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10-22-2005, 07:15 PM
I am shocked, but Bridge City is in a fight with.......yes anahuac, it is Bridge City 14 Anahuac 10 at the half.

10-22-2005, 07:32 PM
Maybe BC reading these message boards.

Mustang Fan
10-22-2005, 07:39 PM
BC 21 Anahuac 10

3rd Q.

Mustang Fan
10-22-2005, 07:43 PM
They are probably in a fight because Anahuac is one of the better teams they have played this year. Not taking anything away from them, but Anahuac could probably beat everyone they have played except for maybe Kirbyville. BC will be in a fight with HF next week as well. HF is not a bad football team. Great size!

10-22-2005, 07:54 PM
I thought Bridge City would put them away early, but from what I understand Anahuac is using some ball control. Even though it is 21-10. I would have figured by the 3rd they would have had their subs in. I believe WOS beat them 40-3.

10-22-2005, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Mustang Fan
They are probably in a fight because Anahuac is one of the better teams they have played this year. Not taking anything away from them, but Anahuac could probably beat everyone they have played except for maybe Kirbyville. BC will be in a fight with HF next week as well. HF is not a bad football team. Great size!

The way Little Cypress-Mauriceville hung with Port Neches-Groves I would think they would have been Bridge City's toughest opp before WOS.

10-22-2005, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by setex
The way Little Cypress-Mauriceville hung with Port Neches-Groves I would think they would have been Bridge City's toughest opp before WOS.

Bridge City trounced LCM 31-14. Really they have smoked everyone they have played. This game is probably the closest game for Bridge City thus far. I am getting reports Bridge City just showed up flat. I think they may have taken this team too light. With a 21-10 lead after 3, I think they will win it, but I think it is good for them to get pushed somewhat. They need to dig down deep and find motivivation even when they come out flat. That will only help them take on the powers that be later on.

Mustang Fan
10-22-2005, 08:10 PM
lcm has made a lot of changes, especially on offense that have made them a little better team.

How bout them astros, Berkman doubles in 2 in the 3rd. 3-3 in the bottom of the 3rd. Clemens pulled after 2 innings.

10-22-2005, 08:30 PM


I tell you those scrappy panther's came to play. My hats off to anahuac. They certainly showed a lot of heart.

10-22-2005, 08:39 PM
You know I guess I am getting spoiled thinking they are going to smoke every team they play. 28-10 is a decisive win, but I thought thought they would have put them away early. Good job to both teams.

Mustang Fan
10-22-2005, 08:42 PM
watch out for the Longhorns. They are big and quick. Should be a good one to watch. Both teams will probably try to play keep away. Hopefully ya'll will not have any injuries, we had 3 today, 1 is out for the season.

wos fan1
10-22-2005, 08:44 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if Hamshire Fannett gives BC a good game next week.

10-22-2005, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by wos fan1
I wouldn't be surprised if Hamshire Fannett gives BC a good game next week.

BC will be the favorite, but I believe HF beat Anahuac 24-8. We will see how the Cardinals respond.

wos fan1
10-22-2005, 08:51 PM
Our main reciever was out today or we would have probably put 50 up.

10-22-2005, 08:56 PM
What happen to White?

wos fan1
10-22-2005, 08:58 PM
Sore back. He could have played he said but he being saved for the BC game. he may play against Orangefield next saturday.

10-22-2005, 09:26 PM
You know I went on that Jerry picks web site and he almost called the point spread on the anahuac/BC game

District 23
(22) Huffman Hargrave at *Cleveland Tarkington
(PK) Cleveland at *Liberty
Splendora at *Barbers Hill (29)

District 24
(31) West Orange-Stark at *Hamshire-Fannett
(16) Bridge City at *Anahauc
Orangefield at *Hardin-Jefferson (11)

He missed Bridge City by 2 (28-10)
He missed West Orange by -1 (42-12)

That's pretty impressive though for computer results. I may have to pay more attention to this one. Course, some of the others in district 23 he was off, but it's still a pretty good guideline.

Old Cardinal
10-22-2005, 09:59 PM
It was an interesting game tonight at Anahuac. BC only threw the ball once that I can remember and that was a long one to Ashton Elliot to set up the first TD. They spent their time mostly just running the middle. Dishon smoked them on several long runs. Cody Roberts, behind the second offensive team, made a great run to set up a TD. Jadon Ellender intercepted a pass and had a good run back.
BC was near the Panther goalline at the end of the game but chose to touch the knee and not make it 35-10.
Anahuac had a good strategy--ball control at all cost. They went on fourth on all downs that were even close and thereby maintained ball control. BC helped them out twice by jumping offsides in these situations. It let them control the clock. Almost every time BC got the ball they scored on long runs in a few plays.
On Anahuac's TD, the QB was running for his life having given up 19 yards when he hail maryed a broken play pass to the end zone.
I was glad that Tarver did not try to run the score up. His team needed a game to run right at them with no passing attempts; certainly he wants to go against H-F and WO-S with as little scouting revelations disclosed as possible.

10-22-2005, 10:15 PM
I don't know what Coach Tarver said or did at Half time, but it was a whole different team came out to play the second half. Looks number 33 got a stinger tonight. There was some mighty hard hits put out by the Cards in the second half.

