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View Full Version : Canton 34 Van 23

10-14-2005, 11:04 PM
It was a great game for both teams. I think the halftime show was probably the most entertaining. During the Canton band's performance, a person (I'm assuming a student) from Van streaked across the field in nothing but a jock strap and a Halloween mask. I think the best tackle of the night came when the guy on the Canton sidelines got him coming off the field!

Here are the scoring stats:

Van--Jermie Calhoun 80 yard TD run (kick good)

Canton--Barlow Reid 92 yard TD run (kick good) with 5:01 left in first

Canton--Houston Tuminello 35 yard TD pass from G.J. Kinne (kick good) with 9:52 left in half

Canton--G.J. Kinne 2 yard TD run (kick good) with 3:12 left in half

Van--Jermie Calhoun 15 yard TD run (kick good) with 43 seconds left in half

Van--Pennington 33 yard Field Goal with 5:12 left in third

Canton--Casey Bell 8 yard TD pass from Kinne (kick failed) with 2:38 left in third

Van--Calhoun 5 yard TD run (kick blocked) with 5:04 left in game

Canton--Reid 2 yard TD run (kick good) with 2:48 left in game

Congrats to the Eagles!!

10-14-2005, 11:36 PM
Awesome game. It went back and forth. Congrats to the Eagles, Big Night by Barlow Reid and Houston Tuminello. Best tackle all night was the guy that tackled the kid with just a jock strap on running on the field during halftime. It was funny!

10-14-2005, 11:39 PM
Congrats to the Eagles on the win. Hope they can run the table and get into the playoffs after last year's big disappointment---they deserve to go.

10-15-2005, 12:20 AM
A streaker?????? Cool!