My teamates and I believe in ourselves and our coaches, and I apologize if that belief sometimes comes out as arrogance.

I think guys like you will never will have to apologize for very much, much less for those who speak before they think. Everybody knows that one poster does not represent a whole town or team. You keep believing in your coaches and your teammates and the rest takes care of itself. Best of Luck to the Steers.

10-29-2005, 07:39 PM
I love Tyson105. He proposed to me the other night and now we're gonna get married.

10-29-2005, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by RMAC
I love Tyson105. He proposed to me the other night and now we're gonna get married.

I took Tyson105 seriously, RMAC---you, on the other hand.......

10-29-2005, 07:45 PM
Yeah, I know. Me and him are like brothers pretty much. I've been good friends w/ him since we moved to Graham.

10-29-2005, 08:24 PM
RMAC is right, he is one of my best friends, and the most loyal of the GHS student body to our team. He is the gay one though, not me...

10-29-2005, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by tyson105
RMAC is right, he is one of my best friends, and the most loyal of the GHS student body to our team. He is the gay one though, not me... now that's funny!!!!!!!!!! you guye keep your heads on straight, get ole steer fever hog-tied, and your team will be just fine.

Z motion 10 out on 2
10-29-2005, 09:12 PM
Can my Lions get some props?

Last week it was predicted Graham 47 - Vernon 0.

First time since 1998 that the Lions have beat the Steers.

From me to the Lion players -- a personal "THANK YOU, its about time"

10-29-2005, 11:34 PM
Is it just me, or has every single new graham poster this year just been a little off the wall? Trash talkers and hints of homosexuality. Dunno what's goin on down there.:eek:

Z motion 10 out on 2
10-30-2005, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by Z motion 10 out on 2
As of today I'm not sure that Graham even has locked a playoff spot. They still have both Vernon and IP to play.

Weak or not on any given Friday night a loss can happen.

Let me quote myself here. Graham still does not have a playoff spot. The Steers do control their own destiny though. A win and they make it. A loss and they need a Vernon loss.

Should Graham not make the playoffs Vernon would go DI.

10-30-2005, 12:41 AM
The Graham/Vernon game shouldnt of even been as close as it was. 2 pass interference calls kept Graham in the game....both were BS calls that were obvious to everybody but the Graham fans.

Super Steer 3
10-30-2005, 02:20 AM
Bad week for Graham, we will bounce back and give everything we have against Iowa Park. Should be a good game.

10-30-2005, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by Super Steer 3
Bad week for Graham, we will bounce back and give everything we have against Iowa Park. Should be a good game.

How's that Crow tasting SuperSteer?

10-30-2005, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Z motion 10 out on 2
Can my Lions get some props?

Last week it was predicted Graham 47 - Vernon 0.

First time since 1998 that the Lions have beat the Steers.

From me to the Lion players -- a personal "THANK YOU, its about time"

You betcha' Z motion, your Lions are deserving some props. They won a very big game over Graham Friday night. Everybody had given Vernon up "for dead" this season and my hat is off to them for picking themselves up and getting back in the playoff hunt. Hope the Bulls can go far enough to meet up with you guys in the playoffs. Best of Luck to Vernon---In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion does not "sleep" tonight.......

10-30-2005, 09:19 AM
Z-Motion.... Very big props to the Lions D. To hold down the Steers like they did was great. Secondary and linebackers did a heck of a job containing the run and pass.
Breckenridge and Vernon will be a slugfest. I say the team who dominates the line of scrimmage will win. Both teams like to run the ball.... a lot, so it's up to the "big boys" up front to make room and let the backs do their job.

Z motion 10 out on 2
10-30-2005, 12:09 PM
I missed the Graham / Vernon game (out of town) but I will be at the Breck / Vernon game this Friday. Looks like we have 4 good teams in our district. Not sure how we will do in the playoffs as IP, Vernon and Graham have all had some ups and downs. Just never know from week to week. Breck may be the most consistent of the bunch. we are similar to the lone star conference this year. Everybody knocking each other off.

I really think that any of the 4 could get on a roll and do well in the playoffs. IP really dominated Vernon the same as Wylie did.

Just never know.

10-30-2005, 07:33 PM
Z- Motion, I'll give your Lions props. They beat us, and deserved to. We came out flat, and Vernon took advantage. Look for the Steers to come out fired up against the Hawks of IP though.

10-30-2005, 07:46 PM
Yeah, props to Vernon for the way they played. I wasn't lucky enough to be there at my last home game, but I was calling one of my friends every 10 min. Good job Vernon and ya'll beat Breck so we get in the playoffs either way. That'd be great.

10-30-2005, 08:34 PM
Leon says that Graham will upset Gainesville in the 1st round by the score of 28-27!!!

HighSchool Fan
10-30-2005, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by LeonJr
Leon says that Graham will upset Gainesville in the 1st round by the score of 28-27!!!

HSF says leonJr is on crack if he thinks that. Rd 2 is where all the fun begins and Gainesville plans on being there.

10-30-2005, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
HSF says leonJr is on crack if he thinks that.

Nope...not Leon. Leon keeps his nose clean! I understand why your pissed. Actually I would hope you would get pissed, being a Leopard fan! No hard feelings.

HighSchool Fan
10-30-2005, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by LeonJr
Nope...not Leon. Leon keeps his nose clean! I understand why your pissed. Actually I would hope you would get pissed, being a Leopard fan! No hard feelings.

no hard feelings and not pissed. gainesville may very well lose in the playoffs, but graham don't have the horses to be the team that will beat them.

