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View Full Version : BC Update

09-27-2005, 07:40 PM
I have just arrived in lake jackson, texas today after taking a tour of the golden triangle and jasper areas. I went and surveyed damage and my findings have supported some of our faithful, yet maybe partially crazy for staying during the storm posters. My house is fine!:) But good lord there are extreme amounts of wind damage throughout the area. Trees, trees, trees... all around and not a one standing up. In the suncrest area of bridge city, not a single house was damaged seriously. If you had a privacy fence, i'm betting it's gone. One of our large trees ended up in the pool, the fence is gone and if you had anything sitting outside for some reason, it's gone. I have also noticed many of the "newer" metal roofs are either gone or peeled back like a sardine can. I did check out my grandmother's house on rachal in bridge city and it had a 2x4 that had flown through the air and stuck in the side of the house, penetrating the entire wall.... It's amazing if you see first hand the damage that has been done, you will respect mother nature much more after walking through the aftermath. If anyone is interested I do have a few pictures, some video and if I can figure out how to get them to you from my phone i will let you see them. Also if you have any questions I MAY be able to help you with the BC area. God bless you all and the best of luck. Maybe we need to get a work party together to clean up our town!

LH Panther Mom
09-27-2005, 07:43 PM
I'm glad that things weren't as bad as you maybe anticipated. I hope you waited until yesterday to make the trip over, even though I know how worried you had to be.

09-27-2005, 07:50 PM
Went today actually, it was getting worse as we went south and I swear I've never been so nervous in my life! I saw one trailer behind our house completely obliterated.