Old Cardinal
10-22-2005, 10:29 PM
76 Mom, You are right, that was some of the hardest hits in football that I have seen, all coupled together. It seems like another Panther player was down about every other play.
Did you see that one when they knocked that #11 spinning way up in the air. I was amazed that he could shake it off and make it back into the game later.
My favorite play was Cody Roberts scooting down the sidelines breaking tackles--that is one strong little fast dude! If Dale Armand ever goes down in a ballgame he will be backed up by another great tailback, especially if he gets to run with the "A" team blocking for him.

10-22-2005, 10:57 PM
Cody Roberts is a strong player. He competes in body building competitions and power lifting. He is "low to the ground" as my friend says, and fast. Anahauc seemed to have Dale's number tonight. I heard that one of the football buses broke down on the way to the game, and everyone loaded up into one bus. All I can say is I am glad we don't have to make that drive next year.

10-23-2005, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by exbccards76'smom
I don't know what Coach Tarver said or did at Half time, but it was a whole different team came out to play the second half.

I bet Coach Tarver will have them fired up for HF for sure. Course, I don't think he will have to motivate them at all for the WOS game. Both teams should enter this game undefeated and ranked. That is going to be a heck of a game.

Old Cardinal
10-23-2005, 09:44 AM
To Mustang Fan: I respectfully disagree with your statement touting Kirbyville. Of all the teams BC has played or scrimmaged(Newton, Splendora, & Cleveland included): Kirbyville was by far the weakest at the time we met them.
BC went with none of their hot plays against Anahuac and simply ground out a forward-plunge win. They have a good pass attack that they did not even use; however, on several occasions Dishon threw deep and out of bounds in certain situations, like all good QBs do.

10-23-2005, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Old Cardinal
They have a good pass attack that they did not even use

Johnny D. through 7 games:

Comp. Att Int Yds Tds
John Dishon 16 35 2 272 1

Old Cardinal
10-23-2005, 10:46 AM
Of course that is true WOS1. BC has started subbing as early as the second quarter in a number of games. Jadon Ellender(and others) goes in the QB a lot just like last night. Remember Tarver does not try to run up scores; he instead tries to build a little depth as the games go forward, when he can.

10-23-2005, 10:53 AM
Not trying to stir anything up, but are the Enterprise's stats right?



Player Att Yds Avg Tds

Dale Armand 58 551 9.5 8
John Dishon 65 498 7.7 8
Cody Roberts 3 66 22 1


Player Comp. Att Int Yds Tds

John Dishon 16 35 2 272 1
Jadon Ellender 2 3 0 18 0


Player Recpt. Yds Avg Tds

Derrick Coleman 5 84 16.8 1
Cody Sparks 4 61 15.3 0
Dale Armand 2 30 15 0
Ashton Elliott 1 37 37 0

Old Cardinal
10-23-2005, 11:09 AM
LOL You guys are grasping at straws to try to make this team look bad! What's wrong with these stats--this is primarily a running team with a good pass attack potential, when needed. Some of the passes were for a TD and some set up TDs real close in.
The "nations greatest HS football program" better have some coverage for Derrick Coleman(our fastest player) who caught one TD and set up one near the goaline in the last 3 games. Oh that's right, they did not even throw to him against Anahuac.
I really think you are grasping at straws again-- in trying to put down this team over this issue. LOL

They had receptions averaging near 20 yards--that shows alone that when they pass they are effective. Who could fault that but you two? LOL

10-23-2005, 12:28 PM
OC, you're the one grasping here. I asked a question and even qualified it by saying I'm not trying to agitate; rather, I was looking for information. I guess I forgot who I was asking, because you are always looking for controversy, whether it's there or not.

As far as the "trying to put you down" comments, please tell me how I'm doing that by asking if your stats are correct as reported. You made a comment that BC has used a bunch of offensive players this season; the Enterprise indicates only 3 people have earned stats rushing the ball and 2 players have passing yards. That's not a bunch in my book, but that's all I have to go by.

Old Cardinal
10-23-2005, 12:44 PM
OK, I don't play the stat game very well. It's been 45 years since I took a couple of Stat courses as a Senior in college and I was tickled to death to get a "B" in each of them!
I think those "stats" are abbreviated to the top 3 rushers and abbreviated on other things. Our other starting running back Jeff Fisette and sometimes Israel Rodriquez & Ernesto Jaquis have carried the ball a little. Also, they give the ball to others besides Cody Roberts when the 2nd team goes in.
Someone said you are/ or were on a sports staff. Is that true? Where?

Looks like we could never get along LOL you are a "nit-picker" and I am a "gross stater"--that is a bad combination to try to communicate with each other.

10-23-2005, 01:07 PM
Thank you for clearing that up. I wasn't sure if the stats were correct in the Enterprise; obviously they weren't. BTW, is Fisette related to the late Randy Fisette?

To answer your question, I am not on any sports staff -- I am a Federal probation officer. I worked for KOGT as the sports director for a little while and at the Penny/County Record for a while, but that was a few years back. As for getting along, I hope we can just agree to disagree on some things, but I also hope we can be pulling for each other's team come playoff time... :)

10-23-2005, 02:00 PM
OC, YOU need to calm your jets. YOU said they had a "good passing attack" and when I was reading it I also happened to have the Enterprise stats open because I had been looking at all the district teams stats. When you said that I figured I would go ahead and post his stats. That's all I did, why would you take that as an insult? I didn't make a statement one way or the other, I just merely posted his stats. Looks to me like YOU are grasping at straws. Why would me posting the stats of someone you mentioned be offensive to you?