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View Full Version : We may see another problem with the BCS this year...

09-25-2005, 10:50 AM
Right now it looks that if the BCS were ranking their teams it'd be:


Since they're in a tough confrence, LSU could maybe lose a game... but say that they are ranked at #3 or heck, I'd even say #4 at the end of the year, can you imagine how many charity votes that they would receive to get them into the title game since they are from LA who has been hit hard by two hurricanes?

Yet another flaw in the system...

09-25-2005, 11:05 AM
That is a very possible scenario........if LSU remains undefeated. They do play in a tough conference, they still have to play Georgia, Florida, and the SEC Championship game. Right now I don't know if that is possible.

PhiI C
09-25-2005, 11:30 AM
I saw it too Gobbla. And don't forget Virginia Tech is doing very well. Even if UT makes it I hope there is lots of controversy again. Division 1 needs to get a playoff system. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime but hopefully the next generation will right this wrong. One sportswriter has already said it should be Virginia Tech and USC in the Rose Bowl. And don't forget the BCS has done everything this year to help USC in that the national championship game will be in the Rose Bowl which means they have home field advantage.

09-25-2005, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
Right now it looks that if the BCS were ranking their teams it'd be:


Since they're in a tough confrence, LSU could maybe lose a game... but say that they are ranked at #3 or heck, I'd even say #4 at the end of the year, can you imagine how many charity votes that they would receive to get them into the title game since they are from LA who has been hit hard by two hurricanes?

Yet another flaw in the system... i assume that you assume texas is going undefeted.

PhiI C
09-25-2005, 11:44 AM
lot that is probably the assumption for all the teams. Nothing is certain and upsets are common. Even USC was fortunate to defeat California last year.

09-25-2005, 11:51 AM
I do assume Texas will go undefeated, not easily, but yes, I do think that...

but just to not be a homer let's say it's:


maybe even at 4th it's still possible that the 2nd place team would get shafted by a few 'charity' voters... and it would be wrong...

If we're going to have a screwed up system, can we atleast make sure that the screwed up system is fair? ha

09-25-2005, 11:53 AM
that my point. although a very interesting topic (and we certainly need a few) there is a whole lot of ball to be played yet. i think chances of texas going undefeated is small. that still does not mean they are not one of best teams in country. it is just very difficult to do.

PhiI C
09-25-2005, 02:09 PM
los is right there. It is hard for a team to not lose at least one game a year nowadays and that is why we need a real playoff system instead of those that are just fortunate to get through the season undefeated.

09-25-2005, 02:12 PM
Yah, could you have imagined Louisville getting into the big game because they went undefeated with a weak schedule??? Luckily South Florida showed us yesterday that it would have been a mistake... made Louisville look like the team Tech played...

big daddy russ
09-25-2005, 03:55 PM
I hope it happens. The best team in the nation got shafted out of a national title last year. What if Virginia Tech (who does have a better defense than USC) goes undefeated but doesn't get into the title game? Then you could argue that we're back to the AP days when Penn State, the best team in the nation, got shafted on a yearly basis.

PhiI C
09-25-2005, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by big daddy russ
I hope it happens. The best team in the nation got shafted out of a national title last year. What if Virginia Tech (who does have a better defense than USC) goes undefeated but doesn't get into the title game? Then you could argue that we're back to the AP days when Penn State, the best team in the nation, got shafted on a yearly basis.

Penn State didn't get shafted in 1969 because they could have faced undefeated Texas in the Cotton Bowl but chose to have fun in the sun in Miami so Texas faced Notre Dame. Joe Paterno wanted to face Texas but he let his players make the choice. He should have put his foot down that time but he goofed and then whinned along with all the politicians from PA. Soldiers were losing their lives and getting wounded in Vietnam and they raised more sand about football than that. If they had raised sand about the War lives and injuries might have been saved. Actually that year Texas, Arkansas and Ohio State were better than Penn State in my opinion.