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View Full Version : PI Vs Falfurrias

09-22-2005, 10:07 PM
Fal beats PI 28-14 tonight in Fal.

BTW, did I mention OMG!!!!:eek: :eek: :(

... and I am going to cry!!!!

09-22-2005, 10:09 PM

09-22-2005, 11:12 PM
I just recieved a call that the Tarpons Charter bus, was in an accident, but the Tarpons are OK, the other vehicle was hit and is smashed( A durango or something) and they were checking on them, accident happenend somewhere by Encino. Don't have much details yet, well update when I find out.

Talk about adding insult to injury, or in this case the other way around.

09-22-2005, 11:43 PM
The boys were eating on the bus and then they stopped all of a sudden. Details are sketchy, it turns out it was a Durango and a truck (which flipped over)involved in the accident and that the door to the charter bus is broken and won't open, besides the coaches won't let them off the bus. They are taking them all to the hospital to check them and make sure everybody is alright. That's all I know, and I won't get an update until tomorrow morning.

LH Panther Mom
09-22-2005, 11:47 PM
Oh, man! Sorry to hear that. Please update us when you know more.....I hope all are okay.

LH Panther Mom
09-22-2005, 11:47 PM
Oh, man! Sorry to hear that. Please update us when you know more.....I hope all are okay.