10-30-2005, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
no hard feelings and not pissed. gainesville may very well lose in the playoffs, but graham don't have the horses to be the team that will beat them.

You better ask Wylie first!

HighSchool Fan
10-30-2005, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by LeonJr
You better ask Wylie first!

wylie was overlooking them, that won't happen in 2 weeks

10-30-2005, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
wylie was overlooking them, that won't happen in 2 weeks

So how will the bare vs Decatur?

10-30-2005, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
wylie was overlooking them, that won't happen in 2 weeks

You know that Sandifer of all coaches wouldn't over look anybody. I'll be the first one to say we don't win that game on paper. Fact is though, we played the best we've ever played that night and we came out on top against a very good Bulldog team. I'm not saying we're the greatest team ever. Hell, we're far from it. Just give us a little credit.

10-30-2005, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by RMAC
You know that Sandifer of all coaches wouldn't over look anybody. I'll be the first one to say we don't win that game on paper. Fact is though, we played the best we've ever played that night and we came out on top against a very good Bulldog team. I'm not saying we're the greatest team ever. Hell, we're far from it. Just give us a little credit.

True that!

10-30-2005, 09:29 PM
Leon is good. Leon is a BA.

Z motion 10 out on 2
10-31-2005, 10:29 AM
I don't know how many of the Graham posters on here are actual players but they seem humble and that is a big change from in years past. I think all four of our district teams could play each other any one of them could beat the other on any given night.

Quite frankly I thought that the Vernon secondary would get picked apart by Graham. I did notice that the Lions have made some personnel changes since the IP blow out. A new corner and strong safety which looks to be a good coaching move.

I hope that our 3 teams that make it can advance in the playoffs in order to get a chance to play those district 4 teams.

Best of luck to all of us and may the best three get in.

10-31-2005, 12:18 PM
Leon says "nice breakdown!"

Super Steer 3
11-01-2005, 01:38 AM
Im gonna have to agree with Leon, maybe we can get something going against Gainsville and make it a good game. I believe in my team.

11-01-2005, 10:50 AM
I saw graham play against wylie and they have a solid team. The QB makes plays and the have a great tailback #7 and have great WR's. They have all the tools to be great in the end. Lets see if all the playoff hype wont be a distraction for the Steers. Cause it 4 th and short for the DEFENSE and 3rd and long for the OFFENSE on every play. Good Luck in the playoffs.:D :D

11-04-2005, 11:18 PM
Is now a good time to bring up this thread? :)

11-04-2005, 11:23 PM
As good a time as any...:doh:

11-04-2005, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
As good a time as any...:doh:
If you had not brought it up, someone would have.... :nerd:

11-04-2005, 11:35 PM
Iowa Park won.

Z motion 10 out on 2
11-04-2005, 11:41 PM
Graham misses the playoffs. Starting basketball on Monday!

11-04-2005, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by Z motion 10 out on 2
Graham misses the playoffs. Starting basketball on Monday!

dang Z motion....I think that's the first time I've ever seen you halfway talk noise!

Z motion 10 out on 2
11-04-2005, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Snyder_TigerFan
dang Z motion....I think that's the first time I've ever seen you halfway talk noise!

I just couldn't help it.

11-04-2005, 11:49 PM
Graham isn't even in the playoffs.

11-04-2005, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by PlayaJBiehl20
Graham isn't even in the playoffs.
Are you confused? We know that.

Z motion 10 out on 2
11-04-2005, 11:52 PM
Actually the top 4 teams were all really about the same quality. Any of them could probably beat the other on any given night. The luck finally fell on Vernon.

If I had to pick the best team in district 5 -- I would say Iowa Park.

11-04-2005, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Z motion 10 out on 2
Actually the top 4 teams were all really about the same quality. Any of them could probably beat the other on any given night. The luck finally fell on Vernon.

That's what I think about the 3 in 4-3A, but others would probably disagree. Regardless, this season proved it again.

Z motion 10 out on 2
11-04-2005, 11:58 PM
I can't wait for the playoffs now. Too bad for me as I'll be out of town next weekend watching Hardin Simmons play in South Texas so I will miss the Vernon game.

Z motion 10 out on 2
11-04-2005, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Snyder_TigerFan
That's what I think about the 3 in 4-3A, but others would probably disagree. Regardless, this season proved it again.

myself and VernonLion#1 will make some playoff road trips and may get to make a Snyder game. (I caught two of them last year -- IP & Gilmer).

11-05-2005, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by Z motion 10 out on 2
Actually the top 4 teams were all really about the same quality. Any of them could probably beat the other on any given night. The luck finally fell on Vernon.

If I had to pick the best team in district 5 -- I would say Iowa Park.

We lost our star tailback early in the game. He had a sore ankle coming in. We also lost one of our best linemen late in the game with a knee injury of some sort. Hopefully these are minor injuries and we will see these kids back on the field next week. Defense pitched a shutout on the Steer offense and (don't quote me on this) held the Steers to less than 100 on the ground. The Graham defense was equally stingy they scored all 9 of the Steers' points and held the Hawks to (again don't quote me) less than 100 through the air. This was truly a defensive battle played between the 30's for the most part. Iowa Park did miss on 2 FG attempts each for 40 or more yards, one wide right and the other narrowly missing left. Excellent football game, wish you all could have been there to witness it in person.