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View Full Version : racism in nba dress code

10-21-2005, 07:57 PM
Well here we go again i just saw in the news about this being about race with the new dress code.
I find this to be a terrible thing that people have to stup to this level once again.
I know the problem will never go away but its time for people to grow up.
Hope this post does not get to poeple in a negitive way, not intended to in anyway.

10-21-2005, 08:13 PM
political correctness is just rampant. The NBA just wants to project a certain image. If they don't like the dress code, stop playing the game and go out and work like everyone else. Some coaches want their players in a tie. Some want theirs with decent slacks on........whatever. Since the league already has a thug reputation it does make sence why they don't want to project this image.

10-21-2005, 08:13 PM
this is stupid, any industry has a dress code, any business has a dress code...and david stern just made sure that this business has a dress code....

10-21-2005, 09:18 PM
they had a very good deal on espn.com the other day that showed pictures of basketball players coming into the arenas and asked for your opinion on the atttire. ITs not ust the thug life look, its the I just rolled out of bed five minutes ago and threw on some tattered jeans and a wrinkled tee shirt (Nowitzki and Nash) unprofessional look that they need to rid themselves of. I hate Iverson simply for the way he carries himself off the court. He looks like he just stepped out of Grand Theft Auto all the time. The doo rags and hats on sideways look is terrible IMO.

10-21-2005, 10:19 PM
I think the NBA would have continued to let this go unless they had some corporate sponsors making noise about it. You all know how pro sports leagues operate, $$$. There must have been the chance to lose some sponsors or the promise to make more $ by some other sponsors for the NBA to have decided to make a move here. It doesn't make sense that the NBA or David Stern is racist. The NBA is the most integrated sports league there is as far as management level positions go by far.